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  • #21
    Originally posted by 2000GT View Post
    I can't even smell the none in it (probably a good thing). Steve, when you get ready to do another batch with the beautifier, let us know. My biggest question for you is, what options do we have to reduce or eliminate the crash and burn aspect of this mix? Also, the beautifier, is it something that will have an effect on both the target and the user or more for the user?

    As for my impressions, it's good, I like it, even with the crash, you're guaranteed to get hits off of it. It does remind me of the other mix we talked about but with an increased range of who's affected by it. the previous mix was more specific, I only saw it on certain targets. This reminds me more like a bomb.
    By lowering the one "trick" component I explained to you guys via private messages I think we can alleviate the crash you are experiencing. It will take some testing. The beautifier will just work to create a bit of the beer goggle effect where everything looks nice and shiny, maybe when its not. Pheromones do not discriminate on who they work on so I don't think its possible to add something that only works on everyone else except you.

    I did this all from research because as I mentioned I didn't really have a memory of it either way. I was able to get a tiny bit for comparison but I think it lost its potency because I didn't get a thing off it. Once I had that aha moment it was easy, but I like to take things to the XS. I'll work on some tweaks for it.

    Steve O

    This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

    A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

    discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

    Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
    Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


    • #22
      More reports...

      Spoke with Steve and Idle about this one. There's this 24 year old Bulgarian life guard at this hotel I frequent when I'm working in Baltimore. Last time I was there, we had some conversation going but it wasn't much to my liking and I had assumed that she was single (No ring was on her finger, no mentioning of a boy friend, etc). After discussing the situation, it was decided that since all I had in my arsenal was XS99, Impact and Exotica, 99 was the way to go. So I hit the gym, finish up, wash up and and apply two sprays of 99 and (yes, we said I shouldn't but I wanted to give it a run for the heck of it) a half a spray of Impact. As usual from last time, she was polite and friendly though slightly quiet. I was hanging out in the pool (kept my neck above water the whole time) so the diffusion did take a while to reach her, eventually she started opening up and we had some good conversations going about a variety of things, where she's from, home (not from Sofia btw), why she came here aaaaaaand...she started talking about her husband. Ceste le vi but at least she opened up quite a bit more.

      Head back to my room, wash up, gave a VERY serious scrub down of the app locations and re-applied the same dosing but a full spray of Impact. Headed over to the local Chili's to get some food. I head to the bar and thankfully see a good looking bar tender. AT this point, I have a good swagger going and walk in like I own the place. Grab a stool, made some quick casual chitchat with the bar tender and within two minutes of exposure, the guy next to me, we were having some good conversations about his daughter turning 18 and how at that age, a good way to spook the kids straight is mentioning enlisting, polishing a shotgun when the daughter brings her BF home to meet him (turns out he actually does have a shotgun) and some stuff regarding my family. Basically, after talking to Steve, I want to revise my nickname for XS99 and change it to IBF: Instant Best Friend. People don't "want" to be your best friend, they act like they ARE your best friend. Barriers come down and vanish like a fart in a hurricane. This guy who I just met, we were having a conversation like two old friends catching up after not seeing each other in a while. Meanwhile, the bartender and I are chatting up over weightlifting and nutrition, granted she was busy so her attention was diverted but no number but I managed to get her name and it turns out she's there usually on the evenings so I know to swing by there the next time I'm in the area. Didn't see any major IOI's but the swagger from Impact, plus the comradery with this perfect stranger, that alone gets you good status points. It shows that you can be a social butterfly and people feel comfortable around you. This really is a fascinating combo, one I suggest that is tried out once this goes to beta stage. GHOST, give it a try dude, 99 is an instant knockout for me. Status hits and social bonding from everyone plus a good solid sexual edge.

      Okay my friends, I'm clocking out. Impact crash has commenced and I'm wicked sleepy. Via con Dios!


      • #23
        Does this have some weird type of A1 that still has a crash but affects men like its supposed to affect women? This is what it sounds like to me. Connections with and A1 type molecule.


        • #24
          Magnus the crash is from a molecule in impact, it's one of the research molecules GT will have to get me some 99, would you say it is similar to p74? I have another solo test of impact on its way so stay tuned.


          • #25
            @magnus: Negatory, good sir. 99 has some pregnalones in it as well as a few others that I'm not entirely sure of, possibly some bnols. Impact on the other hand, does not have A-1. It's not a mix to generate a crush feeling. Combine the two together and you get the best friend energy which really is great for status with guys and gals, but the umph from impact to get the lady's attention and in some cases, they will open you. Even if they don't, this combo makes it very easy, for me at least. Would love to see what ghost gets from it. The crash is from something else that needs a few adjustments a and then it will be good.


            • #26
              Not sure, dude. Never messed with p74. Only single molecules I played with was p83 and p97. If Steve finds out what p83 is, I think that would add some interesting effects to impact.


              • #27
                I'm holding off on doing long reports on this mix until the whole not being able to use paragraphs on mobile devices gets fixed. I don't have a pc or laptop at the moment, I only have me iPad and my phone. I did have an amazing experience with 1 spray impact + 2 sprays magnetic last night with a girl Iv been after for a while, one word sums it up EXPLOSIVE, got the sheets on a hot wash as we speak lol.


                • #28
                  I think we are close to P83 breakthrough. I also am anticipating an update to the forum soon. Ghost if you want we can edit your posts for paragraphs if that would be okay with you?

                  I am also sending you guys an improved alpha stage version too. I added a beautifier and lowered the dosage of the trick molecule. I only used it once because I've been having so much fun with XS129 PSE affectionately known as slut mix. In fact I sit at BuckyStars awaiting the end of shift for a most lovely little thing with the most amazing body who I will be closing the deal on in about one hour. In the meantime I'm on a release party roll. So yeah I used it once and it seemed to help with that crash effect. I felt fine during and after. It still impacted hard too.

                  Steve O

                  This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                  A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                  discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                  Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                  Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                  • #29
                    Cool I will say one thing that's a bonus about Impact's first stage. I wore it last week at badminton practice (damned if I know why I did that) with a shot of XS99. I was definitely on my A game. It was weird because my reaction time was greatly increased and everything seemed to move almost in slow motion. Had a wicked sore arm the next day though. No hits from Impact, plenty from XS99, the typical best friend vibe you and I discussed.

                    But, less crash and burn is cool. I'm also curious how this would work with whatever you discover P83 to be once you reach that point.


                    • #30
                      New alpha batch has been mixed and pre-tested over the weekend. I'm wearing it in BuckyStars right now and yeah it is hitting hard. There's a girl with her boyfriend here. She's wearing those tight office slacks like she's coming from work. Very form fitting and great assets. She keeps going up to the counter which is right in front of my seat and bending at the waste to look at pastries. Funny she isn't ordering anything.

                      She went to the bathroom and smiled on the way in and out at me. Boyfriend is pretty big dude. Plus the girl I'm having a PSE with is here working. Bad combo, but great results. I'll build you a link and PM you guys. I think I solved that burnout as its two hours in and I feel great. Added beautifier too.

                      Steve O

                      This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                      A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                      discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                      Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                      Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                      • 2000GT
                        2000GT commented
                        Editing a comment

                    • #31
                      I moved all the posts about P83 to its own thread in off topic other vendors. I'm sorry I hijacked your thread, it wasn't my intent:(

                      Anyone interested in continuing the P83 thread you'll find it here: https://discoverxs.com/forum/other-v...hat-does-it-do

                      Steve O

                      This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                      A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                      discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                      Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                      Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                      • #32
                        Had a test run with the latest edition. Unfortunately, this was not at a bar but it was a good opportunity to see how the two other special ingredients worked together.

                        Locations: Metro station, train and outside
                        dosage: 2 sprays at the neck
                        cover: Creed Bois Du Portugal (very good silage)

                        Effects on others: none that I could see. Though to be fair, it was quite windy yesterday, so I would have been shocked if I got any hits off of it.
                        Self effects: still had good focus but it felt more sharp this time, refined, not as heavy and fast as the last dosage, no crash this time. I noticed that pretty much all women looked good, even if they were clearly not. Those that I would normally have cringed at the thought, didn't cringe. I didn't get interested, but I didn't cringe. But otherwise, I was definitely noticing all the women about me and there were a lot of them.

                        Correction, one possible hit, or just a very friendly store clerk. I went into a deli to get something to drink before heading home. The woman at the register was Asian, early to mid 30's, even with my phero enhanced vision, she was quite lovely. Definite eye contact between the two of us, she was chatty, very friendly, didn't see that degree of friendliness towards other patrons though to be fair, she was friendly with everyone, just more so with me. Still need to get this going in an environment that is more conductive to what this was designed to do, but so far, I like this version.


                        • #33
                          I wore impact out and about last night and today. I see the beautification big time. I also get the long range looks from women. I didn't notice shit tests but I will keep testing.


                          • #34
                            Its significantly lighter than the last time as for mones, but even now still pretty heavy. I would say you could wear anywhere between 4-8 sprays. Maybe more. That's the idea of alpha testing. I wore 6 the other day and the hits were solid. No crash and burn either.

                            Steve O

                            This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                            A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                            discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                            Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                            Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                            • 2000GT
                              2000GT commented
                              Editing a comment
                              6??? wow. I'm used to running with 2 at max with most of your mixes.

                            • XSteveO
                              XSteveO commented
                              Editing a comment
                              This is considering last time you were wearing over 50mcg per spray. Had to tone it down so I can bring it back up.

                          • #35
                            I'll be doing my first test of this later today. I had forgotten that this was a over the top sexual mix. Now it makes me wonder just how this would work in combination with PSE? PSE seems sexual to me as well. Where as neither Evolve nor Taboo have pushed hard in that direction for me. Write more tomorrow.


                            • #36
                              I can attest to long Range hits at four sprays big time. I plan to run tomorrow night with some students. I will report back the good and the bad.


                              • #37
                                Impact Testing Day One

                                1 1/2 sprays including the first out of the bottle.

                                12 hours later and I can still smell the scent of this mix strongly around me.

                                Only place I went today was out to take my god daughter to a dance and to get a drink at the fast stop. 2 bums who looked like they were slinging meth started to approach me and when they got within 10 feet suddenly turned around and went the opposite direction faster than they walked toward me. Few women in the store but none I was interested in so I didn't even try to approach. I walked by all of them and noticed no interest on their part at all.

                                Back at my friend's house we sat and talked until time to pick the kid up and brought her home again. She was depressed for some reason and distant which is very much unlike her. She went to bed early so she might not have felt good. She acted like she didn't.

                                Strangely enough I noticed no beautification effects whatsoever. Tiredness was light to nonexistent. I got a little tired early in the evening but it was slight and could have been from just being tired.

                                Felt depressed and angry for half the evening, kept thinking about an ex of mine. The thought that she ended up with everything she wanted and I ended up back where I started...alone. And the anger started to build.

                                Noticed no hits off this whatsoever.

                                Self Effects: Any thoughts of sex caused instant arousal. I felt pretty good for a couple hours but later on I started feeling depressed and angry. Anger startrd occurring after about 5 hours and started going away after about 11 hours.

                                Keywords: Arousal, slight energy

                                No idea whats going on with this whatsoever yet.

                                Test 2 tomorrow with access to one of my main targets. 22 year old blonde I'm mentioned before. Going to up to 3 sprays tomorrow.
                                Last edited by Magnus; 03-22-2014, 04:42 PM.


                                • #38
                                  Great report Magnus. This blend has been absolutely magic for me and the alpha testers. I'm really surprised you're not getting the same results. Depression? Now that is indeed quite odd. Not even a smidgen of A1 or anything like it in this one. Its actually quite tame and simple, which makes it fascinating why it works so well for me.

                                  Steve O
                                  PLEASE DON'T PRIVATE MESSAGE ME. I'M MONTHS BEHIND.

                                  This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                                  A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                                  discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                                  Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                                  Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                                  • #39
                                    The depression might be on my end Steve, not blaming the mix at all.

                                    Almost 24 hours after application I just got a strong whiff on the mones from this mix just a few minutes ago. I mean like an intense whiff. lol

                                    Its long lasting, and I'm hoping it does something when I'm not around women who are friends. Looking back there may have been some syntribation by one woman last night....not really sure.


                                    • #40
                                      And that's why you should always start with one spray and build your way up but great findings nonetheless!


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