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Pherotruth down :o

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  • #41
    ScentHero Yes, Mark in Dallas. Sad to hear about his passing and thanks to SteveO for some of the backstory regarding his sudden / unexpected illness. He was younger than myself which in itself can be scary as none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

    While it's in the very beginning stages a small group of us are, hopefully, going to continue upon the foundation that Mark had hosted. It's going to be a bit of time while things before things are ready for prime time but I hope it will honor the effort Mark originally gave us.
    My Journal: Fever's Follies

    My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


    • #42
      Gladen was running PT in the recent year or two.


      • #43
        So sad to hear about this. 😔
        I would like to thank Mark for the forum and everything he did for us. This news really saddens me. I spent many hours of my young life going through the forum and reading about pheromones. I’m thankful for finding his forum when I was young because it played an important role on helping me self improve in several things as i grew.
        Rest in peace 🕊️


        • #44
          So the current state of PheroTruth is that while the live version is still down, all of you can try your luck with Wayback Machine, it has some of the threads archived, but not all of them. Also some threads only have partial pages archived.
          Products I own:
          Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
          Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
          PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
          James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
          Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


          • #45
            Seriously so sad that pherotruth is gone...I am thankful to have the discoverXS forum, I think I would have a meltdown if something happened to this site.

            With that said I never would have found out about XS without pherotruth or even heard of the reputable brands that sparked this whole journey for me. It's sad that a lot of pheromone companies and sites do so well and then disappear (Androtics, pherotruth, pherotalk)....
            I'm happy to say I now own all women's and unisex XS products on the site

            Molecules: B-nol, A-nol, xsp82, xsp86, xsp74, xsp96, xsp106, xsp107, xsr32, xsr46, DHEAS


            • #46
              I had been working on trying to bring a PT-like forum back online, but haven't found anyone who would help pick up the ball on bringing the forums in line to what was on the original (I'm currently in the midst of a life event which is demanding an excessive amount of time). A domain name has been secured, the server is running and a more-or-less forum structure is in place but I simply lack the resources (time) to tweak things the way they should be before throwing the site into live mode.

              I agree, thank goodness for the DXS forum, and SteveO and crew are wonderful, but I would feel guilty to have large scale discussions about competing products here. The old PT was great as it covered multiple vendors and was, for the most part, based on user experiences rather than those trying to game the system.
              My Journal: Fever's Follies

              My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


              • Marriedmones
                Marriedmones commented
                Editing a comment
                I reached out to Joe Masters from the house of pheromones, before I got the information on Mark RIP 😪, and he said he's working on putting a form together. Maybe you guys could work together.

            • #47
              I was a long time lurker on Pherotruth; been out from the scene for a couple years, it's some days I have found this bad surprise. Very very unfortunate. RIP to the forum owner/chief, will be forever gratefull and never forgetful, but is there really 0 chances to retrieve the huge wealth of discussions that was there? No survivors/relatives that could help?


              • #48
                Gloomoon Unfortunately, with the server no longer in existence there's no way to get the database that ran the software, so it looks like it will be a 100% manual task to reburb the site. While it won't be 100% like Mark's site the mission is to keep the info and a gathering place alive for enthusiasts.
                My Journal: Fever's Follies

                My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


                • #49
                  Originally posted by Johnny Fever View Post
                  Gloomoon Unfortunately, with the server no longer in existence there's no way to get the database that ran the software, so it looks like it will be a 100% manual task to reburb the site. While it won't be 100% like Mark's site the mission is to keep the info and a gathering place alive for enthusiasts.
                  What you mean by "manual task", and what happened to the servers? When was the last time site was on?


                  • #50
                    The site was last up til the end of June or early July as when Mark passed either his rental for the servers expired or, if he was running his own, were likely taken out of service since his passing. It's going to take participants to re-populate the site with new info since there's no master database to restore the server software, in spite of being able to use the identical forum software. Without the database there's no easy way to restore the former forum to the way it was before the plug was pulled. We can, at least, carry on Mark's mission with a new site, though it will take time to build it up to come to where the legacy site was. Lots of information can be lost but, with luck, former participants will return and hopefully re-share their experiences.
                    My Journal: Fever's Follies

                    My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


                    • #51
                      After trying to login after many months of absence on PT, I came across this. Devastating! RIP Mark. The information on that forum was absolute gold.


                      • #52
                        Ok, so there are talks about rebuilding the PT forum, I think I found something that might be helpful to this project, as well as a bit astonishing to me, hopefully DXS has something similar like this as well in case similar thing happens here.


                        This is an RSS channel that has EVERY damn "OP Post" of each thread on PheroTruth, published as an article. It is organized by date, and has the original thread titles, only things that are missing are the replies to each thread. So more or less, if there are more information posted as replies in each thread, those will still be missing, but this is many times better than Wayback Machine, as some threads posted after Jun 7th is not archived at all.

                        My theory is that Mark turned on an "auto RSS recording" feature for PT, and every time someone made a thread, this channel auto generates an "article", it has everything up until the last moment before PT went down.
                        Products I own:
                        Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                        Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                        PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                        James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                        Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                        • #53
                          That's interesting, but not sure how it would be able to be imported into the forum software. In an attempt to emulate the forums software with what Mark was using I've run into assorted glitches from installing themes and other ancillary pieces. I've had one other forum member assisting me due to limited time (though I'm donating server space and replacement domain name). May end up replacing MyBB with something else.

                          It would be great to restore all past threads as my own desire is to keep a site like Mark's alive, for both reference as well as a universal, non vendor-specific resource. SteveO and crew are quite nice to allow discussion here outside of the PXS universe but would like to respect his brand, hence the reasoning for wanting to continue Mark's mission.
                          My Journal: Fever's Follies

                          My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


                          • #54
                            Originally posted by masterfu678 View Post
                            Ok, so there are talks about rebuilding the PT forum, I think I found something that might be helpful to this project, as well as a bit astonishing to me, hopefully DXS has something similar like this as well in case similar thing happens here.


                            This is an RSS channel that has EVERY damn "OP Post" of each thread on PheroTruth, published as an article. It is organized by date, and has the original thread titles, only things that are missing are the replies to each thread. So more or less, if there are more information posted as replies in each thread, those will still be missing, but this is many times better than Wayback Machine, as some threads posted after Jun 7th is not archived at all.

                            My theory is that Mark turned on an "auto RSS recording" feature for PT, and every time someone made a thread, this channel auto generates an "article", it has everything up until the last moment before PT went down.
                            You will have no lack of ideas for forum threads.


                            • #55

                              I've just joined as I noticed a couple of months ago that PheroTruth went down and now found that some PT members are here and it's allowed to talk about other companies' pheromones too. I haven't used DiscoverXS products myself and have only tried 3 of Alpha Dream's.

                              Although I didn't know Mark Weber personally I appreciate his work creating a really useful resource like PheroTruth. My condolences to his relatives, friends and other close ones, R.I.P.

                              But the info posted above about site last being up in late June or early July is misleading. Actually it was last up in late September or early October or so.


                              • #56
                                Well, according to what search engines spidered and cached it appears PT originally went down in late June or early July, confirmed by Mark's personal website going down simultaneously, likely due to his own machine being shut down or a renewal of sub-contracted services having lapsed.

                                Behind the scenes, a small group of enthusiasts are working to bring back a site to carry on Mark's original mission. More news and news is available.
                                My Journal: Fever's Follies

                                My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


                                • #57
                                  I don't know when it originally went down but here the talk was about when it was last up, so it's possible that it was down for a shorter period in June or July too but as I was browsing it fairly often I can say that most of the time it was up (when I checked it anyway).

                                  It defo wasn't last up in early July/late June, that's just wrong info. So here's some info for you that proves otherwise.
                                  Firstly, a thread that I was subscribed to received a reply on 30 July and I have email proof about that.
                                  Secondly, I sent a private message to someone in the midde of August or so (don't have proof of that tho).
                                  Thirdly, masterfu678 posted an RSS channel, which includes many PheroTruth posts and apparently latest one is from 26 September and there are quite a few others from September! So to conclude it was last up no earlier than on 26 September 2023.

                                  But good to know that new PheroTruth or similar is being created!


                                  • #58
                                    Wtf, been away from DXS and PT for a while, and now Pherotruth is gone ? Mark is gone ? It is such a loss to lose one of the pioneers in the Pheromone world, and a huge setback to lose Pherotruth too. All of my pheromone journey till date, would have been non-existent if not for Pherotruth, brings back such memories, nostalgia.

                                    RIP Mark, you will not be forgotten in the pheromone world.
                                    Experiment, Experiment, Experiment !!!


                                    • #59
                                      May be a shot in the dark but I did reach out to the domain registrar to get some details. That site is archive gold and 8 years of great data from me is on there.


                                      • #60
                                        Hello everyone,

                                        I work in the IT industry and am trying to find a way to make this concentrated knowledge available to all pheromone lovers in a simple way. I have already been able to extract data from 2009 to July 2023 from various archives and could make it available as a website in the design of the well-known forum.
                                        Of course it would be better to be able to continue the forum again, but this is technically not possible without the data from the server. I would be happy to provide support or answer any questions you may have.
                                        From my point of view, a new forum would be the better option to keep it up-to-date and make the data from Pherotruth available as an archive for the members.
                                        What do you think?

                                        There is still much to learn in this world. Especially the world of pheromones
                                        PXS: Taboo (Spray/Oil), SOB (Oil), Ascent (Spray/Oil) Evolve (Spray/Oil), XiSt (Oil), Cohesion (Oil), Destroyer XS148, Sex Magic XS179, Domination (Oil), Barely Legal (Spray), Dominant Ascend (Spray), XS115
                                        LAL: Bad Wolf, Wolf, Vodoo, SXD-9, Nude Alpha), Dirty Primitive, MAX-T-150, Aqua Vitae, Nude, Asia, AlphaQ.
                                        PT: The Hookup, Zero to 69, Escape The Friend Zone, Grail of Affection, Swoon
                                        AP: M3X, Core


                                        • Muestereate
                                          Muestereate commented
                                          Editing a comment
                                          How big is this and does it have any logical divisions to break it segment it?

                                      Ad down
