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Ascend having side effects?

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  • #21
    bogdy If I was having a situation where I thought I might be A1 sensitive, this is what I'd do.

    1) Since Cohesion is kind of a "crushy" pheromone, I'd start looking at other products that probably do NOT have A1 that are still "crushy"... such as Voodoo, XiSt, Nude, Nude Alpha.

    2) Email customer support at PXS, Liquid Alchemy Labs, and Pheromone Treasures to ask which formulas do and do NOT have A1. Explain why you are asking because you might have an A1 sensitivity.

    3) Keep in mind that there are many ways with pheromones to have women be comfortable around you and feel crushy towards you.

    4) Email houseofpheromones for his opinon.

    5) Some people regard p96 (or xsp96) as an A1 substitute that has fewer (or no) negative effects. Although, I agree with GHOST that it may not be a complete substitute.

    6) In terms of crushy formulas, Grail of Affection from Pheromone Treasures has A1, so maybe not that. Also containing A1 are Crush, Cohesion, and Barely Legal.


    • #22
      Xcc thanks for your input, I have got a girlfriend lately so yes, a1 would be good, because she is really nice and I want to make her fall for me. Anyway xist might be a good start?


      • #23
        Well Ixist this sucks you know, my first 2 pheromones I bought both have a1. I should be warning there or like a buyer guide for newbies. Anyway I will go further I want to test ascend +cohesion for like 10 days to see if there is any improvement over time, maybe my bosy will get used to it and will accept it. Does someone know, did anyone did this before?and what results?
        knowledgeispower Xcc GHOST theLaw


        • #24
          Originally posted by bogdy View Post
          Well Ixist this sucks you know, my first 2 pheromones I bought both have a1. I should be warning there or like a buyer guide for newbies. Anyway I will go further I want to test ascend +cohesion for like 10 days to see if there is any improvement over time, maybe my bosy will get used to it and will accept it. Does someone know, did anyone did this before?and what results?
          knowledgeispower Xcc GHOST theLaw
          To be fair the A1 in ascend and taboo is very little. On top of that it's well buffered by all the other mones. For example cohesion was created specifically to counter the depressive effects of A1 as SteveO himself suffers from it. That being said, in rare cases someone may have extra sensitivity. It is unfortunate and maybe you should ask for a refund so you can try another product. It is a bit unusual in all honesty so it may be you are extra sensitive. For me, I get lethargic and depressed with Crush which is unbuffered A1, but I don't have too much issue with cohesion and definitely never had any issues with ascend or taboo. But again it can vary person to person but I would say the vast majority don't have any issues with ascend and taboo/cohesion because they are well buffered.
          PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
          Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
          Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
          Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
          AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


          • #25
            bogdy Although A1 is often pointed at as the "fallout" or "in love" molecule, there seem to be other formulas or pheromones associated with those feelings.

            I don't know if your situation with A1 will get better with time. If A1 was giving me problems, I'd get formulas without it. XiSt, Voodoo, Nude, and Nude Alpha would be where I'd start. I'd also encourage you to re-read this:


            The way I found out I was fine with A1 was because I just used A1 and noticed no bad effects. The only way I think you know is if you experiment.
            Last edited by Xcc; 10-07-2016, 03:54 PM.


            • #26
              bogdy I think you will get used to it. At least you will have a really good idea how A1 effects you. If you feel that it's effecting your in a severely negative way, wash it off. Sometimes also adding a social/unisexy blend like Bliss will help.

              Some of the best and most successful blends contain A1. It's really unfortunate it has bad side effects for some of us. I am A1 sensitive and I do get those depressing and insecure feelings from it sometimes. It's really not that bad though and I can handle it. If it gets really bad, I will just stop using it for a while.

              I'm naturally very energetic and usually never get depressed. So it's strange A1 effects me that way. I'm ok with it because these blends work extremely well on all the females I come in contact with.

              Cohesion is buffered pretty well, and it's not as bad as straight A1. Cohesion is my to go instead of straight A1 actually. To me it's better

              Also Taboo is very well balanced. I don't get any of the side effects from A1 in it. Taboo solo puts me in a really good mood. It's great blend

              So, don't give up on it. A1 is a great molecule! It's extremely powerful, and extremely attractive


              • #27
                Hey bogdy I found an old thread on PheroTruth that mentions eNONE can cause anxiety in some users:


                Too much none (OD) causes anxiety. This is due to flight or fight syndrome generated by your body perceived its in danger of competitive men. This is what Garry from LAl told me .

                There is no fixed threshold this anxiety occurs at, its different for different people.

                One person "XyzN" posted:

                I've had anxiety using Ascend oil @ 2 drops without a buffer product, mostly during the first times I used it, could genuinely feel the power radiating off me. Probably the amount of -rones I'm not used to. not to be confused with anger though.

                So maybe it's not the A1?
                PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                • #28
                  Also check this out:

                  PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                  Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                  Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                  Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                  AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                  • #29
                    Today was my 2nd day of wearing ascend without any negative side effects. It figured out that my moods influences how the Ascend will work for me.
                    ???Only one thing but I don't think it's a ascend side effect, more likely from my personality, it's that I acted rather arogant these 2 days. Anyway I didn't have bad results from my behavior, but I don't really like arrogance when I see it in others so I don't want to act that way myself.


                    • #30
                      I used 2 drops of ascend without COPulins (oil) and 1 drop of cohesion (oil also)


                      • #31
                        Originally posted by bogdy View Post
                        Today was my 2nd day of wearing ascend without any negative side effects. It figured out that my moods influences how the Ascend will work for me.
                        ???Only one thing but I don't think it's a ascend side effect, more likely from my personality, it's that I acted rather arogant these 2 days. Anyway I didn't have bad results from my behavior, but I don't really like arrogance when I see it in others so I don't want to act that way myself.
                        Your ascend is without copulins? I get the same effects you speak of (arrogance) but usually only when I wear it with copulins. Although the eRONE may induce that usually copulins are the biggest reason.
                        PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                        Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                        Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                        Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                        AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                        • #32
                          bogdy Good on you for having such insight! It could be you might be more sensitive to the effects of mones and then are feeling (or acting) arrogant. I'd encourage you to think about starting with 1 spray (or 1 drop), and then maybe work your way up to the maximum recommended dose. Some times less is more. Another option would be to get the Ascend without the copulins.


                          • knowledgeispower
                            knowledgeispower commented
                            Editing a comment
                            I think he said his IS without copulins

                        • #33
                          I got it without COPulins, but I have a sample of desire me just in case, already mixed some ascend + desire me is a separate bottle (6:1 ratio A:cops)
                          Why???? it's better to have it without cops anyway Xcc?


                          • #34
                            bogdy Ascend with cops and Ascend without cops are very different in my opinion. Without cops it's much darker, where you might feel the A1 side effects more.

                            Ascend with cops has amazing self effects. I feel like the A1 dark side is completely overshadowed by the power of cops!

                            Everytime I smell cops, I get a really good feeling. It's almost like I can see clearer, like I had some really good coffee feeling! Lol If that makes any sense. It's kind of euphoric to me

                            I'm thinking of buying some cops, when/if it becomes available on the website, purely for self effect. Even though I hate the smell, I really, really love how it makes me feel

                            I'll just put some under my nose lol

                            They smell like molded cheese, or bad milk to me eww lol


                            • #35
                              Ixist they have desire me oil for men that is 100% cops.


                              • Ixist
                                Ixist commented
                                Editing a comment
                                I'll look in to that, maybe I'll get Desire Me for now. Oil is great, so I can just put a drop under my nose lol

                            • #36
                              Originally posted by bogdy View Post
                              Ixist they have desire me oil for men that is 100% cops.
                              Thanks for reminding me, I'll have to pick it up! By any chance do you know how concentrated desire me is? From what SteveO has said 1 drop of cops is split amongst 3 bottles of Ascend, which is insane because that means 1 drop is divided amongst 30 ml of Ascend....is this really that potent? I think it was you or maybe someone else who asked this question once....

                              I should add that roughly it comes down to 139 mcg of cops/drop of oil based on the website
                              PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                              Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                              Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                              Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                              AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                              • #37
                                bogdy I have a personal preference of wearing Ascend without copulins in a work environment. Just a personal preference. But knowledgeispower has been making my ideas about this more flexible.


                                • MychaelAngelo1985
                                  MychaelAngelo1985 commented
                                  Editing a comment
                                  My experience with cops are the same as knowledgeispower. Everything he says is right. Listen to him and Read my post tomorrow. Cops are a must have

                              • #38
                                Xcc give it another try at one drop and try it low..yes down below. Trust me


                                • #39
                                  MychaelAngelo1985 Makes sense! Thanks for the idea!


                                  • #40
                                    Originally posted by MychaelAngelo1985 View Post
                                    Xcc give it another try at one drop and try it low..yes down below. Trust me
                                    Can I apply ascend + cops down there

                                    ???Sorry for beeing indiscreet, but on the balls or pubes?


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