What are you wearing today?
1x Vibes
1-2x of 102, EST, Neno
1 tiiiiiny swipe of BBM
I remembered Vibes + Neno being a very attracting combination so I wanted to try it again, this time with a few friends: EST for that soft, girlie element, P102 to beautify, and cops for just a smidge of sex appeal.
It was a nice combo! I noticed there was subtle an element of respect which was unexpected but easily softened with extended eye contact. Almost like people needed me to look at them first to make it okay for them to look at me, if that makes any sense. I wonder if this is the neno or the 102. Either way nice, easy stack overall.Comment
2-3 wonky sprays of Innocence
1-2 wonky sprays of Inbetween
Working super collaboratively at work today on a project gone wrong. I wanted people to see me gently and blamelessly without seeing me as incapable or incompetent. I think it worked! People were supportive and kind and there were some mood-boosting selfies for me which was much appreciated during this stressful situation.
I also noticed people used my name a lot today. That was nice.
Will definitely run this mix again at some point.
2x Vibe from a tester (I can’t believe I’m out - this is a favorite)
2x wonky sprays Fantasy from fb
This mix had to have some beautifying - I got compliments all day. I do think I looked good.Otherwise people were nice enough but not overly so.
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