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Girls opening YOU products?

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  • #21
    Something else discredited is internal dialog most people have. Women are attracted over a longer period of time unless they make a thin slice of you which is negative. So in a thin slice, your looks say if she would or would not mate with you. If its a no, mones wont help. If it is a yes, she needs exposure time to your personality and the mones to be won over. This is less about mones and more about how the female mind works in respect to judging people and thin slicing. No such thing as instant, especially when we speak of the process which pheromones work.


    • #22
      Thanks a lot this has helped as I know how to fully use the mones to my advantage. Kimba if I am using Combo's I will ask advice from you since you're Kombo Kimba haha.


      • #23
        I'm all over the place socially. Sometimes I'm great in groups and can be one of the funniest people in the group and other times I clam up. I'm def that way with girls(not consistent). Its weird though. If a girl talks to me first most of that social freezing melts away and I can talk to her like any other person. I'm horrible at approaching women. but ever since I've been wearing mones especially everything post AD its made it a hell of a lot easier. Girls, many of them ARE taking the first step. Pay attention to the body language. Theres girls throwing out signals every where and its the guys who can read them that get "lucky" Guys need to project the right signs too of course which helps out. Just last night I was with 3 of my friends at hooters wearing the CJ mix and pretty much ignoring all of the girls and this one girl that always talks to me(and has a bf) punched my shoulder then turned around and gave me one of her huge smiles. She came over and talked to me not long after, and I admit it wasn't flowing 100% bc of me having nothing to talk about....but she later punched my arm and I made a comment to my friend that I wanted her to hear how abusive she is and I always leave this place with bruises all over my body haha. Made her laugh. Pretty sure I caught her taking huge wiffs of me as she walked by me, and she walked by me a lot since we had a good spot. The bartender who just saw me at work in her town last week was looking at me alot too but I never went to talk to her. Normally I stay and drink at the bar afterwards but someone gave me a ride and my other friend was paying for me. My supermarket jobs I've gotten many cold approaches from beautiful girls and you have to make eye contact and smile just be friendly and/or funny. They'll ask me really dumb questions and sometimes you just know they're not stupid girls they just want to talk to you!!


        • #24
          I am always here for advice. I have tried a lot Of combos but that's because I try a product a couple times and I get a fairly good handle of it. I test in combos against products I know to confirm what I know, as in I know what a specific molecule or product should do I'm relation to another product, let's find out. But that's after I know what it does. CJ is the perfect example of mones bein used well. Not a magic fix and he knows it. Some women open him. Most of the time he let's exposure build on a waitress and loves the attention. He knows it is not magic. I would look to guys like him over me for advice. I do PUA and socialize a lot, due to this my results are slightly skewed. His? No at all, he gets a hit or finds a combo it's golden.


          • #25
            My life is extremely boring, you guys have no idea. I'm one of those guys that might be pretty knowledgeable and can have a lot of (good) advice but then I never fucking do it myself!!! hahaha
            Last edited by CJW255; 01-20-2014, 06:13 PM.


            • #26
              That was me as well a few years ago. Now, I get my ass out and do things. Honestly, Meetup.com is a brilliant way to get out and meet people. Half of my more recent friends are from meet up groups. If you're in a larger city, then the options are even greater.


              • #27
                These are all very good points guys and its exactly the type of feedback I've been looking for. I have some test blends coming out that use a different type of internal diffusion package that effectively extends the diffusion. I think you will be very keen on this.

                The thing is I'm not making blends currently that are designed to be strike hard and fast and then die out quickly. However I am open to doing it. I'll have a blend I'm sending out to a couple members who asked me to replicate something (you know who you are) on Wednesday. This is one of those mixes that hits hard and fast, but on that note dies rather abruptly. Good for sales, not good if you want to be out all night. It needs tweaking, that much I know, but when its done its going to be a monster.

                Steve O

                This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                • Grá Tara ar
                  Grá Tara ar commented
                  Editing a comment
                  That one would be worth a down payment.

              • #28
                Originally posted by 2000GT View Post
                Guys, remember, my post points out that with so many variables and outside factors coming into play with women (Genetics, demographics, psychological, physiological, etc), that none of what you find out there will work 100% of the time. Same goes for women to men as well. You could have a woman wear a phero that is supposed to give off the vibe that they are sweet and alluring but not aggressive. That might be what some of us like, but not others. So you'll never get a 100% success rate. Hell, you may not even get 50% success rate unless you're wearing a product that is designed to be well rounded and non specific, whether it's something like Taboo or something more insidious and heavy hitting like the old Panty Scorcher products or Aqua Vitae. I never used PS, but I did use UF which was similar in that regards. It still required the right type of circumstances/environments for it to be truly effective and it didn't work every time, either.

                Basically there are too many variables to be accounted for that can affect the visible effects from the products worn. Hence, why it makes more sense to make sure you're not sitting back thinking it'll do the work for you. I used to say this: Think of pheros as lube for the gears. It helps make things run more smoothly but you still need to turn the gears yourself.

                I've never found a product that gets a 50% success rate myself. lol

                I have found this though. Some women are very much more sensitive to pheromones than others. I know two women that I am rather close to as friends that have never responded to any mix or combo I've thrown at them. Another one of their friends responds to virtually every comfort / mild sexual blend I wear. These subtle mixes are fine for deepening already established connections, but the in your face hard hitters are good for making new connections on the fly out in the day to day world. I'm still looking for one of those that has a sexual overtone to it.

                I'm a great user of socials and have had way more hits with them than I have the sexual pheromones. I have yet to find a hard hitting sexual mix that suits my personal chemistry although I want to try Steve's birthday combo the next time I go out on the town which will be soon. I have Xist, SOB, and Loveboat so I can spray away and throw down when I get out there in the world again.


                • #29
                  Wait a minute, you are making a fast hit product Steve? How does one enlist in this service? I am more than willing to put my life on the line for this cause.


                  • #30
                    To expound on my interest, I prefer XS products over the vast majority of other products and over any other vendor. But a hard hitting product would bridge the gap in terms of mixing. Most discredit pheromones because of the lack of quick results, and a lot of guys are not keen enough to see what a product like xist does. In conjunction, xist or cohesion, with a fast hit product, would hook someone in and the ladder product, the comforting or higher value/status product, would have time to sink in. I see a plethora of potential.


                    • #31
                      Such a product would be a beast indeed. I'm curious to see how things will go with Steve's skills applied to it.


                      • #32
                        sometimes I'm only out for an hour or two and it'd be more beneficial to me if it smacked the girls in the face


                        • Grá Tara ar
                          Grá Tara ar commented
                          Editing a comment
                          Woah...! I hadn't even thought of mones for the quick trip to the mall - or wherever. I'm soooo green.
                          Last edited by Grá Tara ar; 01-25-2014, 02:04 AM. Reason: Mis-spelled mones thanks to the auto-correct.

                      • #33
                        As Kimba said, having a fast hitting product will surely keep the newbies in-line with believing in pheros

                        Also interested in what this could be hmm


                        • #34
                          Originally posted by SteveO View Post
                          That's what Bliss does. I don't give a damn = Bliss
                          After reading that comment I feel kinda like a nerd with my all things bliss thread. Steve just took all that work and research and condensed it into a single sentence.


                          • Grá Tara ar
                            Grá Tara ar commented
                            Editing a comment
                            Yeah. That's one of the reasons we Love the SteveO.

                        • #35
                          I'm interested in testing this fast and hard mix myself if and when it comes available. Add me to the list if your making one.


                          • #36
                            @kimba : I don't think your results are skewed because you do PUA and socialize. The social interaction amongst humans and being able to understand how women respond is key for consistent success with or without mones. you just seem to have that key that some lack or haven't learnt yet.

                            Now as for my personal opinion: From what I gather from reading all these post, some men online here just don't want to do the work, cant read social cues or just sometimes lazy (Sometimes I am lazy ) and these are the one is many instances looking for huge hits. Every woman responds differently and some have good poker faces based on my experiences but if you are paying attention to body language and the little subtleties that can go a far way, especially the ones that are fit and they know it; they usually don't show there cards. I treat mones like a bullet proof vest and I put it on a go in and I have never had a bad experience with this approach but I am a social guy so it helps. I am not implying that I always get laid. What I have noticed wearing pheromones, is that I can get away doing things, normally I wouldn't be able to under any other circumstance especially with SOB. And finally for the I know steve products work because I have friends who are out of shape and older than me picking up and closing some hot younger chicks and one thing they all have in common is that they can carry a conversation. using pheromones and being able to carry a simple conversation goes a far way, its not always about looks but I must admit being in shape and looking good has it perks.

                            instead of waiting on people to report back what work for them, buy the product and play with doses and see what you get, this is what I did, I bought steve's entire product line and its positive for me. what works for one person doesn't always work another. just test and test until you get a grip on the product. I have tried other people mixes and it has worked out well for me and in other instances, I had to apply one less or on more spray to get results. nothing ventured, nothing gained my fellow testers


                            • #37
                              You are right, it doesn't skew my results, but it does paint an unrealistic picture. I don't report on a lot of crazy stuff because I know it is mostly game. Their is a lot to say if trust, compliance, and calibration that mones can't give. But they can arouse, attract an enduce comfort. If expectations are realistic, pheromones are amazing.


                              • #38

                                Originally posted by KIMBA View Post
                                Be careful, two much alcohol smells. On occasion I do this with cologne when I use two or three cologne sprays and am going to a club. These are off the top of my head, hope they help.
                                A little-known tip to avoid this - rather than using conventional alcohol carriers, I'd recommend high-proof vodka instead. You can pick up a bottle for around $18 online. High-proof vodka has no smell and amps up projection at least as well as ethanol. IMO, every vendor should be using this in place of everclear and the like. It's far superior.


                                • #39
                                  These are lots of issues, finely articulated, that have been on my mind for some time. Everything I've ever read about mone effectiveness seems to come down to personalization. Different mones are designed to do different things, so I think the most important form of congruency is selecting a product that matches your intent.

                                  I think one issue is the cost of mones...you shell out anywhere from $30-70 roughly on each product, so of course you want to see your money's worth. Doing a lot of research helps, I'm still learning. For some, its way too much time and money to invest in learning to use mones effectively. I'm already in too deep and I feel like I'm getting closer to my goal.

                                  I do love to socialize but I'm not an all night partier. 2-3 hours in some kind of social event is a long time to me, so I'd prefer a harder-hitting product with a big cloud over one that builds and lasts longer. I just want that initial spark and something that turns them on once I get them to my place. I'm not a PUA and usually don't aim for ONS but I do study the game to become more effective.

                                  Most blatant hits I've gotten have been courtesy of Aqua Vitae, but I'm optimistic about MX297 and whatever Steve may be cooking up that will get that headsnap reaction.
                                  Something like a star


                                  • #40
                                    Did anything ever materialize from this thread? I'm curious.


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