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XS146 Naked Gun

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  • #21
    KateD said "Awwwwwwww! All this in public makes me feel super shy and naked."

    You have gifts I just have never been able to develop. I've been to seminars, read books, taken home study courses... there are just some skills I can't seem to do. Maybe you consciously learned it. Maybe it just comes naturally to you. What it takes me a paragraph to say, you can say it in one sentence. Where I need to stare at someone and look serious to get something done, I bet you do it with a big smile and a calm, gentle indirect comment. I'm almost jealous.
    2000GT Thanks for the update! Some how, this seems possible and it would go along with what elvin.tan77 said about there possibly being a disinhibitor in there.
    elvin.tan77 said "Didn't use the massage oil in the end."

    LOL! OMG! You are smoother than the finest silk!
    KateD said "She ditched her boyfriend.You could have gotten punched, burrito man.I hope you can fight, lol"

    I didn't do anything! I was just standing there. <as I say this, I'm staring off innocently into space, rocking back and forth on my heals, and whistling>
    Last edited by 2000GT; 07-29-2016, 09:10 AM. Reason: merging multiple posts


    • 2000GT
      2000GT commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh, it's definitely a dis-inhibitor for sure. BTW, I merged your posts together, I'm trying to avoid folks posting multiple posts when the can edit instead.

  • #22
    Hmmm...I wanna hear more, fellas! Daily wear, ftw!


    • #23
      RTBoss I'd love to hear more too. Naked Gun is VERY cool! When I have more, I'll post.


      • #24
        xs146 Naked Gun

        3 sprays

        Observations of effects on women:

        rolled up sleeve
        groomed their hair

        face was moderately flushed

        very helpful

        difficulties thinking
        got confused with my purchase I was making

        revealed things about herself that were a bit personal
        told me she was a mean or bad girl
        laughed more easily

        engaged me in conversation
        asked me questions about my weekend plans


        • 2000GT
          2000GT commented
          Editing a comment
          FYI, I merged your post into the existing Naked Gun thread.

      • #25
        2000GT I admit, I'm not the most organized person on the planet. This is going to be much easier for my (and others') future reference!


        • 2000GT
          2000GT commented
          Editing a comment
          No worries. That's why I'm here to help

      • #26
        Other Naked Gun observations:

        women have a habit of agreeing with me when I wear this

        they also can be inclined to have a permanent smile on their face


        • #27
          I'll have to give this a go next time I'm around my female friends. Xcc have you seen any alpha like effects from Naked Gun?


          • #28
            2000GT Yes, but maybe not in the way that Wolf or Bad Wolf would. With Wolf and Bad Wolf, the alpha element seems to come from status leading to respect.

            With Naked Gun, each of these observation taken individually could be explained as something else, but taken together paints a certain picture for me:

            rapport seeking
            following my lead
            goofy smile and a far away dreamy look in her eyes
            laughed nervously
            hanging around me (wanting my protection)
            rolled up sleeve
            groomed their hair
            face was moderately flushed
            very helpful
            difficulties thinking
            got confused with my purchase I was making
            revealed things about herself that were a bit personal
            told me she was a mean or bad girl
            laughed more easily
            engaged me in conversation
            asked me questions about my weekend plans

            Now these could be perceived as arousal or sexual or respect, and they may all be. But how does that happen? I think that all that points to alpha status because women get aroused by alpha guys, and they want to seek rapport with someone who is an alpha, and they want to hang around him (for protection or to be available), and they want his favoritism. So the alpha with Naked Gun isn't out of serious respect like you would for an authority figure (Wolf or Bad Wolf), it's more out of fun and feelings good and just knowing you are the most awesome guy on the planet. Like a fun respect.

            The status and alphaness is indirect rather than direct.

            Does that clarify?


            • #29
              Are you seeing any of the "naked" in "naked gun"............loss of inhibitions?


              • #30
                theLaw Loss of inhibitions, yes. Loss of clothes, not yet.


                • #31
                  Xcc have you tried pairing Naked Gun with A1/Cohesion? It seems to have a lot of eNONE eRONE a-nol/b-nol, ANONE and 10 other pheromones but no dienone otherwise it would have been listed (I'm assuming). I'm curious to know if this would be a good mix to have with some Cohesion/A1/dienone....might make those clothes fall off?
                  PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                  Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                  Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                  Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                  AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                  • #32
                    knowledgeispower I have paired Naked Gun with Glow and.... It may have overloaded the women I talked with... all but two who... well... appeared pleasantly agitated. All the others appeared to go into lock down mode. You know, they were engaging and even said things they didn't have to say to build a bit of emotional closeness... but were poker faced the whole time.

                    A1/Cohesion/Crush plus Naked Gun... going to add that to my testing list.


                    • knowledgeispower
                      knowledgeispower commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Great, looking forward to hearing the results!

                  • #33
                    I actually just got naked gun, and cohesion in the same order. All unscented, and through the help of a friend, wink-wink Xcc, my new cover scents are Walmart knock offs of Aqua di Gio, Drakar Noir, and Polo Green. I will only be really testing on my wife, but we don't currently live together, so it's like testing on a friend with benefits I'm trying anything that will give me the Ascend feeling and/or benefits but not make my wife say something about pachouli or start sniffing me all over like, "What's that smell?", and not in a good way. I know those covers that I just mentioned have pachouli, but she has said it when I wasn't wearing any of those covers, and hasn't said it when I have wore those covers, but with different mones. So, anyways I'll see her tomorrow when I drop the kids off. Maybe I'll see if she'll pick them up, and go from there. Really wanna test Naked Gun. BTW she loves XiSt. She doesn't know it though, if you know what I mean.
                    Last edited by Ragnar Lothbrook; 11-27-2016, 12:42 PM.
                    I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                    Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                    Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                    • #34
                      Have a bottle of Naked Gun in my stash. I have yet to test it properly. Will have to test drive it this week


                      • #35
                        OK I just been on a date with a girl half my age wearing naked gun. What I noticed was

                        Deep gazing into my eyes
                        Holding hands
                        Allows me to place her hand between my legs
                        Me rubbing my hand up and down her legs
                        Playing with hair frantically
                        Allows me to rub my lips up and down her neck in the bar

                        We didn't sleep together though as I had to leave early as I got an early start.

                        Keep in mind this might not be a true reflection of the pheromone as I am using the pheromone in conjunction with a subliminal.


                        • #36
                          I just posted this review on the main page.
                          OK. My wife has this habit of sometimes, quite often actually, leaving her shirt on when we're having sex. Not a big deal, I usually end up taking it off. Anyway, I have to say, the first time I wore this (Naked Gun) to bed, within minutes, she took her clothes off without any help from me (top included). This happened on multiple occasions, but not every time. This is an unusual thing for her, and it caught me by surprise! I'm not 100% convinced yet since it hasn't happened EVERY time, but it caught my attention enough that I'm willing to do further "research" with this one in the future. For now, 4 stars. I need to run the "control experiment" now. Good stuff though. Buy it. Definitely "sexually stimulating".


                          • theLaw
                            theLaw commented
                            Editing a comment
                            It's official.........Stevo is now making his mixes too specified.

                        • #37

                          How many sprays did you use?


                          • #38
                            I hate to say it, but this one's been a dud for me so far. At least, I don't think it works well with Asian women born in China (American born Chinese women, can't say as I've not had a chance to test yet). Big issue I do have with this mix is about two to three hours after application, I feel completely drained and on the verge of falling asleep. Last time I tried it was a few days ago, wore three sprays (figured go big since I hadn't seen any results with one to two sprays). Spent the evening with a girl I have been seeing, no noticable effects from her at all. Once I started feeling drained, I went to wash it off as much as I could, tried an spray of Evolve. That did the trick in short order. I'll hang onto this for testing if I ever have any dates with non Asian women (I tend not to date Caucasians, just seems to work out that way for me), but so far, it's not performing to expectations.


                            • #39
                              YourAGreatGuy this wasn't a first date was it???
                              I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                              Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                              Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                              • #40
                                Originally posted by 2000GT View Post
                                I hate to say it, but this one's been a dud for me so far. At least, I don't think it works well with Asian women born in China (American born Chinese women, can't say as I've not had a chance to test yet). Big issue I do have with this mix is about two to three hours after application, I feel completely drained and on the verge of falling asleep. Last time I tried it was a few days ago, wore three sprays (figured go big since I hadn't seen any results with one to two sprays). Spent the evening with a girl I have been seeing, no noticable effects from her at all. Once I started feeling drained, I went to wash it off as much as I could, tried an spray of Evolve. That did the trick in short order. I'll hang onto this for testing if I ever have any dates with non Asian women (I tend not to date Caucasians, just seems to work out that way for me), but so far, it's not performing to expectations.

                                Intriguing! I've found xs146 to pack quite a ka-pow! But so far these have been Caucasian women.

                                The other thing I've wondered if Evolve gets women more active in making advances and provoking in the sexual process, whereas xs146 gets them more open and receptive to advances.

                                Regardless, sounds like the self-effects are not good for you.


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