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  • #21
    Originally posted by KIMBA View Post
    Okay, I'm back. By 23 and under optimal I mean they show IOIs and initiate more when it's at one spray in a cold approach setting. They get intimidated early on. Once again, 4:4:2 got me a lot of I love you's, touching, and trying to pull me from the venue. Which was great! This may be the hardest hiring mix I have tried. It is super overt on four sprays, 2:2:2 still warrants attraction but it's not super overt. Unrelated I wore it when I ran into a guy who his gf just broke up with him. He asked how to get over it, and how he could stop being in love. After helping I pushed my sales pitch and he said learning to get women is fake and he had no problem doing it, but his friend (also a friend of mine) said I should up my price point and a said he was interested. He marked me up over 50%. I have decided to run my business pheromone free, but I know for free trial runs and examples this mix would make me seem like a god.
    So, at the moment 4 MX111 + 4 Xist + 2 SOB gets your TOP DOG award, yes?

    Thanks for sharing!!!


    • #22
      Yes it does. Unless I run my perfect, five year developed game on a girl which includes 30 minutes of arousal stuff, I can't get a girl jump my bones like this. As long as I have slight attraction and a good hunk of rapport, this mix makes girls jump on me


      • MMM
        MMM commented
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        Are your applications all applied to the neck?


        Books or animal instincts? IF books, you sharing your sources?

        As always, I appreciate your sharing, K!


    • #23
      I learned from many sources, but mainly I do sexual qualification, sexual teasing, and progressive touching with physical teasing to get a girl ramped up. Then when kissing I do a lot of hot and cold to build tension. It works like a charm.

      Neck, Wrist, Chest. My neck isnt big enough for ten sprays!


      • #24
        I see we troll similar websites KIMBA . I mainly use sexual qualification questions when I am talking to women and it is very effective; usually if they qualify themselves to me, I know I have them where I want them. I think this is one aspect of what many men are missing, not making these women qualify themselves while wearing these pheros. I am not saying its necessary with pheros but it adds another dimension that works like a charm.

        Here is my question for you do you use ~~4 MX111 + 4 Xist + 2 SOB because you are younger? I find steve 3 x 3 x2 does the same thing. did you notice a difference when you use steve's dosage? I am 34 by the way


        • #25
          I test mones to try and not do any work, at my dose I get overt reactions. As in I get opened and approached, one on my favorite qualities of sob. I've been doing game for a long time, and sexually qualifying before Sinn let it take off. I know naturals who do it to a lesser degree. The guy who says he won't talk to a girl if she doesn't put out is sexually qualifying. So I took if from their.


          • piper23
            piper23 commented
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            ok thanks for the response .

        • #26
          Originally posted by piper23 View Post
          I mainly use sexual qualification questions when I am talking to women and it is very effective; usually if they qualify themselves to me, I know I have them where I want them. I think this is one aspect of what many men are missing, not making these women qualify themselves while wearing these pheros. I am not saying its necessary with pheros but it adds another dimension that works like a charm.
          Originally posted by KIMBA View Post
          I've been doing game for a long time, and sexually qualifying before Sinn let it take off. I know naturals who do it to a lesser degree. The guy who says he won't talk to a girl if she doesn't put out is sexually qualifying. So I took if from their.
          Okay you TWO! Now I'm really curious.

          It would be so very COOL if you two started a NEW THREAD entitled: HOW TO SEXUALLY QUALIFY MISS YUM

          Just saying.


          • #27
            Originally posted by M&M View Post

            Okay you TWO! Now I'm really curious.

            It would be so very COOL if you two started a NEW THREAD entitled: HOW TO SEXUALLY QUALIFY MISS YUM

            Just saying.
            Not a bad idea at all, MM. I could use some tips in this area. Generally, I kill em with my playful sense of humor but a bit more of a sexual edge than what I currently have, could definitely help.


            • #28
              I could do it but would need to know what you are looking for in specific. I have about 400 "routines" in my phone and I also have a few dozen notes booked with game stuff and field reports. And I have my businesses material and cirriculim. The best way to get good at an area of game is to work on it without mones. I started without mones, m buddy butch got me into mones, but I still didn't use them when learning game because I viewed it as a skill set.


              • #29
                Originally posted by KIMBA View Post
                I could do it but would need to know what you are looking for in specific. I have about 400 "routines" in my phone and I also have a few dozen notes booked with game stuff and field reports. And I have my businesses material and cirriculim. The best way to get good at an area of game is to work on it without mones. I started without mones, m buddy butch got me into mones, but I still didn't use them when learning game because I viewed it as a skill set.
                Ideas on SEXUALLY QUALIFYING is what I'm after, K. I have an idea, but I refuse to believe anyone is just asking, "CAN YOU HANDLE BEING ORALIZED FOR AN HOUR? CAN YOU MAKE ME ORGASM ORALLY WITHOUT USING YOUR HANDS? ARE YOU COWGIRL CERTIFIED?" (Excuse me LADIES)

                How much other stuff is there?


                • #30
                  I use stuff like: what's the dirtiest you have been kissed? I frame her early as adventurous and after some adventure stories and compliance I ask her: where's the most adventurous place you have ever had sex? If used too early women get upset with that one so I say "I thought you were adventurous. Sex is easy to get And most free spirits are not prudes about their sexuality." That is money because I also frame her as a free spirit and about not being a prude. I can give lots of examples but for meet to sex I have a goal and I'm not shameful about it, I'm looking for a sexual partner.


                  • #31
                    We have now officially strayed from the original thread topic. I will be more than willing to participate if another thread was open about qualifiers. In the end you need to have the personality to keep the situation light when posing these questions and I usually maintain eye contact and keep smiling while I am asking these questions. if the girl is interested in you, she will usually try to prove herself/impress you with her response. women qualify men all the time, its nothing new.


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