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Advice needed.! Domination or Enone&Anone spray?

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  • Advice needed.! Domination or Enone&Anone spray?

    Hello guys,,,I would like to get the effect of domination,but instead of oil I would rather try in spray...Why...because here in Qc...most of the time we have cold weather,cold enough to slow diffusion anyway...So I was thinking about trying some enone,anone and maybe some rone in spray at maybe a spray each.What do you guys think of the strenght I should use(52 years old)???....thanks in advance for your help...

  • #2
    buts its hot these days in quebec u can buy domination and keep it for occasions where is warm ( work, night clubs, parties,... all places where heater is working during winter) dominations is good deal beside that u can get the sprays Enone & Anone get 12.5mcg of each and find your sweet spot i think it can between 10 & 20mcg, those molecules are strong, you can be ghosted at high dosage it depends also on your level of testosterone, do you workout?. do you have high sex drive or normal,,,? as i know wether its spray or oil pheromone work wonderfully if you are indoor. Outdoor there always factor of wind can play with your signature, humidity can evaporate you application faster...
    Last edited by sexnificant; 06-06-2016, 10:19 AM.
    Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
    Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
    LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
    Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



    • #3
      I'd go with the domination. There's a a discussion based on this subject in my domination thread. Domination has a massive amount of pheros in it and it can't be duplicated by simply stacking enone and anone. If you do decide to go with the sprays instead, be sure to report your results with the anone


      • #4
        Hello guys,I sure like the idea of Domination.....I know I wont get the exact result with enone/anone spray......the reason I am not sure which one to go with is the fact that I am working mostly outside,in and out the door,in and out the vehicle and mostly short encounters with people,as for weather I am also thinking about fall and spring which is colder.
        So just not sure which way to go....that's why I need you guys the experts...your advices....


        • #5
          rick21655 You could always order it, try it, and if it's just not working... there is a money back guarantee.


          • #6
            Sorry to come into this manly man thread. I understand what your thought process is and although I can't help directly I wanted to just drop the thread Kingtut was referring to in hopes that it could shed some light and help you figure out what to do.

            I apologize if the topic has been discussed already but I'd like to hear what you guys think of domination. I looked on the other forum and there are hardly

            I hope eventually some of the other macho nacho members can offer some advise based on experience and suggest some sprays that may have the desire effect you are looking for.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Xcc View Post
              rick21655 You could always order it, try it, and if it's just not working... there is a money back guarantee.
              Unless you are just experimenting for the heck of it , most people want to get it right the first time or all the time. They want to know that whatever they purchased gives them that desired effect without having to send it back

              Also, he said he is from QC. I believe some place in Canada and although we make it as easy as possible returning products when you are international can be a pain in the nuts sometimes.


              • Ragnar Lothbrook
                Ragnar Lothbrook commented
                Editing a comment
                pain in the nuts, coming from a woman. I like that

              • elvin.tan77
                elvin.tan77 commented
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                Ooo. I know that feeling.

            • #8
              Just buy Domination oil. If you want to increase diffusion and range then apply a drop of the oil on your neck, then spray a strong cologne with good range (I use joop homme) over the top of it, after use the tip of your finger to spread out the mixture so that you cover as much surface area as possible.

              This will make the domination diffuse much faster, hit quicker and travel further.


              • #9
                Thanks KateD for your help and advice....I like your idea GHOST....thanks...this is the info I was looking for,nothing is better than asking the pros...


                • #10
                  GHOST Great idea!


                  • #11
                    from my experiences i can suggest you SOB, is strong shit Alpha sexual & hit fast (suitable for short encounters), and as i experienced every women i've met likes it. not suitable for work but as you work outside i think it would be fine to wear it cause you said, you will be driving a car and mostly short encounters.

                    i dont see the idea to spray strong cologne over the top of an oil application. i think it will diffuse more faster than normal (alcohol Factor) so more dosage will be coming of from your signature.

                    maybe you have to spray first the cologne large area on your neck let it dry then apply the oil (domination) on it cover all the area of spray . by using recommended dosage one drop or two depends on your age.
                    Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
                    Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
                    LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
                    Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



                    • #12
                      Thanks sexnificant....appreciate your advice..


                      • #13
                        sexnificant Alright, I can't help asking "Why is it you like SOB so much?"

                        One of the reasons I ask is because I've been told SOB has the potential to make other people hate you.

                        Would you please describe why it is not suitable for work, also? (I realize it's sexual, but if you would explain in more depth I'd appreciate it.)


                        • KateD
                          KateD commented
                          Editing a comment
                          zomg you noticed that too, ROFL! We need to get him like a SOB everything.Sob soap, toothpaste

                      • #14
                        KateD ...and a tee shirt.


                        • #15
                          Originally posted by Xcc View Post
                          sexnificant Alright, I can't help asking "Why is it you like SOB so much?"

                          One of the reasons I ask is because I've been told SOB has the potential to make other people hate you.

                          Would you please describe why it is not suitable for work, also? (I realize it's sexual, but if you would explain in more depth I'd appreciate it.)
                          Thanks KateD i think no gifts will be valuable as sob unless u wanna make it out with me

                          So why i like SOB that much, well maybe because it gaves me that vibe. That everybody wanna know who you r and u, u dont give shit about this. U just act like sob women want to be next to you want to get ur attention and they try hard, well i've seen things man i couldnt believe at first, girls leaves their boyfriends to approach u. I dont know what to say. U must try it. I've done NPA its good also i've done evolve, TUTH, Primitive... but nothing like that vibe of sob, just look man how many phero users talk about dirty primitive so sob it the same but more attractive more attention getting.
                          Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
                          Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
                          LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
                          Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



                          • #16
                            sexnificant Thank you for explaining further. I'm thinking this is a formula that works REALLY well for you, one way is because you get approached. Women ditching their boyfriends for you? I think I get the picture. It's more than compelling, it's magnetic! Thank you!

                            PS I've taken a few notes on some of your other posts, too! I've learned a thing or two from you!


                            • #17
                              Originally posted by GHOST View Post
                              Just buy Domination oil. If you want to increase diffusion and range then apply a drop of the oil on your neck, then spray a strong cologne with good range (I use joop homme) over the top of it, after use the tip of your finger to spread out the mixture so that you cover as much surface area as possible.

                              This will make the domination diffuse much faster, hit quicker and travel further.


                              • #18
                                Originally posted by sexnificant View Post
                                i dont see the idea to spray strong cologne over the top of an oil application. i think it will diffuse more faster than normal (alcohol Factor) so more dosage will be coming of from your signature.
                                That's the point. He wanted the effects of domination oil but wanted it to hit faster then an oil generally would. Diluting the oil on the skin with the Alcohol will help in spreading out the application to cover as much surface area as possible, thus increasing the rate of diffusion and acting more like a spray.


                                • #19
                                  Originally posted by sexnificant View Post

                                  Thanks KateD i think no gifts will be valuable as sob unless u wanna make it out with me

                                  So why i like SOB that much, well maybe because it gaves me that vibe. That everybody wanna know who you r and u, u dont give shit about this. U just act like sob women want to be next to you want to get ur attention and they try hard, well i've seen things man i couldnt believe at first, girls leaves their boyfriends to approach u. I dont know what to say. U must try it. I've done NPA its good also i've done evolve, TUTH, Primitive... but nothing like that vibe of sob, just look man how many phero users talk about dirty primitive so sob it the same but more attractive more attention getting.
                                  You're right man. I think the formulas for both dp and sob are similar but with sob being more concentrated. Damn. I feel like such a cool for not getting sob before. Dp works well once I got the dosage right.


                                  • #20
                                    kingtut savage I don't remember if I said this before, but if you like this hard core dominant/respect theme in mones, you might want to check out Dominant Ascend, xs 101, Brute, Rone Love, and Destroyer. I'm guessing these are the bad &sses of mones here. There is also Wolf and Bad Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs.

                                    And thanks for posting. I love reading your posts!


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