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The pheromone seesaw

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  • The pheromone seesaw

    I have been using xs pheromones for years now and I was wondering if other users have experienced the phrromone seesaw.

    I recently switched it up a bit as wore xist solo for a few months. Was great to start with but after a while it was all feeling a bit too safe as xist can be worn anywhere.

    I'd started losing a bit of respect at work, i hadnt used ascend in quite a while so I have spent past 3 weeks wearing 1 spray ascend. If day going well i then add either 1 spray cohesion or 1 spray evolve depending on how i feel.

    straight away the respect is bsck. I'm asked questions more. People value me more and I'm in position for a promotion within those 3 weeks.

    The seeSaw i see when wearing status or sexuals is this . Its either extremely great or extremely bad.

    My example say is my boss who's female has loved me while wearing ascend. She can't bear to not have me around. I can't do anything wrong and sometines there are out of character interactions where it's like she's going to literally roll out a red carpet for me to walk down. I'm meetings she's telling everyone how fantastic my work is when I'm thinking it wasn't really much..............

    Then the seesaw effect.....at lunch she Said something and I disagreed with her and she acted like id insulted all her family.....I think the status was coming off at thst point as more arrogant maybe? I don't know but it was a negative reaction the same magnitude as the positives which i feel wouldn't have normally happened.

    All ok now , redeemed myself in afternoon but I get the same with sexuals....it just proves when wearing these powerful mones you have to be on your game constantly.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • #2
    looks like its a Pavlo's dog experiment, to me; your co workers demand professionalism, and wearing mones that are flirty and too social puts some people into a spiral and dont know what to think. I dont know what kind of job environment your in so im just assuming. You can also try curving the affects mid day by keeping the 10ml bottles of some putatives that will steer their feelings when you detect some unwanted changes or moods in people. I have done that many times.


    • #3
      What was your routine before you started using Xist solo and why did you decide to change it up?


      • #4
        Originally posted by ebbnflow View Post
        What was your routine before you started using Xist solo and why did you decide to change it up?
        I changed to Xist a while back as I went through a period of using strong sexuals and it wasn't really going too well. Xist was the first XS pheromone blend I ever purchased and I wanted to work on working relationships up again through socials or light status which worked. Xist for me is a good all rounder.

        I find that if I use the same mone signature for too long it can become a bit boring so evry so often I like to switch it up a bit.


        • #5
          We are humans, our moods hormones and scents changes. We react to the people around us and they react to us, it is a sort of dance of life.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Muestereate View Post
            We are humans, our moods hormones and scents changes. We react to the people around us and they react to us, it is a sort of dance of life.
            That's it exactly. There are far too many variables each day and each situation. This is why there is no holy grail with a certain mix or combo as every situation is different. Best thing to do is wear the mones and have fun with them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Bob111 View Post

              I changed to Xist a while back as I went through a period of using strong sexuals and it wasn't really going too well. Xist was the first XS pheromone blend I ever purchased and I wanted to work on working relationships up again through socials or light status which worked. Xist for me is a good all rounder.

              I find that if I use the same mone signature for too long it can become a bit boring so evry so often I like to switch it up a bit.
              I get you. It can be fun to change things up and experiment. I was wondering more why Xist, but hey, if it works for you. I've found it to just be too much in one of my past workplaces. Long story short, a coworker was struck by fallout. I never even flirted with her or anything. I just treated her like any other coworker, but she still got hit hard, and things became awkward, so I have avoided it since.

              Edit: sp *awkward


              • #8
                Originally posted by ebbnflow View Post

                I get you. It can be fun to change things up and experiment. I was wondering more why Xist, but hey, if it works for you. I've found it to just be too much in one of my past workplaces. Long story short, a coworker was struck by fallout. I never even flirted with her or anything. I just treated her like any other coworker, but she still got hit hard, and things became awkward, so I have avoided it since.

                Edit: sp *awkward
                Ha ha yeah I hear you. I have had some similar problems, I have had women who weren't my target getting jealous over the woman who is my target and it causes a right headache especially when you are at work.


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