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How can I get oils to project?

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  • #21
    Think about what makes you sweat

    Drink very warm water, and put on more layers to heat yourself up, choose spicy grilled chicken over mild

    Put on more layers and SPREAD OUT that application of pheros so more product would be exposed

    When eating or drinking at a restuarant, what side do you normally sit on to the person next to you, left or right? or even when walking
    Ascend Oil (double cops) - Evolve Oil - Taboo Oil & Spray - XiSt Oil & Spray - Cohesion Oil & Spray - Bliss Oil & Spray - Sob Oil & Spray - Celebrity Spray - LoveBoat Spray - Vibe Spray - Connections Spray - Innocence Spray

    all cover scented with Pepper & Nutmeg


    • #22
      Originally posted by Muestereate View Post
      Spring , even easier than my apps would be to simply bookmark and setup a separate folder for pheromone bookmarks. In the upper tioght of each post is a number. if you left click on that it opens up with the link to a particular post, You can bookmark and rename and select the folder to store it in in your usual manner. You can also use those direct links in your posts with the link icon
      I didn't know this!! Thanks!


      • #23
        I like to use scented body oils that I find on ebay as a base. They come in 10ML roller ball type of setups and I apply to the back of my hands and to my neck, then I like to roll the back of my hands on my neck to spread it around real good, then I wait 5 minutes or so then apply the oils. They are usually about $5 or so and you can even get a nice set of 10 for about $20. I find Dolce&Cabana and Polo Red by far the best and longest lasting oils.


        • #24
          i buy oils almost exclusively. one of the things i really like about the oils is that they are super concentrated and require a very minute amount. It also works well in the area I'm in.

          With that said, the very mechanism of oils is such that we tradeoff efficacy speed and range when we choose oils vs sprays. i wouldn't personally do anything to alter the diffusion of the oil itself by altering its chemistry. I'm not brave enough to risk messing up an $80 bottle of oil XD

          but some of the things mentioned in this thread are absolutely valid. One time i read the description for Pepper/Nutmeg and made an assumption that part of the reason it works, is because the strong scent makes people want to sniff more and learn what that fragrance is. You know how when there's a smell so strong that you have to keep sniffing to get a better whiff? kinda like that. except the more you sniff, the more pheromones you're intaking. That's why i now always wear a cover scent when using pheromones. To give targets a reason to keep sniffing. Actually it's more of an underbase than a cover, because i use the fragrance first.

          also, another thing i do is apply it in a specific way. I typically put a drop onto my left wrist, then dab my neck with that drop. then i bring both wrists together so i can spread it on my entire wrists. that way i'm projecting the pheros from my wrists and my neck, increasing the size of my cloud.


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