
How Women are Drugging You...

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  • Sunny
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    How Women are Drugging You...

    Came across this oldie but goodie and thought to share!
    The Chemistry of Copulins (How Women are Drugging You)

    The vagina produces a thick fluid known as copulin that has actual mind control effects on a male’s brain. If a man is exposed to a woman’s copulins, over time she will be able to:
    1) Change, remove, or insert memories.

    2) Tell the male what he sees, hears, feels, smells, tastes.

Insert subconscious thoughts that will surface as “his own ideas” or behavior later.

Plant trigger words or actions that can cause thoughts, actions, or sensations in the male at later dates (days, weeks, even months).

    ”Karl Grammer and Elizabeth Oberzaucher, researchers who study how the human scent influences sexual attraction, found that when women are ovulating, they produce pheromones called copulins. Copulins have a distinct smell, which Elizabeth describes as “butter that has gone bad.”

    When a man gets a whiff of copulins, his testosterone levels rise. As a result, he secretes androstenone, an odor that repels women who aren’t ovulating.”

    Through the process of coupling a female and male will lay relatively still without having sex with the penis inside of the vagina. The process may take up to 15 minutes and works faster and more efficiently when the female is on top of the male. During this period the vagina injects up to 1/2 cup (100 ml) of the copulin fluid into the urethral opening at the tip of the penis, which is chemically attracted to semen, and will follow the semen down the shaft directly into the testicles. After 15 minutes of coupling the copulins will have entered the blood stream and traveled from his testicles up into the hypothalamus (a section of the brain that controls hormones) causing the male to become completely influenced by the needs and suggestions of the female.

    To read the rest of the article https://constantsupervision.wordpres...vaginal-fluid/
    Last edited by XSteveO; 05-09-2019, 04:11 PM. Reason: Copyright Laws (50% or less of article allowed)
    Full Sprays: Desire Me - Engage - Xist - Connections - Celebrity - PSEL - Fantasy - XS196 GF - XS194 In Between - P86 - P96

    WISHLIST: GLOW - Fairy Tale - XS199 Comply - Mascot
  • Ildergreier

    DiscoverXS Posting God
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    I almost always wear cops. It is just so fun.

    ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

    LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


    • Primross
      Field tester

      DiscoverXS Posting God
      • Feb 2018
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      As a male I live cops.
      Pheromone XS
      Oil: evolve, xist
      Spray: Xist, Evolve, cohesion, sob


      • Ildergreier

        DiscoverXS Posting God
        • Aug 2017
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        Originally posted by Primross
        As a male I live cops.
        You use cops too?

        ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

        LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


        • Primross
          Field tester

          DiscoverXS Posting God
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          Originally posted by Ildergreier

          You use cops too?
          I have desire me oil. Drop under the nose does wonders
          Pheromone XS
          Oil: evolve, xist
          Spray: Xist, Evolve, cohesion, sob


          • XSteveO
            Wizard of Love
            DiscoverXS Posting God
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            Great article. I did have to remove a little bit of the article to maintain the less than 50% copyright laws.

            Steve O

            This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

            A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

            discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

            Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
            Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


            • XSteveO
              Wizard of Love
              DiscoverXS Posting God
              • May 2013
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              Originally posted by Primross

              I have desire me oil. Drop under the nose does wonders
              Yes it does sir. Its like instant swagger

              Steve O

              This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

              A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

              discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

              Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
              Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


              • Sunny
                Sunny commented
                Editing a comment
                Sorry XSteveO !

              • XSteveO
                XSteveO commented
                Editing a comment
                Good times, no worries
            • Primross
              Field tester

              DiscoverXS Posting God
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              Originally posted by SteveO

              Yes it does sir. Its like instant swagger
              So I guess I'm drugging myself
              Pheromone XS
              Oil: evolve, xist
              Spray: Xist, Evolve, cohesion, sob


              • theLaw

                DiscoverXS True Story Teller
                • Apr 2015
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                Wonder what happened to all those women who f*cked a guy who never called them back, or were dumped by their boyfriend.

                Perhaps all women don't secrete copulins.......or maybe some are more powerful than others.

                Or........maybe there's zero actual scientific evidence to back up the claims of copulins having any control over men.

                Or........maybe it only works from "coupling", where a beta-male is asked to insert himself into a woman for 15min while lying still. Wait.......never-mind.


                • nephil

                  DiscoverXS True Story Teller
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                  No references in the original blog post... I don't know if I believe the mind control stuff


                  • zeratul
                    the Dark Prelate

                    DiscoverXS True Story Teller
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                    Well, mind control maybe a little bit exaggerated and the wordpress source is questionnable. Just my two cents
                    PXS: Taboo, Xist, Evolve, Cohesion, Ascend (oil), SOB, Glow, Celebrity, Crush, Love Boat, PSE
                    PT: Aura of Amity, Alpha Androsterone, Treasureful Shine*
                    APEX: Manimal 2
                    * sample bottle


                    • Muestereate
                      A Stellar Dendrite
                      DiscoverXS Posting God
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                      I'd be more inclined to relate any effects to oxytocin. Cops are a learned associative response


                      • Primross
                        Field tester

                        DiscoverXS Posting God
                        • Feb 2018
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                        I live them but don't see an effect on others
                        Pheromone XS
                        Oil: evolve, xist
                        Spray: Xist, Evolve, cohesion, sob


                        • Sunny
                          Trusted Member

                          DiscoverXS Serious Poster
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                          Originally posted by theLaw
                          Wonder what happened to all those women who f*cked a guy who never called them back, or were dumped by their boyfriend.

                          Perhaps all women don't secrete copulins.......or maybe some are more powerful than others.

                          Or........maybe there's zero actual scientific evidence to back up the claims of copulins having any control over men.

                          Or........maybe it only works from "coupling", where a beta-male is asked to insert himself into a woman for 15min while lying still. Wait.......never-mind.
                          Honestly speaking I have coupled with a few guys, unintentionally... And I think its somewhat accurate. My female friends always ask what do I do to create "stalkers." Men never want to leave me, and I have had to get restraining orders in the past on 5 guys in 3 different states, men who were otherwise fine while I dated them but turned into lunatics when they could not be around me. I had one guy who lurked in the bushes outside my bedroom window begging to just "see my face" one more time. That guy was a pastor in a church who was usually level-headed.

                          My current, an alpha male who I have been trying to let go for the past 3 months, has been crying behind me and doing every single thing I tell him. He was an alpha when I met him, I did NOT use mones on him in the beginning...

                          So I think there is some truth to it... And that is all I will say about that.
                          Full Sprays: Desire Me - Engage - Xist - Connections - Celebrity - PSEL - Fantasy - XS196 GF - XS194 In Between - P86 - P96

                          WISHLIST: GLOW - Fairy Tale - XS199 Comply - Mascot


                          • theLaw

                            DiscoverXS True Story Teller
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                            Originally posted by Sunny

                            Honestly speaking I have coupled with a few guys, unintentionally... And I think its somewhat accurate. My female friends always ask what do I do to create "stalkers." Men never want to leave me, and I have had to get restraining orders in the past on 5 guys in 3 different states, men who were otherwise fine while I dated them but turned into lunatics when they could not be around me. I had one guy who lurked in the bushes outside my bedroom window begging to just "see my face" one more time. That guy was a pastor in a church who was usually level-headed.

                            My current, an alpha male who I have been trying to let go for the past 3 months, has been crying behind me and doing every single thing I tell him. He was an alpha when I met him, I did NOT use mones on him in the beginning...

                            So I think there is some truth to it... And that is all I will say about that.
                            Stalkers are easily created when your brain chooses weak men. There are tons of women who do this everyday without "coupling". Drug addicts have the same uncanny ability to know who's holding without knowing anything about the other person (see Blink by Malcom Gladwell). This is why they say that you're not dealing with a person, but the drug. I would modify this to "not dealing with a person, but their brain." Behaviors are a dead giveaway, as they tell the true story, not someone's personal narrative. Keep in mind that nobody is a villain in their own story, not even the villain.

                            Your personal narrative is that these men were fine, but then changed after meeting you. This is easy to say, as there is no way to quantify this claim.......and it inflates your own value (in pickup this is called a demonstration of higher value, and narcissists tend to do it unconsciously).

                            If a man agrees to what you call "coupling" then he is, based on his actions, a beta-male. Keep in mind, no woman wants to admit this publicly, as it reflects her own lower value.

                            As for your claim that you have an "alpha-male" who does everything you tell him..........if he were, then he wouldn't. You could, however, say that you had a alpha-male, and turned him into a beta-male. But then you run into the lower value problem again.

                            People lie constantly. Behaviors, rarely.


                            • Muestereate
                              A Stellar Dendrite
                              DiscoverXS Posting God
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                              The psychology of this phenomena intrigues me. I'm not sure I agree with the drugging but when I was young the exposure to copulins made me quite woozy and drugged. The article describes copulins as a hypnotic but hypnotics wear off as does hypnosis.

                              Also, are we talking about imprinting? I have a few products and combos that seem to imprint, I think I've been imprinted. I think I remember feeling as if I was the one that had a higher value though I perceived her as a very high value too. In my case, the continued obsession after the pheromones were out of the picture had to do with compound historical, emotional, physical, and recent abandonment. Abandonment does create a very low value at a core level. Much of what theLaw says makes sense or fits in with most of my psychological lense and logical framework.

                              If the value framework is valid, Stalkers and imprinting would increase the self percieved value of both parties. I.e a perceived high-value target sees and unveils the high value in the Stalker that the stalker doesn't see themselves. In the absence of the target, the value disappears falling into the hole of a possibly historical abandonment or shame internalizing event.

                              The stalker has a hole that yearns to be filled before they are exposed to any coupling, they are predisposed to becoming one, latent.


                              • Sunny
                                Trusted Member

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                                Originally posted by theLaw

                                Stalkers are easily created when your brain chooses weak men. There are tons of women who do this everyday without "coupling". Drug addicts have the same uncanny ability to know who's holding without knowing anything about the other person (see Blink by Malcom Gladwell). This is why they say that you're not dealing with a person, but the drug. I would modify this to "not dealing with a person, but their brain." Behaviors are a dead giveaway, as they tell the true story, not someone's personal narrative. Keep in mind that nobody is a villain in their own story, not even the villain.

                                Your personal narrative is that these men were fine, but then changed after meeting you. This is easy to say, as there is no way to quantify this claim.......and it inflates your own value (in pickup this is called a demonstration of higher value, and narcissists tend to do it unconsciously).

                                If a man agrees to what you call "coupling" then he is, based on his actions, a beta-male. Keep in mind, no woman wants to admit this publicly, as it reflects her own lower value.

                                As for your claim that you have an "alpha-male" who does everything you tell him..........if he were, then he wouldn't. You could, however, say that you had a alpha-male, and turned him into a beta-male. But then you run into the lower value problem again.

                                People lie constantly. Behaviors, rarely.
                                LOL, I never said I coupled with all of them, only 1 or 2. You are under the assumption that every gentleman was "weak." I can assure you that is not the case. Knowing some of their history and who they dealt with before and how they treated them, I can wholeheartedly say, without a shadow of a doubt that YES these men are alphas when I got with them and STILL are. Some of them have actually exhibited narcissistic behavior themselves in relationships past. You do know that people can behave different with one person then the next? I am NOT going by my own personal narrative, I am going by what their own friends/family have said about them. Every man I date has taken me to meet their mother and I've heard it multiple times, specifically about these men "meeting their match." We shall simply have to agree to disagree at this point because without exposing their identities there is no way for me to continue my rebuttal further.

                                Honestly if reducing men to groveling simps is one of my superpowers, then I'll take it.

                                For the record, I don't need to inflate my own value, my value was high to begin with.
                                Full Sprays: Desire Me - Engage - Xist - Connections - Celebrity - PSEL - Fantasy - XS196 GF - XS194 In Between - P86 - P96

                                WISHLIST: GLOW - Fairy Tale - XS199 Comply - Mascot


                                • theLaw

                                  DiscoverXS True Story Teller
                                  • Apr 2015
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                                  Originally posted by Sunny
                                  I am NOT going by my own personal narrative
                                  This is what they call in psychology, a belief system.

                                  What true believers never take into account is that they've surrounded themselves with weak minded people, which by definition can't be trusted. If these people were strong, they would have never agreed to a relationship based on stress or a dominance hierarchy.

                                  Insecurity is at the base of all power struggles, as healthy secure individuals never feel the need to control or manipulate. It ultimately stems from a fear of being wrong, which is perceived as weakness by the ego.

                                  For some women in particular, being disagreeable is their most valuable trait. Surrounded by drama, they make sure to never let anyone close emotionally, which only breeds stress and loneliness. However, as a tool for success, it's hard to beat.

                                  Click image for larger version  Name:	black-mirror.png?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=644%2C432&ssl=1.png Views:	1 Size:	124.6 KB ID:	105814


                                  • Muestereate
                                    A Stellar Dendrite
                                    DiscoverXS Posting God
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                                    Originally posted by theLaw
                                    For some women in particular, being disagreeable is their most valuable trait. Surrounded by drama, they make sure to never let anyone close emotionally, which only breeds stress and loneliness.
                                    I've never looked at drama that way but I can see how it would keep people at distance. I myself tend towards being disagreeable, I look at it as a strength and in some ways, not being easily swayed requires strength, it but I can also see it keeping people away.

                                    This is why I often soften my blends with Betas, so as to be a bit easier going. I don't have to win fights. A very long time ago I learned to respect that others could have their own opinions and I could be at peace anyhow. I just always called it being American, part of living in a democracy is that people are entitled to their opinions. Letting them have them in my mind gives me a right to have my own too whether they like them or not. Respect reciprocates.

                                    Drama seems to collect sympathizers. We sympathize with what we fear could happen to us. These collected sympathizers hence are filled with their own fears and create a morass of fear worshipers when what is really needed to move forward through life is courage and to band together with people of courage.


                                    • theLaw

                                      DiscoverXS True Story Teller
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                                      Originally posted by Muestereate

                                      Drama seems to collect sympathizers. We sympathize with what we fear could happen to us. These collected sympathizers hence are filled with their own fears and create a morass of fear worshipers when what is really needed to move forward through life is courage and to band together with people of courage.
                                      This is what I see with the new "victim" cult that's becoming so popular.

                                      Instead of erring on the side of personal responsibility, we promote the idea of learned helplessness.

                                      Almost seems by design.


                                      Ad down
