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  • #41
    Sounds like my ex. Her priority is herself and her enjoyment. Not the relationship. And she didn't kill any pet. Just my savings. Haha.

    I'm sure if you do your paper, the cost will be way lower. Also, isn't there a term that tells you that you can file the paper individually if you're separated for so and sother years? But I'm sure there's going to be contention since kids and others are involved.

    Get everything together and see how things look. Costso may be divided by the court or apportioned to an individual. You won't really know.
    PXS Oil: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, SOB, Flirt, Xist, Api, Taboo, Love Boat, Massage Oil
    PXS Spray: Exotica, Bliss, PSE, Naked Gun
    Samples: Odyssey, Bliss, Love Boat, Vibe, Desire Me
    Others: LIIK V1


    • #42
      Ragnar Lothbrook Sorry to hear about your cat, and not being able to say goodbye. That's really sad.


      • #43
        damn.. just read this thread and it just breaks my heart.. divorce aint easy and i just hope you can pull through all these situations bro ragnar..

        i came from a broken family so i know how it feels.. lots of times i will be having these questions,"why do they have to separate? why cant we all stay together as a family?". but soon after, especially growing up and u start to know more shit about complications on relationships, it is not easy and i can't really blame my parents..

        to cut the story short, both my parents remarried and they are happier than ever.. although it still saddens me that they can't be that happy when they were together but sometimes you just can't force things.. i'm not persuading or motivating you to continue on the divorce but IN CASE all these times you were holding on to your wife because of your 4 lovely kids then DON'T.. sometimes by staying together does not guarantee the happiness of your kids.. more positive things will come somehow if you and your wife can come to an acceptance stage where both of you just don't belong together anymore. move on and focus on how reach an united front as parents to provide the best for your kids..

        just my thoughts.. take care..
        Give more, Expect Less


        • #44
          thanks Pandatrooper. love your avatar. I hope you really didn't just read the whole thing, but if so, thanks. I'm different now, and she's different now. It's like we needed to get the fuck away from each other in our relational roles to remember who we are. No more sleep walking. I prefer to have my family together, but we'll see what happens. I'm using xist oil if I get a chance to talk to her, and a social. but, other than droppin the kids off, there hasn't been much time together.
          I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
          Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
          Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


          • #45
            Wow! I know that the last year has absolutely changed me. But, also XiSt oil. I mean, c'mon. The wife had kept her distance. She needed it. I needed it.

            We've gotten together 3 times in the past month or so, besides the usual dropping the kids off with each other. First time for about a half an hour outside in the sun to talk about things that were on my mind. I just wanted to share stuff that I felt should be present in any good relationship, and wasn't present in ours. She was a little receptive. Which is more than I can say for the last 2-3 years. XiSt oil- behind ears, base of neck.

            Then a couple days ago she comes over while I have the kids. They watched tv while we talked for 3 hours, seriously. It started with me taking a lot of shit, later she apologized for not coming to see me while I had a pinched nerve and couldn't walk for 2 months. Ended amicably with the promise of getting together while the kids are at grandma's. XiSt oil- same as above. Connections sample sprayed on both sides of neck.

            Last night kids were at grandma's. She asked me to go shopping with her. Then we went out to eat. At one point she said I gotta go. Then we talked for another hour after we had already paid. We... I should say she talked and I listened. Mostly about her work. I take this as a good sign. People want someone they can share with. That was huge. Well, I'm not moving in anytime soon, but we're talking and sharing things together. So, we're moving in the right direction. XiSt oil- same as above. Cohesion sample this time(I might have to get some). And Ascend w/o cops- base of neck, and under each pit.......
            I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
            Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
            Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


            • #46
              Your making good progress. I'd say stick to the plan and use Xist and combo wz Connection, Cohesion. If you wanna use Ascend, just be careful since that my go over too strongly with her. I'd make sure I hv Cohesion on just in case.
              PXS Oil: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, SOB, Flirt, Xist, Api, Taboo, Love Boat, Massage Oil
              PXS Spray: Exotica, Bliss, PSE, Naked Gun
              Samples: Odyssey, Bliss, Love Boat, Vibe, Desire Me
              Others: LIIK V1


              • #47
                Thanks elvin.tan77. How much have you used cohesion, and what are your thoughts. If connections is going to bring out some bad to get to the good, I would prefer cohesion.
                I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                • #48
                  Originally posted by Ragnar Lothbrook View Post
                  Thanks elvin.tan77. How much have you used cohesion, and what are your thoughts. If connections is going to bring out some bad to get to the good, I would prefer cohesion.
                  While I have not tested cohesion, the primary mone it contains is A1 also known as -dienone. This product is one of the most famous mones and was one of the first published several decades ago by Erox corporation. A1 is known to be very very calming/relaxing around woman and Androtics Direct used to have a product with it called "Instant Female Magic". It would break down a ton of barriers and guards that women naturally have up and would really make females (especially strangers) relaxed and comfortable with you (I used to have some VERY interesting experiences as a teen when I tried out Instant Female Magic among girls my age who also were in their teens....it was almost as if they forgot a guy was in the room).

                  I haven't bought Cohesion yet because I bought Xist + Taboo which both have -dienone in them although I've seen SteveO say he enjoys using Cohesion stacked with Xist or Ascend. Personally I try not to go too heavy with -dienone/A1 because it can cause negative reactions from men and makes you too "soft". Also bear in mind A1 sometimes has a negative/depressing self-effect on some people. Personally this has never affected me and SteveO tried to buffer it with DHEA in his Cohesion mix I believe but some people still get depressed with it but it "should" be better then pure A1 alone. If you are trying to go for an alpha signature which is what Ascend is for, too much A1 is not a good thing, you want just a right amount. That being said, I can't see how 1 spray of Cohesion would hurt and it probably will only help!
                  Last edited by knowledgeispower; 08-18-2016, 07:57 PM.
                  PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                  Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                  Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                  Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                  AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                  • #49
                    Nice! knowledgeispower that's the type of education I need. I absolutely love Ascend. I've been using XiSt oil, and Ascend spray pretty regularly together. I think I'm making a cohesion purchase after I post this. Thanks. You're well versed in mones.
                    I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                    Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                    Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                    • #50
                      I usually use Cohesion to soften Ascend. I'm in South East Asia and you know how people will react to Ascend. Most of them will just clam up or be anal about it. So what I usually do is to apply 1 drop of Ascend and 1 drop of Cohesion. This oftens the Ascend enough to get people to unclench their butthole. I've also used Cohesion alone at 2 drops. While it's very calming to me, I find that it tends to make me kinda sleepy if I don't get enough rest. The girls love it though. Like what knowledgeispower said, it's calming and you shouldn't go wrong with it.

                      Connection may have it's pros and cons. I'm not well versed in that but from the look of it, it does help to establish, deep bonds and trust with the wearer. Some guys who've worn it and Cohesion will be able to shed better light at it, but I think it may be able to open doors that Cohesion may not be able to.
                      PXS Oil: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, SOB, Flirt, Xist, Api, Taboo, Love Boat, Massage Oil
                      PXS Spray: Exotica, Bliss, PSE, Naked Gun
                      Samples: Odyssey, Bliss, Love Boat, Vibe, Desire Me
                      Others: LIIK V1


                      • #51
                        Thanks elvin.tan77. The XiSt and cohesion really seemed to hit the spot for dinner and a conversation. However, as days pass, I don't notice much change in mentality or relationship. It hasn't really felt like a reset button overall. It just seems that way after talking for a while, but for that interaction only. I'm going to stick with it though, because my family is on the line. Cohesion and Celebrity will be here today.
                        I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                        Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                        Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                        • #52
                          Well you know what they say bout Xist. That it'll take a while for things to reset. Keep at it and chip away slowly. You'll get there.
                          PXS Oil: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, SOB, Flirt, Xist, Api, Taboo, Love Boat, Massage Oil
                          PXS Spray: Exotica, Bliss, PSE, Naked Gun
                          Samples: Odyssey, Bliss, Love Boat, Vibe, Desire Me
                          Others: LIIK V1


                          • #53
                            oh, I had never heard that elvin.tan77. Thanks for the info. It seems like when we have no distractions(kids, dog, technology) things move in the right direction. But then with our next few phone calls, or short interactions it seems to reset in a negative way. Like back to resentment, and vitriol. I will keep at it, but you've heard about this from day one. I should just move on, but I want my family.
                            I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                            Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                            Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                            • #54
                              Originally posted by Ragnar Lothbrook View Post
                              oh, I had never heard that elvin.tan77. Thanks for the info. It seems like when we have no distractions(kids, dog, technology) things move in the right direction. But then with our next few phone calls, or short interactions it seems to reset in a negative way. Like back to resentment, and vitriol. I will keep at it, but you've heard about this from day one. I should just move on, but I want my family.
                              Yes Xist was developed by SteveO and another contributor on another forum, Mustang. If you want to read the original thread where he described how Xist was developed and for what purpose you could learn alot (I apologize if I am not able to link other forums here but I felt this was a must-read for any Xist user as Mustang was the creator - with the help of SteveO to perfect it):



                              Long story short Mustang wanted this "reset" product and developed it. It is supposed to be modeled (or rather an improved version) of Mustang's original "Instant Boyfriend" mix back at Androtics Direct. Anyways, what he found as you can read from the thread is that this product works very well but requires several (3+) exposures of multiple hours each with time (preferably a week or longer in between each).

                              So to me it sounds like Xist is working for you when you're at dinner, but hasn't yet "unlocked" or rather "reset" the relationship. I would give it more time, especially with your situation, it may be more complicated than resetting a friend zone; really you're trying to reset a marriage and that will not be something done in a few weeks. How many sprays are you using of Xist? I have found 2-3 sprays to be best personally and most people find that to be the case. I would try 2 or 3 sprays if you are only using 1 spray right now. Or are you using the oil? If you are using oil I would add an extra drop to what you're using especially since diffusion is much slower with the oil. To be fair Mustang was adamant that it only required 1 spray to achieve the effect:

                              Cheers to you and hope you find some success soon! In the meantime, keep working on yourself and trying to figure out what her emotional needs are as that seems to be the biggest problem (and trust me, I know how hard that is especially when she won't tell you what they are!) Once that clicks the pheromones will really help the situation in my opinion
                              PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                              Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                              Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                              Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                              AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                              • #55
                                thanks knowledgeispower. I have both XiSt oil and spray. I've only been using the oil lately. Behind both ears, and base of neck. Maybe I should try a spray over top of the oil for both a quick hit, and long lasting.
                                I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                                Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                                Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                                • #56
                                  Originally posted by Ragnar Lothbrook View Post
                                  thanks knowledgeispower. I have both XiSt oil and spray. I've only been using the oil lately. Behind both ears, and base of neck. Maybe I should try a spray over top of the oil for both a quick hit, and long lasting.
                                  Try using the spray when you are with your spouse. I am honestly thinking for your case you want maximum diffusion and effect. Oil is great for close up intimacy, but so many factors effect it, I really think it would be better if you only use the spray. Say you are planning on having dinner, spray the Xist 30 minutes before and it will last you at least 6 full hours through your dinner + evening.

                                  Also I have been doing some experimenting with A1 lately and some research (the main ingredient in Cohesion) and I think it will only help your case. If you're dating, my advice stands that you want just the right amount of A1 but not too much, but for your case, you want to build the lovey dovey feelings of closeness again. In your earlier posts you mentioned your spouse says she put a wall....well A1 may be the thing to break it down. So try the spray version of Xist + Cohesion spray, do 2 sprays each! Do that every time you meet with her and I think things will improve. I'm not even sure if Ascend is necessary at this point to be honest, you might need just the Xist + Cohesion
                                  PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                                  Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                                  Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                                  Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                                  AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                                  • #57
                                    I'm with it knowledgeispower. Thank's for the advice. I've had cohesion for awhile now. I've just been saving it for the wife. not a lot of opportunities lately though.
                                    I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                                    Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                                    Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                                    • #58
                                      Well, I've moved on. I don't need people who are shitty to me in my life. Unfortunately, this person just happens to be the mother of my children. Thank you PXS for giving me the strength to get through this. In the back of my mind I still would welcome the chance to keep my family in tact though.
                                      I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                                      Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                                      Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                                      • #59
                                        Originally posted by Ragnar Lothbrook View Post
                                        Well, I've moved on. I don't need people who are shitty to me in my life. Unfortunately, this person just happens to be the mother of my children. Thank you PXS for giving me the strength to get through this. In the back of my mind I still would welcome the chance to keep my family in tact though.
                                        Sometimes you need to do what is best for you; I'm sorry it didn't work out but I'm sure this was for the best :( But hey now you have an entire stash of mones and can go out on the hunt again
                                        PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
                                        Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
                                        Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
                                        Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
                                        AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


                                        • #60
                                          I'm sure it will be for the best. Thanks knowledgeispower . I've had my own place for a year know while we "try" to work on things. If yoiu've read enough of my shit, you know that I've been the only one trying, but I've also been working on me too. Already got some head today at work, and it's not even 7 o'clock.
                                          I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                                          Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                                          Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                                          • elvin.tan77
                                            elvin.tan77 commented
                                            Editing a comment
                                            I read the magic word. Where's the report?

                                        Ad down
