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What's with the InnocenceXS?

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  • What's with the InnocenceXS?

    I will be posting many praises about other Steve's products here later (I LOVE most of them), but this time want to discuss the only one that is very odd on me and I can't figure out how to get any benefit of it. I only had Innocence in sample size, so tested it for 5 days in total, I think. That might be not enough to fully understand the product, but every time using it I got same results, so it feels consistent.

    With Innocence people stay away from me. First time I remember wearing it to a club, and there was always empty space around me. At one point I lost my friends somewhere and instead of going to look for them, tried to socialize and talk to some random people. Everyone I approached answered very politely and then went away. I did not try to hit on guys or something like that, but usually when I'm bored being alone and come to talk to someone, people like the company. Also I got lots of glances from males (not sure about females, I rarely have much of those around). It felt like everyone in 3m range had to check on me being still there every once in a while. Not looking with any interest, just that short glance at me and back to whatever they were doing.

    Using Innocence at work was very similar to this. Coworkers keeping their distance and lots of short uninterested glances.

    Here I copied from my journal a report about one day of me using Innocence at work
    So yesterday tried to wear InnocenceXS at 2 sample bottle sprays applied in the morning and 2 more added in the afternoon 8 hours after the initial application. The only result I was able to detect through the day were short glances given me by people. I think I'll save last drops of my Innocence sampler and take few days to analyze what the hell did those glances mean before testing it again.

    It felt like people were constantly checking if I was still there. They did not get distracted from their conversations, and did not pay any extra attention to me, just gave me that short glance every once in a while. As an example when I was having coffee with two men on my break, they kept giving me those short glances all the time. They discussed something boring and I had nothing to say about the subject, so I did not participate nor did I try to grab the attention in any other way. It got ridiculous when one of them was leaving the table. He took his coffee mug in his hand, gave me short glance; then stood up and went to the sink, one more glance at me; then rinsed his mug with tap water, and gave me that glance again before leaving.
    People were extra aware of my existence, but with no desire to act on that in any way.
    I'm 26 and quite girly so this young appearance from Innocence should not be very conflicting with how I look or act.

    Basically Innocence tests left me wondering on how should it really work, or what might be the case with it being this odd. Will love to hear any thoughts on this.
    And I hope my results with it can be of use to someone
    Last edited by Fleur; 06-14-2013, 05:45 AM.

  • #2
    Feel like I'm treading in dangerous territory posting in the ladies' section That, to me, sounds like a blanking - maybe two sprays is too many and you ODed? Have you tried with just one spray?


    • #3
      2 sprays from the sample bottle equals 1 normal. so I tried it at 1 and 2 sample bottle sprays.
      with 1 got same results as with 2, less of weird glances but nothing else really.

      As a comparison, with 1 spray(in this case normal size bottle spray) of TeaseXS I get major attention, men wanting to take care of me and constant help offering from anyone around. Also had couple incidents of men stalking me around.

      PS: Feel free to post in ladies' section. We don't bite
      And I feel quite lonely here, so any company is great


      • #4
        Hey Fleur
        dont say that !

        sorry about not participating in this forum but... the last time i wore some female products just to provwe something
        did not turn quite right ! lol
        dont ask .. ahhaha .. i am not telling

        i really hope that soon you will have some company here..
        but in the mean time... there is always whiskey

        .... or gin, rum, whine or good old vodka

        www.pheromoneXS.comEuro Hub Now Available - www.EUphoricXS.eu
        idle @ socials


        • #5
          Well, maybe you'll share that experience one day?)) I've read women reports about using mens products, but not the other way around. I only remember men who like adding cops to the mix, but nothing else about the subject.

          Yes, there is always something to keep myself warm


          • #6
            i hate cops .... its terrible... they smell bad and its just terrible.

            but i made quite some tests. 8 out of 10 people cant smell them .. wow ... (on women)

            on men is like the opposite.. 2 cant 8 can.

            this thing just gets in my brain.. but maybe because i smelled pure synthetic cops before and it just stuck in my mind.
            as much i love the idea using cops in males product i equally hate it.
            but all the hate comes from the smell ..
            i know its just me.. as i said most people dont really know what it is.. some of them get confused about it. and pay attention.

            cops overal should be in really small amounts as in nature

            so large amount it will make it worse .. just like androstenone for you

            Glad you are on board Fleur and hoping that the thing keeping you warm at nigh is not only

            Life is short so enjoy it every minute you can

            www.pheromoneXS.comEuro Hub Now Available - www.EUphoricXS.eu
            idle @ socials


            • #7
              Thing with cops is that they really stink. Like, if you can smell them at all, you always will. IIRC SteveO said he uses about 2 drops of cops per batch of Ascend, and you can smell them like nothing else from a 15ml bottle. Regular wear for a couple weeks, though, gets you used to them. There's a noticeable scent when the mones go on but it dries down quickly.

              And Fleur - so try a half spray? Alternatively, it might just be that Innocence doesn't play nicely with your natural chemistry. Perhaps you give off that sig all by yourself


              • #8
                Originally posted by idle View Post
                but i made quite some tests. 8 out of 10 people cant smell them .. wow ... (on women)

                on men is like the opposite.. 2 cant 8 can.
                Yeah men can smell cops. And generally like it
                Every single time I wear something heavy on cops I get compliments about my perfume smelling great

                Originally posted by Euan View Post
                ]And Fleur - so try a half spray? Alternatively, it might just be that Innocence doesn't play nicely with your natural chemistry. Perhaps you give off that sig all by yourself
                Next I'll try a tiny dab from the bottle neck.
                And I know some products don't work for me, so this could definitely just be one of them.


                • #9
                  So how'd the just-a-dab go? I'm all curious now


                  • #10
                    Sorry I'm late getting to the party Fleur but I think I might have an idea what's going on. Please understand that while I am considered a pretty good authority on pheromones I don't ever claim that I know everything. I'm going to take a shot at your situation as its something an ex-girlfriend experienced.

                    So lets start with a little back-story on the ex whom we will call Blue because she has the bluest eyes I've ever had the opportunity to spend time gazing into. The girl was drop dead gorgeous with blond hair and the kind of body other women spend all day in the gym trying to achieve. She did crunches but otherwise lived pretty much the way she wanted and at 33 years old she was a classic beauty. I'm not bragging, only telling you this because, like you she was very girly, BUT she also had some serious self-confidence issues. Like honestly she just didn't have anything nice to say about herself. Her self talk was guys only want me for sex and other than that I'm worthless. She was pretty much a loner when I met her and while I'm pretty gregarious I knew where she was. Its something I personally experienced and overcame so as I see all life's little messages she was there in my life for a reason. I was able to share with her those things that helped me and ultimately helped her. Today she is the same beauty only now she is a confident woman who is in control of her life. She's happier than I've ever seen and that makes me happy.

                    So now onto why this is relevant. Here's a girl that used the famous MX135 from Androtics and while she was the quiet little waif beauty with no self-confidence it worked like a charm. She was working as a Beer Goddess at the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium in Memphis and the very first night she wore it she went from lackluster tips to over $200 a night. She had a lot of competition at the time for babes working there with her, but she was shy and that made her seem like a bitch. When she wore the MX135 she came over as mysterious and sultry and that changed everything.

                    Over time as we dated (I have many, many reports about my time with her on pherotalk) she started building confidence. I introduced her to psycho-cybernetics, the single greatest book I've ever read. It changed my life and every person who actually put to use the theory: Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life If you haven't read it, and this goes for anybody regardless of your mental space, I highly recommend it. As her confidence grew something was changing at Androtics too. It was a time when all their old classics, all the mixes and innovation that made them what they were suddenly stopped being produced and unceremoniously vanished. The interesting thing was that I had been removing the labels from the bottles and giving them to her all along. She knew what they were and I never misled her on that, but writing and pheromones are my passion and I didn't want to feel I had to restrain my thoughts because she was going to read my thoughts on us and life. Those were times we shared in other ways. Anyway as she became more confident and comfortable being the incredible babe who was so much more than skin deep beauty I noticed that when she wore MX135 she shifted from confident to a bit snarky. It was almost as if the mix was no longer working right for her.

                    I did pull a fast one though here and gave her a bottle of Androtics Alpha female MX134, which as I remember was originally supposed to be a variation of A314 and intended for guys. She was elated and her entire demeanor fit the mones again. She left that job, got another that to this day she still works and excels at. Moved into a new apartment on her own instead of a horrible roommate situation, bought a new car, just shined at being her. It was also that time I felt the best thing I could do for her was to break off our relationship, but maintain our friendship. Since then our bond is closer than ever, but that's another post.

                    Okay so at this point your sitting on the edge of your seat, probably feeling a little hot under the collar, wondering when I'll ever get to the point. My point is while pheromones should never have to fit the person to work, they are working regardless, they still need to enhance the right aspect of the person. Its my opinion that pheromones enhance what we already have and fill in the gaps of where we fall short. Regardless if you are the innocent sweet girl that Innocence XS projects your image to be, those around you are affected by that persona. So in your instance you are writing that people are actually avoiding you when you wear it and it actually makes sense. In my exes situation she needed a boost to a persona she didn't carry WITHOUT amplifying the traits she did have. Most pheromone "experts" would have suggested the more alpha MX134 to her but that would have been to powerful and probably not believable. She probably would have come off bitchy and worse to her friends completely off kilter. Nobody goes from shy introvert to alpha extravert over lunch break. Its not believable!

                    In your case you mention you are girly and what I believe to be happening is Innocence is shinning a light on something you probably naturally are projecting. I'd bet people always take you for younger than you are. Everyone is always like OMG you don't look your age. Now that can work either way here so even if its the other way where they think you're older just keep reading. I'm almost there I promise. If you are already projecting the natural youthfulness in today's day and age where even looking at a "girl" is cause for prison or execution guys at a club are going to steer clear. Now think about this, in work you're signature is actually one of youthfulness which is usually accompanied by naivety especially today. Even if its the other way where people mistake you for older, which I'm guessing isn't the case, you're amplifying a youthfulness. Its like hey look at me I'm not on your same professional caliber. Seems to me that Innocence is doing exactly what its supposed to be doing and there is a way to capitalize on it. One night you should go about setting yourself out as a naughty school girl and give the innocence a go. I bet the guys will be more enthusiastic to corrupt your sweet self than the same get up without the innocence.

                    Sometimes there are going to be mixes that just don't match up to who we are. For the life of me I cannot wear Instant Gentleman from Androtics for the very same reason. When I did wear it I came across as this sweet guy who would carry your books, drop my coat over the puddle, hold every door open and then go home wondering why no one liked me. My ex was having the same problem with MX135 when there was little to be had anyway. It was actually pretty interesting to watch because where I used to have to resist the urge to tear her clothes off wherever we were and pounce on her the more confident she got the more easier it was not to have those urges. When I switched up to MX134, the alpha blend, that same desire came out full force again. Now of course there was a time and place for MX135 too in her life.

                    Okay so the synopsis from an apparently long crazy wordy post is don't wear pheromones to get an effect. Be the effect you want and use the pheromones to compliment you.

                    BTW to this day, every single women's product must meet my exes seal of approval before I even consider it for release. She still swears by MX135 though and now that she has a grasp on who she is (she was relying on the mones to get a specific result rather than herself and the mones to compliment said result) and had me make her a private mix that was just like MX135. I think I nailed it. On your next order Fleur, just because you had the patience to read this silliness of mine, remind me in the order comments and I'll send you a bottle of it. I think it will fit the girly, girl in you while not lowering your status of a woman whose okay with who she is. Doesn't sound like Innocence is the right thing for you anyway. Totally love the feedback though.

                    Steve O

                    This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                    A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                    discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                    Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                    Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                    • Mysticbeauty
                      Mysticbeauty commented
                      Editing a comment
                      That was very informative and makes ALOT of sense.

                  • #11
                    Originally posted by SteveO View Post
                    BTW to this day, every single women's product must meet my exes seal of approval before I even consider it for release. She still swears by MX135 though and now that she has a grasp on who she is (she was relying on the mones to get a specific result rather than herself and the mones to compliment said result) and had me make her a private mix that was just like MX135. I think I nailed it. On your next order Fleur, just because you had the patience to read this silliness of mine, remind me in the order comments and I'll send you a bottle of it. I think it will fit the girly, girl in you while not lowering your status of a woman whose okay with who she is. Doesn't sound like Innocence is the right thing for you anyway. Totally love the feedback though.
                    And this, SteveO, is what makes XS the wonderful thing it is - the friendly generosity that says "I've got this private mix I did for someone but I think it would improve your life so I'll send you some".


                    • #12
                      That was an awesome post Steve!

                      I think I now understand it better myself. I am not sure if I look younger than my age, but not older at least. Still the girliness perception might be somewhat contradictory about me even without mones, as I now think of it. It's true that I look and behave very feminine and girly, and it is really me myself, not any act. But as a person I actually grew up much earlier than most of the girls do, even if it is not showing on the outside. I might tell of that later in the more private section of the forum, but basically I live alone and earn my living since I turned 15 and could legally leave my parents without having them accused for bad parenting by social services. I have perfectly good parents who took care of me well, it just always felt like I'm stuck in the wrong setting and that I am more comfortable having all the control over my life myself, even if that meant going to work every day after school when normal teenagers went to have fun. Still I did have some confidence issues and got rid of most of them only much later, but I was never weak nor afraid of anything. Same goes for my relationships with men, I could never be with those who wanted their woman to be weak and submissive. If Innocence indeed gives an impression not only of youth but also of being a weak woman who needs men to protect her, I understand why it does not work for me.

                      And thank you for the link to that book, I'll see if I can find it here in Europe. Amazon does not really work well with international orders, so I am not buying from them unless I absolutely have to

                      By the way, my order from PheromoneXS can be considered the best online buying experience I've ever had, and I really buy lots of stuff online. Can't thank you enough for being so kind and helpful to your customers and for shipping orders out in no time.

                      PS: Euan, I did not get to testing a dab yet, and can't find that bottle with Innocence leftovers even though I'm sure it is home somewhere. And now it feels like I should just forget about it and use products that work better with my personality
                      Still will try it some day though
                      Last edited by Fleur; 06-27-2013, 01:19 AM.


                      • #13
                        Fair enough So long as you're getting a better life out of it that's all that really matters, right? As for the book, I did a little digging and found a link on Amazon UK if that helps you.


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by Euan View Post
                          Fair enough So long as you're getting a better life out of it that's all that really matters, right? As for the book, I did a little digging and found a link on Amazon UK if that helps you.
                          Thanks, you're awesome


                          • #15
                            I'd hardly call 20 seconds to copy the ISBN into the UK Amazon search bar "awesome" Glad it helped!


                            • #16
                              Well, I actually found a downloadable version already and got it to my ereader, but since you spent your 20 seconds to help me, it means you are a nice person and I had to tell you that

                              And if I find the book usefull I will definitely order a paper version too, love real paper books for their feel. Electronic ones can't make me that happy


                              • #17
                                Haha, I think we're all nice people here I find eReaders to be great for holidays, with their needing little packing space, but nothing beats the feel of dead tree.


                                • #18
                                  Hi Fleur!

                                  That's crazy about your experience with Innocence. My experience was the exact opposite!

                                  After testing Bliss first, Innocence felt so much like "me" it was a relief to test it instead of Bliss for a few days, lol. I think it must touch on the congruency that Steve seemed to be alluding to in his post. Shame you lost the sample but now you don't have to worry about using up a product that wasn't quite meshing for you
                                  You're never too old to learn NuTrix ^_~


                                  • #19
                                    There wasn't much left in that sample bottle anyway and as it most likely still is in my apartment I will find it eventually. Those tiny bottles get lost too easily

                                    I'm glad Innocence works great for you! I guess every blend has to be in some kind of synergy with the wearer, and this one just was too soft for me. XS110 that I got from Steve works much better with my personality, as I have reported here and on PT. I am actually wearing it today with 2 sprays of DM+, and that is lots of fun.
                                    And TeaseXS as I see it is something in between: it is playful, social and sexy, but not so bold as XS110.

                                    And now my lunch break is over, getting back to work


                                    • #20
                                      OH MY! I am really liking the DM+ as well! That may garner a FB in the future...such a naughty little minx she is....

                                      I was at odds with Bliss in a similar manner. I was able to "make it work" by buffering it but I decided rather to put it into the hands of someone who found it suited them well - no offense Steve <3 Rather than collecting dust, it's getting love. I still cannot get over how potent this stuff is....no slathering allowed! You'd ghost in a heartbeat! Of to learn more stuff about XS...really glad I found out about the site! "See" you around!
                                      You're never too old to learn NuTrix ^_~


                                      Ad down
