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Australia Fire Fund: Start 2020 By Assisting Our Friends In Need

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  • #21
    Originally posted by Morgaine View Post
    Just wanted to pop in and say a big thank you to SteveO for your generosity of spirit. You are a very caring human, and the world could do with more like you.

    I'm lucky enough to be living in an area of NSW that has not been badly damaged by fire (yet). You still live with a certain level of anxiety though- knowing that anything can happen. Late last year several people in my street noticed a motorbike rider riding along a trail in the very large area of forest reserve that runs behind the street and through parts of the town. Within a short time people noticed a fire had started somewhere further in the forest, right near part of the trail. Luckily it never got to destroy any houses- as the only fire in the area the volunteer firefighters could focus strongly on it. But it burnt out of control for around a week or so, burning through a few thousand hectares before they got it out. It was found to be deliberately lit.

    On the one hand we have severe droughts making things worse (a huge dust storm recently engulfed several towns because of this), then rising temperatures up to the mid forties Celsius, lightning storms with no rain, etc. But adding to all of that we have a severely out of touch, tyrannical, religious government with no interest in climate change, selling off our water to mining companies and a particular global superpower which shall not be named. Plus people who still think it's ok to throw a lit cigarette or glass bottle out the car window. Plus some insane pyromaniac psychopaths who think midsummer in the longest drought ever, with the lowest water levels ever is the best time to light themselves a fire. A lawyer working for a major bank was caught deliberately launching fireworks into forest areas off of a public park around Sydney for goodness sake! His car was full of the stuff. What kind of world do we live in?

    The wildlife death toll is now estimated to be at over 1 billion dead animals. More than 1,700 homes have burnt down, not counting those with major damage. Many are uninsured or under-insured, as rising insurance costs push insurance increasingly out of reach. I can't look at any more images of injured animals or devastated people. I'd previously been lamenting the fact that buying a modest house in this country is totally out of my reach. Now I wouldn't want to. It doesn't seem like anywhere would actually be safe. I'm one of the lucky ones so far, but I don't want to live here anymore.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. My mouth dropped open while I read it. I had no idea about any of this. I can't believe how much is being lost to this devastation. That number of animals being killed is incomprehensible. It's terrifying and it's proof that we can't take lightly anything we do when interacting with nature.
    XS arsenal:
    Desire Me, Engage, Fairytale, Fantasy, Innocence, Limitless, PSEL, P86, Sexy Confidence, Sweetness, Xist, xs189

    Samples - Celebrity, Cohesion, Love Boat, Girlfriend, InBetween, Babe, Taboo, Vibes

    LPMP arsenal:
    Balm Bomb, Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, Cougar Potion, Cuddle Bunny 2009, La Femme Mystere, Like a Magnet, Love Potion: Red, OCCO SLF, OCCO White, Popularity Potion
    Samples - Bosom Bows w/ Phero, Canaga Cocoa Cacao, Caramel Musk, Medium '19, 10:31 w/ Phero


    • #22
      Morgaine, thx for posting - indeed, we hope you stay safe! I have been following the news on this - it is claiming many lives: https://www.theguardian.com/australi...g-temperatures


      • #23
        Our planet is changing with everyday and punish us for what we do..
        I just started with small steps to not use plastic bags and etc.
        Its just so sad that happened to all of those people and animals..
        Now that virus..its just insane.
        Hope everybody is safe .
        Please take care of yourself and of our planet


        • #24
          Originally posted by Silvia View Post
          Our planet is changing with everyday and punish us for what we do..
          What most people don't realize is that nature will win such a fight, ...ALWAYS!
          Nature will always strike back!!

          I still remember when in 1990 Germany started its waste recycling program. A lot other nations were laughing at us and they were calling us as stupid bureaucrats, simply typical German. Yes, since 1990 we are separating and recycling our rubbish - paper, plastic, metal, glass, green cut, etc., etc., etc...

          It takes some time of course until everybody gets used to it and acts accordingly but finally it becomes normal like going to toilet or brushing your teeth.
          A LOT has changed since then to the positive AND this industry makes billions of Euros turnover. Which simply means you CAN protect nature AND make money or to put it in other words "you can make money out of rubbish"

          Well, but for some politicians it is easier to talk about what they CAN'T do instead of talking about what they CAN do.


          • Silvia
            Silvia commented
            Editing a comment
            Yes,a lot of my friends worked in Germany and told me the exact same thing.I wish most of the countries start doing this...

        • #25
          Sorry for the delays in the contest, but I've been out.

          Week of Jan 19-25 Morgaine won the contest. We only had a couple of donations that week.
          Last week Winner was customer J.B.

          winning charlie sheen GIF

          Congratulations everyone who participated.

          Steve O

          This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

          A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

          discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

          Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
          Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


          • Morgaine
            Morgaine commented
            Editing a comment
            Thanks so much for the lovely voucher- first thing I've won in years, so exciting!

        • #26
          We raised $304 which XS will double for $608 donation

          Thank you for all the help

          Steve O

          This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

          A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

          discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

          Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
          Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


          • Mysticbeauty
            Mysticbeauty commented
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            Can we still donate?

        • #27


          • Silvia
            Silvia commented
            Editing a comment
            That's great !

        • #28
          Originally posted by Mysticbeauty View Post
          Can we still donate?
          I had to set this up with the business accountant and it was only authorized for January. I guess we can still accept it, but perhaps sending it direct would be a better idea. I know it seems trivial but I'd have to get the okay to double any more donations. There's a lot of tax questions that could arise. If you'd like I will ask.

          Steve O

          This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

          A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

          discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

          Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
          Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


          • #29
            Donation to Vinnie's Fire Appeal has been made. PDF for community review attached Click image for larger version

Name:	vinnies xs.jpg
Views:	279
Size:	182.5 KB
ID:	127588

            Steve O

            This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

            A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

            discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

            Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
            Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


            • #30
              That's great !


              • #31
                Originally posted by Silvia View Post
                That's great !
                I agree but I wish it would have been more
                Anyway, we did what we could do


                • #32
                  Wish I could have given more. I'm glad so much has been raised worldwide.

                  I really liked doing this. I hope we can help out more causes on here in the future.
                  XS arsenal:
                  Desire Me, Engage, Fairytale, Fantasy, Innocence, Limitless, PSEL, P86, Sexy Confidence, Sweetness, Xist, xs189

                  Samples - Celebrity, Cohesion, Love Boat, Girlfriend, InBetween, Babe, Taboo, Vibes

                  LPMP arsenal:
                  Balm Bomb, Beth's Blushing Milkmaid, Cougar Potion, Cuddle Bunny 2009, La Femme Mystere, Like a Magnet, Love Potion: Red, OCCO SLF, OCCO White, Popularity Potion
                  Samples - Bosom Bows w/ Phero, Canaga Cocoa Cacao, Caramel Musk, Medium '19, 10:31 w/ Phero


                  • #33
                    Originally posted by Quiet&Dreamy View Post
                    Wish I could have given more. I'm glad so much has been raised worldwide.

                    I really liked doing this. I hope we can help out more causes on here in the future.
                    We've done a lot of campaigns like this before and will continue to in the future. Its a good thing to give back

                    Steve O

                    This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                    A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                    discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                    Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                    Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                    • #34
                      Originally posted by XSteveO View Post
                      Its a good thing to give back
                      I agree!
                      I know what it means to have nothing but life blessed me and I have a well payed job meanwhile.
                      Now that I'm on the bright side of life I'm always willing to donate for a good thing because it feels good to give back!

                      Waiting for the next campaign.


                      • #35
                        Right now I've been making hand sanitizer that I've been giving away to our local first responders and front line workers. It keeps me busy while things are slow.

                        Steve O

                        This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                        A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                        discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                        Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                        Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


                        Ad down
