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Hey, just another noob :P

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  • Hey, just another noob :P

    Hey everyone! I have been lurking around here for a short time but finally decided I wanted to be part of the action!
    I suppose I should pose an intro question at this point; what would you, more experience pheromone users, recommend for daytime if I am looking for alpha status, social comfort for myself and others, a bit of fallout, and just a hint of sex appeal?
    While I am looking for pre-made blends, I am also quite interested in mixing individual pheromones myself, so answers regarding either are welcomed!

  • #2
    Thats easy..A.C.E.
    Ascend/ Status
    Cohesion/Imprint for sure..fallout
    Evolve/ Sexual and social but since you said you want lite..go with Taboo. Read up on knowledgeispower journal.

    There's many to go with. I like A.C.T, A.C.T-X/ A.C.X/ E.X. C.T.X

    I would make Cohesion a must have and from now experimenting with Ascend is Also a must have. Never run out of Cohesion Nevvvver!!!!!. That Stuff is Wow!!! I would keep it with taboo. Play with two and then work your way up the ladder.

    Maybe Xcc can share his input...Good luck


    • #3
      catmand0 Read MychaelAngelo1985 post here.

      I'd recommend starting with formulas. Then go to molecules. I just more or less finished testing one called xsp75 and it was a ^*%* to figure out. I kept getting contradictory results.

      Status: What kind of status?
      Cool guy: Api
      Success: Ascend
      "fame": Celebrity

      Cohesion if you are A1 sensitive
      Crush for hardcore A1 effects

      Social comfort:
      xs121 Approach Confidence
      Love Boat

      Touch of sexual:

      Sex appeal?
      Sex appeal can be gotten a number of ways... see status, fallout, and Taboo...

      You want just one formula?
      Actually, I'd recommend Wolf by Liquid Alchemy Labs.

      Want to keep it PheromoneXS and simple? The ACE pack.

      Test each one... one at a time so you know what they do. (I know, you'll be tempted to mix and match.) Keep a journal about the effects. Then when you know what each does, then mix.

      Thanks for the shout out MychaelAngelo1985


      • #4
        I would recommend to get : Cohesion, Xist, Ascent, Evolve and SOB. Love boat.
        Living in Nordic climate, very cold and humid. Targets Caucasian/blond women, not really much chance to test with black, hispanic or asian. Living in a city, I target mostly 18-40 years old.
        Pheromone XS: SOB, Xist oil, Love boat, Cohesion oil & spray, Ascend -cops-, Connections, Evolve.
        Alpha dream: Alpha Maschio.
        Love Scent : scented Chikara, NPA 15ml.
        Androtics: A 314 oil (rarely use)
        Cover cologne: Armani Code


        • #5
          My perfect mix for this is ACT-X (Ascend w/cops + Cohesion + Taboo + Xist). One spray each and done. It's a beautiful mix. I wear it everywhere including work. It is a bit of status + social + romantic comfort with women + slight sexual as you put it. If you read my journal you'll see I have extensive testing with this blend!
          PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
          Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
          Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
          Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
          AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


          • #6
            Sorry I just realized you were looking for mixing individual pheromones rather than blends. I haven't done that in many years but I know Xcc is a wiz when it comes to individual mone mixing! Maybe he can comment more on that aspect
            PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
            Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
            Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
            Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
            AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


            • #7
              knowledgeispower Thanks for the vote. I don't know if I'm a wiz. I just am willing to make mistakes and learn.

              catmand0 Are we helping you, or did we miss the point of your post?


              • #8
                Wow, I was not expecting this much feedback. You all are being really helpful, and I think I'll try testing out the A.C.E combo. Xcc, I would like to know about individual molecules for these effects if you have anything that comes to mind?


                • #9
                  catmand0 Do I ever!

                  First, do NOT start experimenting with xsp75 until you get some experience. That molecule has been a &*%^ing pain! But now that I think I got it figured out a bit, it's kind of awesome.

                  Next, here is some reading for you...

                  Human pheromones seem like a "mind bending" concept at first, but after comprehensive testing on molecules like androstadienone, androstenone, androstenol,

                  What is the "imprint" or "fallout" effect? It's when women become romantically interested in the wearer. Early signs can be jealousy, possessiveness, and as it develops... a full blown stalker crush. "How deeply can you embed into someone's psyche? How big a part does imprinting pheromones play in bonding? Does…

                  "XSP" putative pheromones by PheromoneXS are alternatives the coded Androtics product line. After constant "out of stock", unexplained disappearances, and sketchy antics, they are now offered by a superior vendor.

                  Keep a journal as you use formulas ONE AT A TIME... I know you'll want to start combining them, but patience. Get to know what each does first.

                  Also androstenone (in my opinion) is over rated. It arouses. It's arousal might be interpreted by the woman as fear or excitement. I'd start with low androstenone products (XiSt or Taboo). Then use high androstenone products (like Evolve or Bad Wolf) so you see the difference.

                  Have a core set of products. For me it's Crush (rather than Cohesion), XiSt, Api, Wolf (Liquid Alchemy Labs), Glow, and Vibe.

                  If you want to get a badass formula, proceed with caution. Examples of badass formulas include Rone Love, Brute, SOB, Domination Oil, Dominant Ascend, Destroyer, and Impaxs. There is also Bad Wolf (Liquid Alchemy Labs). Those are the ones I can think of right now.

                  So what I'm saying is, yes investigate the individual molecule. But I would encourage you first to get used to using some of these formulas and enjoy the results before experiencing the frustrations of working with making your own blend. Also some molecules don't do much on their own, they need to be paired with something. Steered might be the right word.

                  I would also encourage you to think individual molecule, but also realize many effects will happen as you combine them.

                  Alpha androsterone itself can get you status. But what kind of status? Want to be easy to relate to and charming as well as have your status? You'll need to combine it with other molecules.

                  Androstenone arouses but do that in the wrong environment... or if your timing is bad (you don't know her well)... or she's not near ovulation... and she'll be scared of you rather than thinking she's horny.


                  • #10
                    Thank you for the info, I'll read up!
                    What are your thought on mixing individual molecules with formulas (for example, spraying on some Alpha-Androstenol along with some Ascend)?

                    Also, would you be able to explain a bit your thoughts on this xsp75 you've been mentioning? I won't be venturing in that direction for now, but you have peeked my curiosity!


                    • #11
                      catmand0 Ascend plus Alpha Androstenol. I've not used that. Alpha Androstenol can be very useful to get people to talk with you, and perhaps approach you.

                      If you are going to do that, I would encourage you to start with 10 mcg per spray... use 1 spray... then talk with a few people. Then increase it by 1 spray at a time after you talk with a few people. Remember to write down your observations after your interactions as well as how much pheromone you have on you. I'd go up to 100 mcg (10 sprays total) of alpha androstenol, just so you get an idea of what happens.

                      So rather than tell you what to do in terms of amounts, I'm basically telling you how I might test something.

                      Also what are you hoping to accomplish by adding the alpha androstenol?

                      In terms of xsp75, I was getting contradictory results at first. Sometimes it was repelling men and attracting women. Other times, attracting men and repelling women. Finally when I balanced it with some xsp74, it started to get more consistent in its results. xsp75 seems to be attractive to women, and I think it gives off a very masculine signature because women are likely to act more feminine around me when I wear it. Women seem to like it, but "too much" and I think it's intimidating because she finds it so sexy. It can repel men. Some report men getting hostile, but I've never seen that. I don't think it makes women horny or aroused (like androstenone might). I think it makes them feel very attracted, and self-conscious. The more I wear, the more likely a woman is to preen her hair and the more she will preen it. Also I think it's a very individualized molecule as in each person has to test to find out what amount is best for him. I've seen some swear by 0.5 mcg, and others say they wear 15 mcg. The AD site has a recommendation up to 30 mcg. I think that is way too much. I truly believe you have to find the amount of xsp75 that works for you, and I think that's why it's been one of the most difficult molecules I've experimented with.


                      • #12
                        Cat! The guys have already given you so much feedback I just swung by to welcome you to the action and let you know am happy that you finally stopped being a lurker and introduced yourself


                        • #13
                          Xcc do you think the disinhibition of xsp83 would bring out the effects of xsp75 and encourage more direct behavior?
                          KateD thanks for the warm welcome! I was honestly so surprised by how friendly and engaging everyone on here is


                          • #14
                            catmand0 Now you are thinking like a pheromone scientist! It might! But remember there are accounts of men responding with avoidance and/or hostility to men who wear p75.

                            So would it make those avoidant or hostile men like to act "more directly" to you if you are wearing xsp83 with xsp75?

                            Alright so how might we salvage this idea... because it is quite good...

                            xsp74 is a "best friend" kind of molecule used to mellow xsp75 intimidating factors or aggression, as far as I can see.

                            So I might do something like this...

                            2.5 mcg xsp75 + 30 mcg xsp74 + 20 mcg xsp83

                            Now maybe you'll need 30 mcg of xsp83... maybe you'll decide to use 1 mcg of xsp75... you might have to play with the proportions, but that's where I'd start.

                            But I can't take credit for this idea... Thanks GHOST



                            • #15
                              Xcc sidetracking a bit, I read in another post regarding xsp83 you mentioned a "xs182 dance" and I am utterly curious as to what that is, as well as any other important notes you have regarding 182


                              • #16

                                The xs182 dance:

                                I've noticed something women have done ONLY when I'm wearing xs182 that new -enone25. You know how if you're wearing a sexual mone they might cross their legs

                                "You know how if you're wearing a sexual mone they might cross their legs tight.

                                With xs182 they do the opposite, I've been talking with women and as they are standing they will spread their feet up to 2 shoulder widths apart and start rocking their hips side to side or back and forth."

                                And that's the xs182 dance.

                                Here is a thread with my observations/notes on xs182:


                                • #17
                                  Would you say xs182 has the same aggressive qualities of standard androstenone?
                                  Also would you say xsp96 is an effective alternative to androstedienone? Or does it lack certain qualities


                                  • #18
                                    catmand0 I've seen NO aggressive qualities of xs182. However, you might want to see what Tenerife Guy has to say.

                                    xsp96 might be an alternative to androstadienone (A1) in some ways. But I don't know if xsp96 is a complete replacement. Do a bit of research on this forum and notice what GHOST has to say.

                                    Go to "advanced search" to look for those users with those keywords. You'll know what to do.


                                    • #19
                                      Originally posted by catmand0 View Post
                                      Hey everyone! I have been lurking around here for a short time but finally decided I wanted to be part of the action!
                                      I suppose I should pose an intro question at this point; what would you, more experience pheromone users, recommend for daytime if I am looking for alpha status, social comfort for myself and others, a bit of fallout, and just a hint of sex appeal?
                                      While I am looking for pre-made blends, I am also quite interested in mixing individual pheromones myself, so answers regarding either are welcomed!
                                      Welcome aboard, I'd recommend Xist and/ or Ascend. Cohesion for a little social Evolve, SOB or PSE has worked well for sexual. Have fun!


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