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Connections...adding a bit here and there

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  • Connections...adding a bit here and there

    Hello all! So I've gotten more comfortable mixing and matching my blends for specific situations. I still don't own all the blends (waiting patiently for the next newsletter!), but I have quite a few to play around with. In my last order I got a sample of Connections and have begun adding it in some situations. It works great all on its own when I am at home with the hubby and definitely makes him more talkative. But I've also been experimenting in a large group of friends (mostly male) to see what attracts the most attention. Normally on D&D nights when we get together I wear DesireMe+ and Babe. It works amazingly on just about everyone. I always get lots of attention and the guys just love talking to me. All except for one guy who is incredibly shy. I've been puzzling it over for a while and decided to add the Connections to my usual blends to see if I could get this guy to open up a bit. It worked! It's really interesting how different folks respond to different blends and mixes. Connections will definitely be my go-to "key" to unlock those shy folks in the future!

  • #2
    How many sprays of Connections did you use? Did you find it made you a motor mouth?


    • #3
      I used 4 sprays out of the sample bottle, so like 2 sprays from the regular sized bottle. It didn't make me a motor mouth, but I'm rather shy to begin with. It did help me be a bit more talkative though...I certainly laughed more than normal! It seemed to affect others more than give self-effects like some of the other blends do. But that's just my experience with it.


      • #4
        Try it on its own, it definitely is a beast of its own! If the context of the environment is cheery, you are in for a nice engaging conversation. I love it because it enhances my already engaging personality.

        It also has a flip side. If you ask someone how they're doing, prepare for the truth. And sometimes the truth isn't very pleasant. But, I found it still enhances my personality in that I lend an ear to someone who may need it.

        I'm so glad xs made it an oil, I stocked up and I am GOOD for a while.

        P.s. you may consider using 3 or less sprays from sample bottle, overkill is a real phenomena on connections, and if it'a a sample, use less to get more


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