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bliss and vibes report

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  • bliss and vibes report

    Yesterday I wore 2 sprays of bliss on my collarbones. Upon spraying it I immediately felt this weird amazing chill happy sensation that lasted the majority of the day so A+ for self effects lol it was like all was well and nothing could ruin that even the shitty weather
    I could tell I was having an effect on the people within a certain radius of me even though there weren't any super obvious hits. The funniest one was my friend though lmaoooo so during class we sit next to each other and she kept spacing out and staring at the wall with this dorky smile on her face and I knew it was bliss bc this has NEVER happened before and I wore it today again and the same thing happened when we were eating
    she was like stoned lollll
    Today I wore 2 sprays of bliss on my forearms and 1 spray of vibe on my throat. Vibe is craaaaaazy omg right when I sprayed it I felt like SUPER confident like I was the coolest bitch ever the rush was stronger than bliss' like my head actually started like tingling (?) idk its really hard to describe
    Thing is, I couldn't really tell if I was getting any hits or even effecting other people
    Also I noticed that while bliss made me lose my filter, vibe almost made me withdrawn and less willing to approach people even with bliss on with it. But I still felt confident and comfortable in my skin regardless
    It might have been just the situation though....
    Vibe is kinda uncertain for me regarding the effects on others. Has anyone been on the opposite end (being the perceiver) and want to tell me what it makes people think?
    Next time I'll use 2 sprays alone and see what happens
    Also is 3 sprays of bliss too much or...? Because I would really like to have the confidence that vibe gives me with the chattiness from bliss

  • #2
    Trust me, pheromones are affecting most people around you. It's a little bit like drinking, however...some people just hold their liquor better. I have friends, drunk off their hind-ends who you'd never know were drunk. Then there's me, who is crackin' jokes, loose with comments of all sorts, etc. Different products will hit different people. Some will seemingly have no affect on some people.

    My wife has a sister. The products I initially bought to get my wife into bed more often did nothing. I wore the same product around my sister-in-law and OMG - I only wish they hit my wife like that! So I then assumed my wife was immune. Not so. She falls for status and comfort products. If I wear something with A-1 like Cohesion, she's cuddly and very easy going. If I wear something with status, sometimes she gets insecure in our relationship. Where she gets insecure, another person may feel completely star-struck and special.

    You'll learn more as you continue using and reporting!


    • #3
      Pretty much what RTBoss said.

      If you want to go for 3 shots of Bliss, give it a go and see what happens. That's part of the fun of pheromones.
      Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
      Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
      Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
      AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
      LAL: Nude Alpha
      Orange Font = Sample Bottles


      • #4
        Bliss is in my 'mone collection mostly for the self-effects. When the oil is available, you'd better believe I'm getting two bottles!


        • #5
          I'm still learning how bliss is affecting me but I do feel calmer with it. I haven't tried vibe yet.


          • #6
            What am I doing wrong with Bliss that it doesn't work for me???? No happy self effects


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sweetpea~ View Post
              What am I doing wrong with Bliss that it doesn't work for me???? No happy self effects
              Sweatpea your not doing anything wrong. Some mones don't affect everyone. The bliss type of mones have never affected me in the least. Neither did AD instant shine. Most people raved about it and for me, nada.
              PXS: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, Bliss, Xist, Loveboat, PSE, XSR193(Boyfriend), SOB
              LAL: Aqua Vitae, Nude, Possess, Voodoo, Bad Wolf, DP
              PT: GOA, Swoon, Captain, AOA
              AD: Glace
              Lovescent: NNPA
              Androtics: A314 Rev 32, TUTH


              • #8
                Interesting..I'm starting to wonder if maybe socials aren't my thing? My intro into the world of mones started out with Glace. And I wanted so bad to believe it was working..but No good results..So after much reading I turned to Steve's products and I DO KNOW when they are working!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sweetpea~ View Post
                  Interesting..I'm starting to wonder if maybe socials aren't my thing? My intro into the world of mones started out with Glace. And I wanted so bad to believe it was working..but No good results..So after much reading I turned to Steve's products and I DO KNOW when they are working!
                  Pheromones are kind of like tuning forks. Some people will naturally resonate with different frequencies more than others. The trick is to find the ones that both you AND the people you are interested in resonate with.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by galacticfish View Post
                    Yesterday I wore 2 sprays of bliss on my collarbones. Upon spraying it I immediately felt this weird amazing chill happy sensation that lasted the majority of the day so A+ for self effects lol it was like all was well and nothing could ruin that even the shitty weather
                    I could tell I was having an effect on the people within a certain radius of me even though there weren't any super obvious hits. The funniest one was my friend though lmaoooo so during class we sit next to each other and she kept spacing out and staring at the wall with this dorky smile on her face and I knew it was bliss bc this has NEVER happened before and I wore it today again and the same thing happened when we were eating
                    she was like stoned lollll
                    Today I wore 2 sprays of bliss on my forearms and 1 spray of vibe on my throat. Vibe is craaaaaazy omg right when I sprayed it I felt like SUPER confident like I was the coolest bitch ever the rush was stronger than bliss' like my head actually started like tingling (?) idk its really hard to describe
                    Thing is, I couldn't really tell if I was getting any hits or even effecting other people
                    Also I noticed that while bliss made me lose my filter, vibe almost made me withdrawn and less willing to approach people even with bliss on with it. But I still felt confident and comfortable in my skin regardless
                    It might have been just the situation though....
                    Vibe is kinda uncertain for me regarding the effects on others. Has anyone been on the opposite end (being the perceiver) and want to tell me what it makes people think?
                    Next time I'll use 2 sprays alone and see what happens
                    Also is 3 sprays of bliss too much or...? Because I would really like to have the confidence that vibe gives me with the chattiness from bliss
                    Thank you very much for your analysis, maybe in the future try both products that are heard they are good products, or use them on combo with other alpha or attraction products! Thank you!

                    Muchas gracias por tu analisis, talvez en un futuro pruebe ambos productos que se escuchan que son buenos productos, o los usare en combo con otros productos alfa o atraccion! gracias!


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