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  • Question!!!!!

    My first order came in today and I'm super excited weee (also hats off the shipping bc damn that shit is FAST)
    I just have one question before I start using them. So I go to a college where the classes are small and the professor knows who you are.
    Wouldn't it be weird if I walked in one day with a whole new persona??? At least, that's how I understand pheromones to work...dunno if I'm exaggerating
    I'm also kinda shy and quiet (in class) so will it be harder for me to pull off?
    Is anyone else in the same situation or something similar?
    If it helps, I got bliss, vibes, connections and samples of loveboat, thinker, and odyssey


  • #2
    Congrats on the haul! Best advice I can give you is, resist the temptation to slather everything on. Test each one individually, make notes, and most importantly...interact! If you are shy, use this as an opportunity to put yourself out there more. Pheromones work best when you are engaging others. If no one is smelling them because you are hanging back...they are guaranteed to fail.

    Looking forward to hearing about your experiences!



    • #3
      Your mom will act weird when you first start wearing pheromones...nobody else is going too. People who know you will gradually adjust their perceptions, even your mom. Enjoy!


      • #4
        The alternative to tongren's suggestion is to slather everything on (it's actually suggested that you do phero "baptism" in the paper brochure that came with your order) and just go about your day while experiencing all the changes and differences in your usual interactions. Then, go about exploring which product did what and record it so you know what each one contributes to any mix you want to try.
        Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
        Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
        Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
        AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
        LAL: Nude Alpha
        Orange Font = Sample Bottles


        • #5
          Awesome! Excited for you galactifish I passed on this thread to shipping so they can smile all day long, thank you for your kind words.

          You already got some great advice, nothing more to say. Enjoy to the max and keep us updated.


          • #6
            Thank you for your kind words on the shipping! It really brightened my day! I do my best to get everything out ASAP and into your hands as quickly as possible.

            I'd side with the sentiment that trying one - maybe two - at first is the best idea. I've tried stacking a bunch and I get some weird responses to be honest. I try and use one or two at a time. Mostly I use Ascend and Cohesion or Loveboat... The only time I stack more than those two is when I go out and I add Evolve into the mix. But I'm still rather a rookie at mones so take that at face value.
            PheromoneXS Guru of Shipping and SteveO's Right Hand Man at XS!


            • Sweetpea~
              Sweetpea~ commented
              Editing a comment
              Hey!!!! Its Brian the shipping guy! Brian, you da man!

            • Brian-XS
              Brian-XS commented
              Editing a comment
              Why thank you Sweetpea~! I do my best to make everyone happy campers!

          • #7
            Something you might try is putting different blends under different layers of clothing, so you can control the mood by the simple expedient of removing clothing. Run your socials on the backs of your hands, your verbal disinhibitors on your forearms, and your sexuals at the crook of your elbow/chest/abs. That way you can escalate things as things naturally progress, while keeping them "under wraps" until then.


            • #8
              It is true, some people will initially react to your signature change - like those who've known you forever. Most won't. It's the most fun watching the change in behavior of people you know when they're around you. It even becomes quite predictable.


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