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XS1111 Love Boat: Initial Usage

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  • XS1111 Love Boat: Initial Usage

    Still kind of tipsy from last night, please bare with me

    Got my order Saturday morning and this was the first thing I applied during that Evening. Was around my female friend who I've been seeing a lot of this summer. I applied to sprays to the neck, didn't really care about where to put it just wanted it on. Upon application I received the usual self reaction when you apply SteveO's mones... It's almost like taking a shot of JackDaniel minus the harsh taste...You just know you got some potent stuff. Throughout my day I did not get irritated or anything, I was pretty cool. The female reaction was sort of playful and buddy buddy while we were out and about... Once we got home she became touchy and wanted me to stay close (This was about 5 or so hours later) I got up and went to the bathroom to apply another spray... While I was at it I saw Bliss and my dumb ass sprayed that too. Went back into the room and after about 25mins she was undressing herself and we did not finish the movie.

    I chalked this up as me already being so lovable and cool but I dunno... The next day after I showered and all that good stuff I put on some more.. This time I did 3 sprays. Still no irritation on my part... Same reaction from her and I am loving this... I felt like an adorable kid who couldn't do any wrong... You know the kind that always get scolded for doing bad shit but after they just stare at their mother they turn to butter and just get all mushy. I am saying this because later in the day she started to argue with me over something petty... I was kind of confused but instead of arguing back and forth I decided to get up and walk to my balcony and have a toke. I calmed down, went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face then returned to the room... Soon as I walked in she is looking at me smiling saying "I'm Sorry" I was like...okay ( trying not to lose my vibe ) She opens her arms and wants to hug me, 45mins later we're back in bed again. I want to test this out at work so bad and see how people react... This is too early for me to give a solid description on how this reacts with my body chemistry but I just wanted to speak on this since I personally had a good time this weekend. Will post more in the upcoming weeks.

  • #2
    Just got this myself 2.5 seemed to work well for me during the day ill have to up the dosage for night time and see how I do though


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