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The Bachelor - input needed

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  • The Bachelor - input needed

    Alright so I've made a new mix I've dubbed
    The Bachelor
    and I'd like some input on it, so I'll list all the amounts of each 'mone then why I put the amount of each and you can suggest changes you'd make or ask questions or whatever your heart desires

    15 mcg Enone
    2.5 mcg Anone
    3 mcg eRone
    10 mcg eRone-S
    5 mcg A-nol
    50 mcg B-nol
    15 mcg A1
    20 mcg xsP74
    2.5 mcg xsP75
    20 mcg xsP83
    5 mcg xsP86
    40 mcg xsR89
    50 mcg Enone25
    28 mcg Copulins

    I put 15 mcg of Enone because I want a sexual vibe to be present and not ignorable but in no way be overbearing.
    2.5 mcg Anone to add to the sexual vibe in a passive way as well as act as a nice attention grabber.
    3 mcg eRone paired with 2.5 mcg xsP75 and 10 mcg eRone-S is meant to act as a status boost, and in the midst of the large amount of B-nol gives off a trusted leader sorta vibe that causes people to confide in you and turn to you when decisions need to be made.
    5 mcg A-nol and 50 mcg B-nol to cause people to say exactly what they are thinking but not so much of either that they go into full on life story mode.
    The 20 mcg xsP74 to cause people to feel and act like they are close to you and 15 mcg A1 to cause a comfortable and feeling, both with the goal of reducing verbal inhibitions.
    20 mcg xsP83 to act as a disinhibitor of action, which usually translates to people acting on the effects of the other pheromones more readily and with less resistance, as well as encourage people to dismiss social norms to pursue desire.
    40 mcg xsR89 to steer thoughts and conversation towards sexual topics and keep them there without it feeling forced or unnatural.
    50 mcg of Enone25 because it is a lowkey Enone which Xcc has reported wearing up to 500 mcg without problems so I figured 50 mcg should encourage sexuality without coming off strongly.
    And finally 28 mcg Copulins because I thoroughly believe that women are more attracted to men who have recently had sex, and I am guestimating that this is similar to the amount of copulins given off by a guy who has recently had sex.

  • #2
    If you were to briefly summarize what you wrote, how would you "sell it"? Bachelor pretty much says it all (and reading it solidifies any proper presumptions), but you need to sell this to the common man, Cat! Just giving you a hard time, but I like the mix concept and the fact you basically advertise it. I haven't had time to go through your journal fully, but have you tested this mix a decent amount of times? Any comments/IOIs/hits by potential targets? I feel this mix is going to be a clubbing mixture but with a more specific focus. I should ask, too: what outcome do you hope yourself and others get from this mix?


    • #3
      This mix is meant for any situation where you wish to bring a woman home with you that night. If you play your cards right you will have her telling you how badly she wants to fuck you. I have only gotten to test this out once but it was pretty nice, people said exactly what came to their minds and women tended to blatantly give IOI's more so than I have gotten with any other mix.


      • #4
        I think you'll find that Bnol behaves differently at 50 mcg. I expected averbal diarrhea/truth serum effect at that dosage. What I got was what KIMBA described as an aura of trust bordering on the mystical. My findings seem to support that theory. No deep confessions even when combined with a disinhibitor. Just a lot of trust. In the mix I was using it in it added to the awe factor.


        • #5
          I'm curious about why you went so high on P74 and P83 but are only using 5 mcg of P86. For me P86 doesn't even begin register until 12.5 mcg and 25 mcg is my sweet spot.


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