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Updated Ramblings of a Phero Addict

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  • Updated Ramblings of a Phero Addict

    Most of my old posts talk about old combinations for seduction purposes only. I have transitioned in life and and now use products for other purposes. Business and some social outings mainly.

    So I decided to do an update on what I consider "Great" now and what is in my rotation. These are not exclusive to pheromone XS, but you will find a lot of products are Steve's.


    Loveboat + Xist + X

    This always hits out the park. Loveboat and Xist is a fantastic base for seduction.

    I personally love SOB in general, and for a SNL it is king in this mix. It is a kitchen sink mix, but it works.

    Evolve and Taboo play well in here. Evolve for dates, Taboo for day game.

    SOB + Bliss

    You get the vibe, you disarm guys and the bitchy girlfriend's. Bliss adds a nice element to SOB and helps you do better with women who would normally be turned off by just SOB. It is a great buffer.

    MX353 + API

    This is my 'older lady' net. Above 35 and this swings out the park. The smell / cover is great as well. I use this when I do not want to phero bomb with the aforementioned Seduction blends.

    L2K V1 (OLD) + TAA

    This is great, but the formula has changed. TAA helps lower the bar of attracted women (From high 20s to low) and makes L2K almost a good product for day game. Good for dates, and small lounges.

    Work / Business


    I am a sucker and try Ascend, A314, and products from other vendors from time to time (Old A7, for example) and it does not stack up. My oldest a314 is okay. API is a lot smoother, a lot less smelly. Ascend tends to smell too much for me and for my age, it is too aggressive.

    When I pair things with API are single molecules. For work, it just is not great to add other products. Even solid social products it doesn't work well.

    What I mix with it varies, but I normally will add:

    Beta Nol

    I personally love TAA and P86. P74 helps a lot with clients trust as does Beta Nol.

    The goal is to disarm, and be welcoming. Making me appear better is what most of the singles are for.


    P86 is 40 +
    Beta Nol is 25 - 50
    TAA is 20
    P 74 is 10 - 20
    P96 is 20 - 30 MAX

    Again, for work I prefer less. It all depends on what I am going for.

    Social or Family

    Socials have a limit of eNone. I stick with old school Ammo, Core, or Taboo if I want anything attractive when with women and friends or family.

    I still love MX 297, but every batch is a hit or miss. I have a half bottle of great stuff and am saving it, for when I want to rip the town up.

    For social I stick with x22 and bliss when with mostly women in public and not family. When with family, I stick with bliss.

    Other Thoughts -

    The main concern is not bombing family, or using a lot of mones. Bliss, a single spray and a good cover is my go to.

    Aside from Steve, I still plan with a HAX product or two, my old Alpha Dream and old Androtics and single molecules.

    Androtics is good only because there stuff IS weak. I do not often use commercial line products but singles and the older stuff.

    Less is more. And more is more. This is true as some times you want to phero bomb for over the time reactions. This is the loveboat, sob and xist combo at 2 sprays and I 'need' to get a SNL. This was with clients from my PUA business. Sometimes I had to prove a point and this was a great crutch.

    The biggest lesson I hope every 'new' member learns is the product only is an edge. It is like a new haircut or nice clothes. You still need to pull the trigger. For the seduction, even with DIHL and IOIs, you need to pull the trigger.

    For business, if you are trying to sell a pyramid scheme, no pheromone will save you.

    This of this as a tool. You do not need the best tool, or all the tools, but you need to learn how to use the tools you have.

  • #2
    Hello Kimba,

    My favorite part of your post is where you say :"my main concern is not bombing family, or using a lot mones".
    There is still so much we don't know about long-term pheromone exposure, particularly on children or the elderly. Everyone has to make their own decisions on this.
    Personally I am comfortable with using a low dose of an uplifting social at family events, as I feel the benefits outweigh any potential risks. Looks like you have similar thoughts on this.


    • #3
      Thanks for post I'm taking note. I will keep it for me something like this.
      Seduction: Xist+Love boat+ little bit some sexual product.

      Dates: Cohesion+Evolve

      Daygame: Taboo

      Night game: SOB+Bliss, SOB+Love boat, Xist+Evolve

      Living in Nordic climate, very cold and humid. Targets Caucasian/blond women, not really much chance to test with black, hispanic or asian. Living in a city, I target mostly 18-40 years old.
      Pheromone XS: SOB, Xist oil, Love boat, Cohesion oil & spray, Ascend -cops-, Connections, Evolve.
      Alpha dream: Alpha Maschio.
      Love Scent : scented Chikara, NPA 15ml.
      Androtics: A 314 oil (rarely use)
      Cover cologne: Armani Code


      • #4
        KIMBA Good post, thank you for sharing! Yes you do need to pull the trigger, always! There are some products or combos where targets will open you, and it makes it much easier for you to pull the trigger!

        I appreciate and love XS products for this, as I do get opened a lot wearing these blends. Especially SOB! It works extremely well for me as I am naturally not a SOB kind of a guy. I'm a really nice guy and shy sometimes, so SOB is the perfect counter balance for me. I need this dark side of SOB in my character, it really helps

        You're right about Androtics products being weak. Sometimes I think some don't even have mones in them. They do smell nice though lol

        XS does raise the bar in terms of actually working with blatant undeniable hits! I almost feel like they do all of the work for me. Yes, they are quite amazing. The smell is another issue though, they are probably the smelliest and need good cover. Who cares though if you're getting laid right? lol


        • #5
          androstenol : Yup, you are of the same mind set I am.

          The biggest distinction I made with Pheromones was with A314 application. I ALWAYS put it on the same spot on my jaw line. A dab. Over the couple years I wore a314 fairly often I noticed something. See, I can't grow a beard. My facial hair is spotty at best. The spot I ALWAYS apply a314? I get a single spot of very coarse dark brown hair. I am a dirty blonde.

          I tested this by switching my app point to below my mouth (Where people get a 'soul patch'). Now I grow a soul patch. My 'mustache' is wispy and thing blonde hair. My facial hair is light blonde. But where I apply a314 / ascend / a7 / API for extended periods of time? I get dark hair.

          Sure this is not concrete proof. But it is enough to be to know it changed my physiology (I hope this is the right word for what I am describing).

          What can this do to friends? I treat this like second hand smoke. It may make me feel great, but we do not know how it may impact others.

          I have had pheromone headaches, Who knows what it is doing to others.

          Loquisimo: Those are nice mixes. That is a fact.

          Cohesion always gave me bad sides. I already may get bouts of depression and it did not help.

          When I use it, it is oil to my forearms. On wrists I still smell it on dates and highly dislike it.

          Ixist: Boy, do I have some SOB stories.

          No one opened me. Nothing crazy like that. People opening you to me is a buddy buddy thing or a gay best friend vibe.

          Androtics has there place. Do they work? Yes. So does wearing cologne.


          • #6
            Thanks for sharing that hair-growth story. It would be good to have a thread for those kinds of experiences, something like "long term effects of phero use on the wearer".
            My main ones are headache and effectiveness of any phero sharply decreasing after 4 days of use. I've also had redness/rash on my chest and had to switch to a scent locket for a while. But that's all pretty minor stuff.


            • #7
              KIMBA I know what you mean by buddy buddy or gay best friend. I can only associate something like that with A1. Females are comfortable with you when you wear A1.

              SOB is different in that respect. What happens is they want to get your attention, to look at them. For example, they will bump in to you and excessively apologize just to start a conversation. Something like this does not happen normally. I've had this happen to me many times with SOB.

              More confident girls will just start talking to you. Most expect you to talk to them first, so they will look for a way to get your attention. It's incredibly interesting to watch this behavior. SOB is really something else


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