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xs187 Pimp Now where can I get a gallon of this?

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  • xs187 Pimp Now where can I get a gallon of this?

    xs187 Pimp Now where can I get a gallon of this?

    3 sprays

    Instant respect

    Instant best friend

    Instant comfort

    Instant relatability

    Instant connection

    Instant authority

    Instant popularity

    Instant conversational leadership

    rapport seeking from others (wanting to connect with you)

    self effects: I felt a bit dizzy at first. Maybe there is a lot of Rone in there?

    What more can I say? I think this is not an attraction formula in the sense that you'd arouse her sexually with the pheromones. I would think that socially you'd get lots of respect from others, women would see that, and then they would feel like they have to have you.

    If this is going to pan out the way I think, I think I may use this over Wolf or Bad Wolf (which are my 2 favorites).

    One of my complaints about PXS has been that the formulas are so specific, where is a general formula to wear any where and every where? For me, I'd wear Wolf for that. I truly believe you can wear Wolf anywhere! And now, I think PXS has just addressed my complaint about them. If Pimp is what I think it is, I think it could be an all purpose everyday wear for anywhere you want to go.

    Compare to xs186 Cool Guy

    xs186 Cool Guy (I think I might want a gallon of this too!) 3 sprays very casual (buddy buddy type with the guys) uplifting playful, happy, disinhibiting

    Now where can I get a gallon of this Pimp XS?

  • #2
    Yes, I also think is would be nice to have one product that can wear almost everywhere, without worry about ghosting or thinking in combos that are adapted to the place and time you're going.
    A product that makes things more simple.
    Living in Nordic climate, very cold and humid. Targets Caucasian/blond women, not really much chance to test with black, hispanic or asian. Living in a city, I target mostly 18-40 years old.
    Pheromone XS: SOB, Xist oil, Love boat, Cohesion oil & spray, Ascend -cops-, Connections, Evolve.
    Alpha dream: Alpha Maschio.
    Love Scent : scented Chikara, NPA 15ml.
    Androtics: A 314 oil (rarely use)
    Cover cologne: Armani Code


    • #3
      Lol I want that pimp xs187 and maybe playboy xs188. That would be sweet


      • #4
        MychaelAngelo1985 Now wait a minute... are you making that up xs188 playboy? Or did you get a sample?


        • MychaelAngelo1985
          MychaelAngelo1985 commented
          Editing a comment
          Sorry Xcc it was a idea. I been blending my own trying to come up with the PLAYBOY. I "wish". Now about that xs187 is this a real formula?

      • #5
        Isn't Taboo a "go anywhere" type of mix? I didn't see Pimp in the store, gotta look that one up.


        • #6
          MychaelAngelo1985 Yes, xs187 Pimp is a real formula. Got a sample right here. And yes, I really would like a gallon of this stuff.

          Catlord17 That helps clarify because for me a go anywhere mix might be different than someone else's. Perhaps Taboo could be a go anywhere formula. It's non-offensive (unlike something like Brute). But Taboo is not go anywhere for me. I want to make sure there is status in the blend. With Taboo, it's FLIRTING playful social.


          • #7
            MychaelAngelo1985 If you are interested in making a mix, first I'd encourage you to use the formulas that you think might work to do what you want.

            Then perhaps write down how you'd know if your playboy formula would work. What would happen? How would women be behaving in that moment? What contexts would you wear it in?

            Then start researching individual molecules. Then start mixing. Keep a journal with detailed records of how much of each molecule you used and what happened.


            • #8
              Can you go wrong with something called pimp with the call numbers for murder. Just watch the back hands and all will be well.


              • #9
                XCC thanks for sharing mate. Once it appears on the eurohub I will grabbing a few bottles of this before you can shout Jack Robinson


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