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Some unwanted effects, need advise.

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  • Some unwanted effects, need advise.

    I am hoping the community can share their experience or advice with me. I have been using Xist and cohesion and what I have found/noticed is, each time I have any of these 2 on, either alone or with other stuff, I get so tired, sleep, drained of energy and depressed. Also I think with cohesion I have experience some sort of loss of libido . I am was hoping I can get some advice from here, as anyone experienced something like this or similar effects with this products and if so what works best for you and how were you able to cope with these effects?

  • #2
    The cohesion is easy - you're A1-sensitive. Either switch to another calming molecule (P96/EST/etc.) or use b-nol as your buffer for bonding (which is indirectly calming) over direct calming or simply balance it out with something uplifting - could be anything from APi/SOB/Ascend (aggression to offset lethargy) to Odyssey (happiness to offset depression) or Bliss/Vibe. The last options may or may not suffice. The cops in particular should help with libido (if you want to test separately, grab the t-150 cops stick from lal mones or wear desire me from PXS, and either way just apply it right under your nose), but you don't want to rely on just that because of the effect on others (especially if using XiST/cohesion for a trustworthy boyfriend vibe, a cloud of cops is going to have the opposite effect). Evolve is another option that is safer than sob/ascend while more energetic and masculine than xist. It contains a bit of EST for comforting purposes but that's also required due to the emphasis on none over rone (so perhaps a wash).

    As for XiST, it _could_ be the EAP but there are also unlisted ingredients that act similar to A1 and Steve won't confirm what they are (neither will any other vendor or they'd all be out of business), so I don't know exactly what to recommend.

    It's not at all uncommon to have a trade-off between the effect you want on your target(s) and the effect you want on yourself. If it wasn't this it would be something else. There's no universal solution, just trial and error to find the right balance. Sometimes you can change an external variable (e.g. keep wearing a bunch of A1 but start drinking a lot more coffee before you go out).


    • #3
      me also i get tired when i apply cohesion, but not when i apply Xist, so i stop using it and i use Straight A1 instead, with Straight A1 i don't get tired maybe just after 6 hours or 8 hours, but when i use cohesion i get tired just after 2 hour.
      Last edited by sexnificant; 06-02-2015, 12:23 PM.
      Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
      Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
      LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
      Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



      • #4
        Bliss relaxes me so much that I want to sleep when there are no stimuli. I've actually applied a spray as sleep aid when I've come home from work in a hyperactive state. Luckily, no depression or loss of libido for me from any of the products I've tried up to now (BCE, Taboo, Xist, Ascend).


        • #5
          Where have you been applying your pheromones? While it's likely that you're A1 sensitive like Lead said, it could help if you spray it somewhere that keeps it far away from your own nose. Elbows, wrists, hair, back of neck, under your shirt on your stomach, etc...
          Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
          Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
          Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
          AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
          LAL: Nude Alpha
          Orange Font = Sample Bottles


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sylvian View Post
            Bliss relaxes me so much that I want to sleep when there are no stimuli. I've actually applied a spray as sleep aid when I've come home from work in a hyperactive state. Luckily, no depression or loss of libido for me from any of the products I've tried up to now (BCE, Taboo, Xist, Ascend).

            do u have cohesion oil or spray?
            Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
            Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
            LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
            Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



            • #7


              • #8
                Highly concentrated products can be tiring on the brain if you're not used to it. How is your diet? Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water can help reduce the fatigue dramatically. A1 in cohesion is a bit of a double edge sword, it's fantastic for building comfort with woman but if it puts you in a negative state it's difficult to capitalize on the benefits. Often using heavy socials or drinking lots of caffeine will work for a short period of time but can often tire you out and quickly lead you to crash, this willl only increase the A1 depression in the long run. I don't use a lot of A1 anymore as the negative outweighs the positive for me, which is a shame because there is no other molecule out there that does comfort like A1. P96, p74 and Bnol are good for bonding and rapport building but lack that masculine warmth that comes with A1.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sexnificant View Post

                  do u have cohesion oil or spray?
                  Yes, I have the spray and it just so happens that I'm currently wearing four sprays on the neck (one of which on the back of neck), applied three hours ago.

                  It's the first time I've worn Cohesion solo. Mild self effects (thankfully nothing negative), but just got kissed on the neck by a guest at the hotel.


                  • #10
                    i have cohesion oil i apply usually in jawline, just after 1.5 hour or 2 hour start feelin tired with red eyes, co-workers most of time when i wear it they tell if i'm okay, they tell me u look tired, but before i was using A1 oil no tiredness no red eyes i bought the A1 spray, the same thing no tiredness...

                    i don't know if cohesion have Alpha nol or beta nol

                    but it seems to me that i'm sensible to alpha nol first time i used as single molec
                    Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
                    Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
                    LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
                    Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



                    • #11
                      You can be like a few of us who get very tired after using Xist.
                      Xist acts likes a sugar rush for me, I get very jittery and then crash later in the day sometimes.
                      but you are probably experiencing A1 negative selfies mostly.


                      • ahyour
                        ahyour commented
                        Editing a comment

                    • #12
                      negative selfies only from cohesion not Straight A1, i use straight A1 oil & Spray with high dosage over 50mcg no negative selfies, i don't know if cohesion contains one of those moelc (Anol, & Bnol) but one of them make me feel tired and not in mood, i suspect the Anol just didnt run it alone long time ago i was using both Anol and Bnol, thats when i stopped using them alone because one of them o both make me feel like shit, now start with cohesion also. before i hadn't this tiredness but now its begin
                      Last edited by sexnificant; 06-04-2015, 06:27 PM.
                      Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
                      Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
                      LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
                      Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



                      • #13
                        Thank you, I have since stopped using cohesion. But I will try the straight A1 as suggested and maybe I will report back after usage.


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