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Success with Xist and Cohesion?

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  • Success with Xist and Cohesion?

    Has anyone here had good success and results with Xist and Cohesion together? Please explain your experiences or reactions what you thought.

  • #2
    I'm in a ltr, so my use may differ from yours.

    I don't use cohesion with xist.

    I use cohesion or similar mones during my ladies sensitive time.

    I use xist the day after a disagreement to make peace smoother.

    What were your intentions from pairing the two?


    • #3
      I was thinking of Attraction and Kino or touch mainly but I might wear Cohesion now with Ascend instead or something I do have SOB coming in the mail.


      • #4
        You will learn more faster if you stick to one pheromone at a time for now. Each one of those products is quite different. Only by knowing them well can you make combos with a good chance of working. Most pheromones take about a week just to find the right dose. You need to go out with different sorts of people and environments because what works well in one environment may be bad in another environment. I find this can take 2 or 3 weeks of bouncing around different people and places to really know one product. After you get more experience and learn what works where and around who, then you may understand a phero in a week or two. Many of these blends are different shades of the same color. When I say color I mean the colors on the GOALS page.

        I agree it makes sense for cohesion and XIST to work well together but in my what you don't know yet is how different molecules work. Each one of these blends is actually a combo in itself, Stuff like XIST SOB and Cohesion all have like a half dozen molecules with very special balanced recipes.

        Some stuff clashes. XIST is subtle and is supposed to create fallout which means they can't stop thinking of you but cohesion is strong and has dhea in it. Nice molecule but it kills fallout. SO cohesion kind of tramps on XIST. XIST is subtlety, which is nice once you learn it, but you lose XISTS' subtle fallout magic.


        • #5
          Oh wow that's awesome information to know thank you for the information and recommendation that helps a lot.


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