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Help with skin rash

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  • Help with skin rash

    Hello all,

    For some time now, I been noticing red rash like areas would appear to were I would apply the mones on to the skin. I tried to switch the area from the wrist to where the fist is, but now, that area is also getting red. I tried to switch again and apply back on the wrist on the first day it turned really red. My question is, can I apply Vaseline or some kind of cream to the skin and then apply the mones right on top?


    Could I apply the mones to the clothing or it has to be on the skin?


  • #2
    Are you using sprays? Are you Asian? Ethanol allergies are not unheard of but I have never found any pheromones listed as allergens but since I have no problems I have only given the UK allergen lists a cursory glance.

    When I first quit drinking and for years afterward, alcohol on my skin would turn it red but after a time I started to react like normal people and it just felt cool or turned the skin white for a minute.

    No, these don't work well on clothes. I would find a less sensitive area of skin to apply them too, DOse will probably need to be reworked.


    • #3
      I'm not asian. I'm using mostly sprays. This reaction would happen with regular cologne as well. That's why i never put anything on the neck. I suspect it's thr alcohol drying up the skin. If i apply vaseline or mosterizer cream before hand, will the mones still work properly??


      • #4
        Well, I'm still betting it's the alcohol, These are pure while colognes are diluted more. But they are really high too. I recently bought some hydrocortisone cream for a hellish spider bite. It's used on mild dermatitis too if I recall. I haven't had a lot of skin problems but often use a moisturizer in winter. I have a lot of olive oil in my diet and have used it and coconut oil on my hands. They can get dry. Most of my hand dryness is dehydration from diuretic blood pressure pills. I used to take fish oil till it came out my pores but they got to expensive for the good stuff.

        Do you have any oils that are the same as the sprays causing you problems? Like flirt oil, flirt spray so you could switch to see if its alcohol or pheromones? I mostly use oils as long as the weather permits.


        • #5
          I use TABOO spray and TABOO oil. I've used OIL based stuff without too much issues. It's the spray ones that can make it red.


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