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Approach Confidence XS121

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  • Approach Confidence XS121

    I've used this one numerous times now, enough to have a solid opinion on it.

    I don't know if it relaxes me so much as it makes other people more comfortable in approaching me! It's very interesting, every single time I've worn it, I have noticed more people approaching me and starting conversations. I also do sense a bit of more comfort, but I wonder if it's because I'm approached more by others. It also tends to be that I'm approached by guys making friendly conversation.

    A few examples...
    - At a grocery store, some guy in the isle commented on my shoes and we had a conversation
    - Walking out from a shop some older gentleman commented on my hair style
    - Cashiers (usually female) are very talkative/friendly

    It's funny because I think the product should be called "Approachable" but I still really like it. I wonder if it is actually making me more comfortable and that's what makes me more approachable, or if it's just creating an inviting vibe.

    I tend to wear it on days where I'm intending to be more engaged in social conversations when I'm out and about. If I'm low on time and just need to get in/out of places, I don't wear it because it's definitely a time suck talking to all sorts of people everywhere (though enjoyable for sure).

    I've ordered more of it for some projects I'm working where being approachable will be helpful

    I'm also excited to try other possible similar products that I've just ordered - XS130 and possibly XSP119, XS138

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