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Which vendors don't require a phone number?

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  • Which vendors don't require a phone number?

    Recently I tried to buy from XS and also Treasures, and I can't buy from either without providing a phone number. Creepy. I get enough SMS spam already, and a phone number is NOT required to deliver a package. Treasures even requires a paypal account, and paypal has always been super abusive. The worst of the worst, they love to steal money from your account or even from your bank account.

    Who's worth buying from, that doesn't require I hand over unnecessary details like a phone number?

  • #2
    I have never gotten spam from XS. They have only called me when I have called them. I have a landline and no problems.

    I understand your feelings about phone numbers. I don't own a cell and many places want a cell to do business with you. Recently I tried to get Netflix and nogo. Some credit cards are the same. I too keep my information tight but not bulletproof. I've contemplated a burner but I usually just refuse to do business with anyone that is too demanding of my privacy.

    If you look up people online you will see that anyone that gives you credit dumps your phone numbers into the public but the government entities are the worse. Any interaction with the courts dumps a lot of info out there even local taxing authorities, real estate etc. All that stuff is public and you get leaks. Perhaps you should pay to see your records? Some are free but a full search costs a few bucks, Your phone may already be out there and the point is moot. You say already get spam so that number is compromised already. Most of mine are and I get almost no email or phone spam Landlines are regulated for privacy, cell phones are not.


    • #3
      Many times it's a condition of the credit card processor, especially if you have things sent to a post office box.
      My Journal: Fever's Follies

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      • #4
        Yeah it’s for billing and shipping, not for text spam. You’d know if it was putting your number on a marketing list because they’d be required to indicate that it’s an opt in and give a check box to decline marketing texts/calls. I’m guessing you don’t shop online much, pretty much every company has phone number as one of the shipping/billing fields. It’s not creepy lol. Just get a google voice number if you’re paranoid, it’s free


        • #5
          I've been purchasing from here for years and never received any text messages. Didn't even realize or remember that I'd provided a phone number. Pretty sure it has to be for billing or shipping verification. But I haven't received any texts for that either.


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