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How does Taboo+Xist differ from Taboo+LB?

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  • How does Taboo+Xist differ from Taboo+LB?

    I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around Xist and Love Boat, and I've seen a lot of people recommending one or both with Taboo. I love Taboo and probably use it most often out of my collection, but I have not yet used my Xist or LB samples.

    How does Xist's reset effect work? I've gathered that the reset effect is gold for a true friendzone situation, or with a girl you can tell is slipping away, but what is its use with a relationship in its early stages that's going well? Is it more useful for bonding up-front, or more useful to keep in your back pocket should things start to look like they're not going well?

    Would exposing a girl to Xist on just one date do much? What does it feel like?

    Similarly, what exactly is LB? I've read that LB has a strong bonding or imprinting effect, but doesn't Xist do that? (Does LB's feeling have anything in common with Celebrity and Mascot? I love those blends, and I saw that all three have pregnenolone, which I think I enjoy in C/M after reading about what pregnenolone does.)

    I'm nervous about combining Taboo and Xist and LB together before ever trying Xist or LB, but I think I have enough familiarity with Taboo to try that and just one of them together for the first time.

    Thank you all!

  • #2
    All three are complex and require weeks to even begin to understand. Don't let other's ideas force you into any particular direction. Be your own self. The best results are an open inquisitive mind and if you let other peoples opinions shape too much of that you won't find their particular strengths and weakness with YOU, We are all different and we also have our own sets of tools to comprehend and use what we find. Often along this journey another pheromone will force us to grow and when we come back to an old blend after a break its different or even better.

    I would say all three of these I sat back down on the shelf for a while. I did initial single molecule testing and then moved on mostly because I was intensely curious of the other blends, But when I finished with those I came back to play with combos of the ones you mentioned and they were quite different, more effective even. My mind had needed a bit of time. I sat them down again and when I came back they were even better, almost too good on last wearing so take your time, enjoy the experiments, let your inner scientist run some experiments.

    All of them are quite different, but all of them save mascot I have bought at least twice. Mascot is still on its first but only because I seem to be going back to standbys that I have found fit my personality really well. Mascot does do that but its more fun and i just haven't been feeling like I want to be playful often enough to run out the bottle. It's time will probably come too. Celebrity and Mascot seem to have a brighter energy to them while the others are warm friendly instead of playful friendly and xist bends the warmth over into romantic or intimate. But don't let those opinions box you in.


    • #3
      I tried Xist on a certain target, and it doesn't actually seem very abstruse at all. Xist feels exactly like the kind of connection you get with a girl after you've been giving her excellent D for a while and her feelings and emotions about you change for the overwhelmingly positive because of that, often radically. I can absolutely see how this would result in a potent resetting effect, because I've observed first-hand the same thing happening from doing it the old-fashioned way 😂


      • #4
        Muestereate is the master at pheromone
        -composition cause and effect. Definitely heed what he has to offer. I can tell you have a lot
        of questions; I’ll offer what’s worked for me over the last year. Congrats on the Xist success already.

        I’ve been a strong advocate of Love Boat for a long time now. My definition of it’s effects is always adjusting from hit to hit, my stance on it now is very much a low-crush effect. There’s a wide-eyed interest from the person you intend LB to work on, much in the vein of “How’s your day going?” Expect a sort of low-grade awe in their eyes when they talk to you. Think Social, with a hint of Intimate. Having tried both the oil & the spray at this point, my personal preference is the spray as it’s more front loaded on it’s effects. You’ll find what works best for you, but it’s a potent little gem, very effective in combination. Xist & Loveboat has been a holy-grail of sorts for initiating the crush feeling in others. Personally I’ve seen it more as planting the seeds of interest in a a girl, at the very least a “Huh…interesting” first embers of a connection taking form. Better to under-serve the mones so they can do the behind-the-scenes work while you two are connecting so they can do the chemical work for you afterwards. Great little bugger, Love Boat.


        • #5
          Thank you both for the replies! I did recently try a single sample-bottle spray of LB and thought it was great. It felt somewhat like what I expected Bliss would feel like from how everyone's described that, but without the pushy, chatty social push selfie. It put me in a great mood and music sounded a lot better. I'll have to try it again at a full real spray and around other people.


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