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Need help I dont see any difference using mones or not

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  • Need help I dont see any difference using mones or not

    I am a newbie and been using mones for a week now. I used Xist, taboo and cohesion till now and i must say i absolutely did not notice any changes at all not even minor ones. Only compliment i got was what a nice smell i had but that had to be my cool water not the pheromones...

    I read you get to notice women look at you or want to be closer or touch you. Nothing....

  • #2
    Which one are you using, what doses have you tried, indoors, outdoors, distance, Who, what, where? Xist and Taboo are subtle but powerful Taboo has some stuff in it to help see things going on around you. But you will have to learn to watch closely. They won't be flinging their bras at you.

    When I wear those I'm usually no further than across the table, They have to be in your bubble for a while. I have had people affected from further but now I know what to look for. Cohesion is even closer. Look for as gradual shift in comfort by those near you. See if you can see that happening. A bit more willingness to talk, a bit less fear of moving closer. Study some body language youtubes for starters.


    • #3
      I used xist at 2 sprays and the others also at 2 sprays. I was indoors distance very very close, was wife and colleagues at work


      • #4
        Interesting reports. They remind me that it took a few weeks to start understanding how xist or taboo were working. Everybody is different as to dose but it sounds like you are doing it right. My personal doses are no more than 2 Xist and just one Taboo to the forearm. But I often put a another spray of something on the other forearm.

        One of the things that recommended is to take a day or two off. See if the people change, either better or worse. If they get better, try lowering the dose, its possible its too strong but not likely at that dose. Likewise, if they aren't as friendly you can keep the dose the same and just keep trying to observe but you could add a spray at time.

        I didn't think XIst was doing anything and when I first saw it working was on a friend instead of a woman. He was an old friend but always quarrelsome. But we used to go out for coffee and then to the gym. One day the miserable grump's eyes lit up and he actually smiled. Something about his eyes lit up. Since then, I often look for Xist's affects in peoples eyes. I think I notice wider open eyes, a bit of dilation and some sparkle and brightness but that's just me. Maybe some others will chime in but we don't have a ton of guys here since covid.

        Try it out on people that don't know you too. I have found LARGE differences in pheros effect upon strangers versus people that know us very well and have their ideas of us firmly planted in their minds. I go to my regular places and everybody is used to me, I go somewhere new and I'm surrounded.


        • #5
          One of the things I have noticed about pheromones is that they really work even in small quantities, I’ve noticed all kind of effects, self effects have been always a thing for me, I love the ones that put me in a good mood.

          I have two bottles coming to me, as I haven’t tested Pheroxs ones. But I can tell you Androsterone commands a lot of respect and it is highly noticeable, people helps you get what you want, I have got inside places that needed a suit without one and has the side effect of feeling confident and powerful. Self effects are part of the experience and will help you project the desired vibe by showing by modifying your body language.

          About what I have read about XIST is that helps resetting old preconceptions, because for example my mother knows my smell and pheromones have less effects on people that know you very well, but they still affect them in a more subtle way.

          what is you goal using the combo you stated above?

          To me sounds like a sexual- social combo that projects some desirable vibe. Changing preconceived notion’s about you? Sounds great. But you have a point about overall pheromones affect New people more than family etc. Im still waiting to try my Xist, real y eager.

          My Small and old Aresenal

          BLISS, XIST, A314 (2k7 version), Instant Honesty (2k7 version), AMMO (2k7 version), Engage, Wolf, Primal Rage, NPA, Scent of Eros, Standalone Anol, Rone, Bnol, Instant Shine (2k7), Cops, Instant Jerk and Instant Gentleman (2k8)


          • #6
            I'd suggest splitting there usage.

            I use xist almost exclusively post fights. We have less of those since I use a1 products (like cohesion) during her PMS.

            Taboo I've only ever had as a sample,so can't really comment.


            • #7
              I will try again. And see if any difference.


              • #8
                What mixes do you suggest? I have xist, taboo, cohesion, connect


                • #9
                  I would try connections, It sounds like you are exposing people you are already close to. I don't know how honest everybody is but its human nature to do stuff like white lies. Watch for untempered honesty, DOn't get offended if someone says something insenitive though, Honesty is great but I've been known to give some minor grudges airtime, You know stuff I usually keep my mouth shut about. The people around you may do the same. BUT, Connection is usually very nice for conversations. There is enough anol to keep things upbeat and it has really drawn me closer to people many times. I mention the "too much honesty" stuff so you have additional things to look for while you learn.


                  • #10
                    Thanks I am using it Today will see if any results.


                    • #11
                      good luck, eyes and ears wide open?


                      • #12
                        Well I tried it however it didnt go too well. I used connect and as a perfume i used diesel for the first time. Don t know if its the strong perfume or the phero but i got a headache and slight lightheadedness. I tried on for an afternoon and saw no reactions again. Washed away with soap afterwards but still have a slight headache now.

                        Your take?


                        • #13
                          The headache was from Diesel according to some scent reviews I just read. I never got one from Connections at all.

                          Lets go back to the beginning. Where did you go, who was exposed, dosages and distances etc.

                          Have you looked up any body language videos yet? When I first started this journey I could not tell the difference between women that liked me or women that hated me. I was really that clueless. A huge part of this journey is learning about others. It sounds like you may be where I was. Learning how to watch and listen to people was so hard. I was in a sales job when I first started to learn how to listen to people. You could ask for a watermelon and I would bring you a bunch of bananas.

                          These work, they really do. They don't work on everybody all the time, Your job if you are around 10 people is to find the 2, 3, or 4 that are affected. All the pheromones you have are subtle but I'm just repeating myself. Study peoples expressions, to yourself, try to guess what emotions they are feeling by their expressions or movements. I find I am only right part of the time but thats ok, practice. If someone seems happy tell them they look happy and listen. If they look sad, slowly get around to asking them if they are a bit sad. A lot of time I will not ask them if they feel this way or that way and just ask them, HOW do you FEEL about that? Like, I noticed you ordered strawberry ice cream, how do you feel about strawberries? Start being inquisitive about other people emotions, sdome people clam up, others open up, You are on a journey of discovery. have fun, don't take yourself too seriously.


                          • #14
                            Hello muesterate yes i believe it was from Diesel, I'll get rid of it.

                            Well I went to work, colleagues were exposed and distances were very close literaLLY SIDE BY SIDE.

                            No I didn't see the videos any links pls?

                            When you say the pheros I have are subtle what do you mean? Did I get the wrong ones? Are there better ones?

                            The ones I have do I use the alone or mix? and if so what phero to what phero and doses pls?

                            Its 2 weeks now and sadly I didn't notice anything.


                            • #15
                              Hi Cosman perhaps i can help you a bit.

                              I have experienced pheromones for more than 15 years, and i can tell you they work, in subtle and sometimes in a not so subtle way.

                              Some body language tips to watch on affected people.

                              Good effects

                              1. At the moment the girl makes eye contact, she touches her hair, also could be a smile involved. Try to make contact but for a second or two, or you will appear to be a bit creepy, if they continue to stare back at you when you are not looking at them directly thats a great sign its working for you.

                              2. People getting closer to you when they speak also their torso and feet normally points towards your direction (Watch for people talking to you when their feet or torso a pointing to the exit door, they are probably disliking the conversation or your vibe.

                              3. People touching you in the arm, hand etc, either guys or gals could be a sign that your socials are doing a great work and ofc your social skills
                              if the touching goes into other directions watch out lol

                              4. Listen to people, be aware, you wont notice whats happening if you are not aware.

                              5. Friends that you know that dont speak about sex suddenly are talking about that ( Sex pheros are often involved in this type of scenario) Random girls talking about sex normally is a good sign, specially if they talk about that when you get close to them.

                              6. Normally people affected by pheromones tend to talk in a very emotional way, probably have dilated pupils and seem interested in what you say or your presence.

                              7. Look when girls are talking like little kids in a cuddly way, thats a good sign, their subconscius mind tells them you are the Alpha, and if you have soft skills you can have the edge depending on what you want, a relationship, to socialice or just a one night stand. ( thats important to define while using pheromones)

                              8. When wearing status products, people will be very respectful, they can vow their body just a tiny bit as a reflex, you will be the one getting the bill, some strange thing is people looking to your shoes or clothing because when you use these kind of pheromones you look overdressed even with a polo believe me. ( I went to a private bar using a polo and jeans, was using a heavy dose of Rone, and they let me inside, all the guys in there were using suits) i was using a chemical suit lol)

                              9. Even your parents or relatives will threat you with respect if you are using just a bit of status products.

                              Watch out for

                              1. Men getting up their chin/ lower jaw ( they are uncovering the main arteries in their neck showing that they have no fear, maybe you are using too much sexual products, like for example Enone. This can be dangerous because things can escalate quickly and there could be a fight because you are upsetting the Alphas.

                              2. Girls looking extremely nervous and dont make any eye contact, could be that you are using too much pheros and you are being ghosted.

                              3. Normally when someone is affected by pheros could be a bit nervous, thats natural, but too much nervousness is a signal that you are using too much alpha mones or mones in general.

                              4. Believe me, things with none and copulins unbuffered can lead into fights, i almost fought my father and we are both grown men, beware, dont overdose with enone.

                              5. Another thing i have noticed on men, if you are using too much enone, they will make a face like a dog makes when hes about to bite (lifting the upper lips and showing upper teeth) it just happens for miliseconds so be aware of it, is like an agressive disgust sign that things can get overboard.

                              Good Advice.

                              1. Always sit facing the door not giving your back to it, this can trigger some very primal fear of being attacked from behing that all animals have.

                              2. Always dress up to the occasion, you can overdress a bit and use a good but not overpowering perfume.

                              3. Maintain an open position, dont cross your arms and legs and take a bit more space than needed, not too much, thats an Alpha posture without being overpowering

                              4. treat people with respect always

                              5. Dont focus on only one woman, you will be missing everything else, specially if shes not interested.

                              6. When a woman is really onto you if she moves her head slowly close to you may be an indicator that a kiss is coming, dont miss it! even if you can get s slap lol

                              Overall, be aware of your body language, dont look down too much, stand straight and be open.
                              When looing for indicators of interest or if your pheros are doing the work, be aware of signs of openness, flirting, hairplaying smiling, be social, get closer as she lets you!

                              Advanced stuff to learn about body language in the future
                              - Microexpressions
                              - Understanding what the different tone of voice means

                              Hope it helps, sorry english is not my first language

                              My Small and old Aresenal

                              BLISS, XIST, A314 (2k7 version), Instant Honesty (2k7 version), AMMO (2k7 version), Engage, Wolf, Primal Rage, NPA, Scent of Eros, Standalone Anol, Rone, Bnol, Instant Shine (2k7), Cops, Instant Jerk and Instant Gentleman (2k8)


                              • Coconut
                                Coconut commented
                                Editing a comment
                                Great Info!

                            • #16
                              Elysium thanks a lot for your detailed advice. Is there any phero that you suggest or prefer and spray or oil and what dosage and perfume?

                              At moment i like cool water and givenchy aquamarine been using it since i was 18 now am 43 .. time flies...

                              Today am using xist lets see.


                              • #17
                                I was trying BLISS yesterday, wonderful self effects i may say, even feeling calmer today

                                About perfumes oh well, depending on how much do you want to spend.

                                Great Cheapies that garns a lot of compliments

                                Montblanc Individuel (Smells like creeds original santal) sweet
                                Versace Dylan Blue (this or Sauvage) but i prefer DV since nobody is using it.
                                Oud for Glory (this is on amazon) great cover, a great copy of Oud for greatness (great cover for Enone)
                                La yuqawam ( sold on amazon) TF Tuscan leather clone

                                Mid range:

                                L´Homme ideal from Guerlain
                                Chanel Allure or Allure sport
                                A Men from Mugler
                                JPG Le Male Parfum
                                Givenchy Gentleman Prive
                                Dior Homme Intense

                                Expensive ones:

                                Xerjoff Naxos (honey made the right way)
                                Nishane Hacivat (Great Mature Aventus)
                                Nishane Ani
                                Black Phantom and Intoxicated by Killian
                                Ombre leather (nice cover from TF)
                                Natsomatto Baraonda (Wisky all the way)
                                Parfums de Marly Herod and Layton

                                All of these are strong covers, sweet perfumes most of them.

                                Alternative strong freshies, Kenzo pour homme parfum, Acqua di Gio Profondo or Profumo, Bleu de chanel, Sauvage EDT, Dior Homme Sport 2020

                                Have a nice weekend!
                                My Small and old Aresenal

                                BLISS, XIST, A314 (2k7 version), Instant Honesty (2k7 version), AMMO (2k7 version), Engage, Wolf, Primal Rage, NPA, Scent of Eros, Standalone Anol, Rone, Bnol, Instant Shine (2k7), Cops, Instant Jerk and Instant Gentleman (2k8)


                                • #18
                                  About the Pheros what do you want to achieve? this is an important question
                                  My Small and old Aresenal

                                  BLISS, XIST, A314 (2k7 version), Instant Honesty (2k7 version), AMMO (2k7 version), Engage, Wolf, Primal Rage, NPA, Scent of Eros, Standalone Anol, Rone, Bnol, Instant Shine (2k7), Cops, Instant Jerk and Instant Gentleman (2k8)


                                  • #19
                                    Elysium all I want is attention mostly from opposite sex. Its nice to get attention. As for scent i like sweet ones. For ex yesterday tried Diesel only the brave. Gave me such a headache... Wont be using again.

                                    Thing is I cant seem to notice anything maybe they dont work on me?


                                    • #20
                                      Which is best oil or spray and dosages or mixes.


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