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Body's Response to Disease Has a Smell

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  • Body's Response to Disease Has a Smell

    My question is this: Would a product like Instant Shine or some other pheromone product cancel the likely effects from smelling sickly in the attraction process?

  • #2
    Hey Magnus
    i think the links is wrong. Its leading to the main news page.
    Can you paste the exact link to the article ?

    As to your question i think it will help. Not fully help(cancel) but it should drastically improve.
    But can you send me a link to the direct article so i can check what exactly you are referring to

    www.pheromoneXS.comEuro Hub Now Available - www.EUphoricXS.eu
    idle @ socials


    • #3
      I don't believe it would cancel out one another. The smell of illness would still be there and even with the addition of synthetic mones to counterbalance it would still be detectable. On some level you might be able to mask it as if applying a bandaid, but ultimately the odor from the illness would still prevail. Its just like Ascend will not cancel out shyness. It will present the user as a confident alpha male who might just be pondering the mysteries of the universe, but at some point there will need to be communication if attraction is to be switched on.

      I do agree with Idle though that it would help. Typically there's more to illness going on than the mones would be able to completely mask. You don't just get the scent of illness when meeting someone fighting something debilitating like cancer. From my experience there is also the the appearance and the clues from our other senses. Each of our modalities are at play when we interact with others creating a much larger picture than any one sense can. IMHO its why when we have a disability of a sense, our other senses overcompensate to balance for the impaired sense. I think the real question becomes how detached people have become from their senses in place of instant gratification and how that changes our ability to decipher the gene code. Have we become a society doomed by our own technology? There is certainly a rise of instances of gene disorders.

      Steve O

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      • #4
        Humans with highly active immune systems, which occur as a response to infection, may give off a sent detectable by other humans, a new study suggests.


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