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Friends dog magically throws up when I was wearing B.C.E

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  • Friends dog magically throws up when I was wearing B.C.E

    Too much of a coincidence or dogs hate human pheromones, any similar cases?

  • #2
    Every dog I've been around love the mone scent!! Maybe an allergic reaction for that particular pooch?
    PXS: Ascend, Cohesion, Evolve, Bliss, Xist, Loveboat, PSE, XSR193(Boyfriend), SOB
    LAL: Aqua Vitae, Nude, Possess, Voodoo, Bad Wolf, DP
    PT: GOA, Swoon, Captain, AOA
    AD: Glace
    Lovescent: NNPA
    Androtics: A314 Rev 32, TUTH


    • #3
      I've gotten some odd effects from animals. I've read Xist makes dogs submissive, I know Evolve makes bee's "curious" about you, they will try to sniff your app points.


      • #4
        Probably coincidence. Try it again in two weeks and see if it still happens.
        Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
        Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
        Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
        AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
        LAL: Nude Alpha
        Orange Font = Sample Bottles


        • #5
          I've ruled it may have been a coincidence, the dog was put into his cage and regurgitated also. My dog on the other hand (who is a chihuahua) didn't bark at me this time when I was near her bone.


          • #6
            how far the dog was ??
            Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
            Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
            LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
            Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



            • #7
              It was within proximity of me, and barely missed me when the dog threw up.


              • #8
                How many sprays did you use?


                • #9
                  My dog loves me more when i wear mones


                  • #10
                    I know this is old, but I'm new. I've only been around one dog while wearing mones. He seemed to lick me more. Not necessarily where the application was. This is a real interesting subject. How can human pheromones effect other animals? It's not like we get horny when the dog or cat are in heat. Or, do we?
                    I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                    Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                    Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                    • #11
                      Ragnar Lothbrook If an external molecule approximates an internal molecule, it can create a similar effect in the body. People have natural opioids inside them. You've probably heard of the runner's high. So when you go to a pain specialist because you're recovering from a painful medical condition, and the physician gives you a prescription for oxycodone, the molecule is similar enough to block the pain just as your internal natural opioids would.

                      I'm guessing something similar happens with animals. The pheromone is similar enough to their own that it has an effect. Dogs and cats seem more mellow or friendly around me when I wear mones. It's so dramatic sometimes that the owner will make comments such as "That's odd. Usually my pets don't like strangers."


                      • #12
                        A little scientific, but it makes sense. That reminds me I left my oxycodone at home today, and I meant to bring some to work. Not joking. I think I've mentioned that I have a slight problem with moderation, and perhaps substances. I'm recovering from a pinched nerve that had me out of work for 3 months. As the pain started to subside, I put my oxy's away for rainy days. It's not rainy today, but I'd love some oxy's.

                        Back to the lecture at hand... Have you ever noticed it the other way? Has the neighbors dog been in heat and you start getting horny and rubbing yourself. Wait. Maybe you shouldn't answer that.
                        I've tried much more, but these are my current, or most used mones:
                        Spray- XiSt, Evolve, SOB, Ascend, Celebrity, Cohesion, PSE, P86, P96, P75, P130
                        Oil- XiSt, Taboo, Evolve, Ascend, Api, Voodoo


                        • #13
                          Ragnar Lothbrook As funny as that is, I think that's a fair question. I've been around cats and dogs in heat. All I've noticed is feeling annoyed with their strained whinings. As long as they're quiet, I feel as I always do... fairly happy.


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