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A2 - And other things I want to see.

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  • A2 - And other things I want to see.

    Okay Steve, I have quite a laundry list of products I would like to see made, so I figure I better make a thread and start posting!

    Dancing Jokers A2

    Pretty Self Explanatory. I know you are working on it. Can I have info on what it is designed to do?

    Sex Mix

    I know GHOST asked for something like this before. I am looking for Domination + TAC/What ever is in the Thinker + P83 + small amount of Dienone as a spray.

    Hit Machine 2.0

    I am looking for a short term attraction and hit product. I know, I asked for a hit machine before. I want a real head turner to prove pheromones work and handle initial attraction. ENone and sexual attraction doesnt give you those head turns really. I am looking for a mix that would have Trione, ENone, TAC, TAF, Nol's, P83, Bliss Molecule, Light Rone. That is pure speculation on what the contents would be, a heafty amount of look at me and some sexual and status attraction to get head turns and rapid attraction.

    I had made a blend of a hit machine product and it worked fantastically based on a blend a user made on PTruth. I have a formula for it and would love to share via PM. Just to get an idea or another product in general.

    Lighter Rone Status Product

    Besides my Mix (106B) I dont see a lighter Status mix. I think in the leagues of Wolf, True Alpha and Instant Gentleman. A product I know many would buy and use. Not Something I would buy, but I know a lot of guys would.

    That Guy Mix

    You hit something special with SOB Steve, something I would love expanded upon. A lot of vendors, well, all other vendors do not use molecules in the right amount to gather the specific results at maximum potential. Beta - Nol at a super High Dose gives you an aura or vibe which is super alluring. I would love to see a modified SOB, with some Trione, a little bit of Rone, a wee bit of TAF, and a little more Bliss Molecule. Super Son of a B? Who knows. I know I LOVE SOB, LOVE IT. LOVE IT. It is not lacking. I just know I mix it with Bliss for more feel good, and I mix it with light Rone, and it doesnt get huge hits which your new diffusion technology would fix. Wink Wink. This would be the perfect poly diffusion product in my opinion.

    If you could modify SOB like that, and it hits quick, no doubt I would pay any amount for it.

    Kitten Nip

    This mix would be a mix for young ladies. I would be looking for a mix with a good hunk of P93, I would want something with great self effects (Mood Elevation), something to help with free flowing speech, a tiny amount of Rone, Some Trione, a little ENone, a little P91, and some P96. Something purel to get young women attracted and hitting. I would also love some social elements to help ward off guys and male avoidance. Essentially looking for a product to help the young guy get attraction, not be in his head, and make guys stand down to help get his target. Young guys need the help!

    Okay, that is all for now!

  • #2
    Kimba xs128 or as I'm calling it Impactxs is in my position and my first test is Saturday night, report will probably be Monday, this is a heavy hitter for clubs and bars designed for me and 2000GT, so keep your eyes peeled.


    • #3
      Its a hit machine? Why was I not invited to this testing party?


      • XSteveO
        XSteveO commented
        Editing a comment
        I have something special for you. Please call me

      • ryusei
        ryusei commented
        Editing a comment
        hey I want a hit machine too :]

    • #4
      Well I don't no how it performs yet so not sure if it's a hit machine or not, it's something me and GT specifically asked for, we where not selected by Steve or anything like that, it's in the very early stages and I mean early.


      • #5
        Keep me posted Ghost. I would love to hear about this and your keen insights.


        • GHOST
          GHOST commented
          Editing a comment
          Will do

      • #6
        I'll take some A2 in Blue Sugar please, thank you


        • #7
          Kimba, I've already taken 128 for a spin. Like Ghost said, its in the very early stages but I think it does hit and well, at least the potential is there. Oh and "impact" is quite fitting.


          • #8
            Is A2 something like A1 without the depression effects? No? what is it then?


            • #9
              A2 is a dancing joker mix from back in the day that never saw production.


              • #10
                Drop me an email Steve on when to call and a number. Or is it just your XS line number?


                • #11
                  KIMBA PUA INSTRUCTOR PACK Alright, time for a big request! I am looking for a set of products or product with the core emphasis on helping me get more respect as a teacher (I am a young guy), enter sets and have social dominance for demos, and an IOI generator to help get attraction but not necissarily arousal. Sounds hard, right? Respect would be most prevalent right off the bat, I would need to be viewed as an authority to help convey my information. It should be slightly sales man because I will also use this for free demos, I need to sell my product. I also would want an element of social proof in this product and a friending vibe from men, to handle guys in set. As far as attraction goes, a little status or respect, or product which improves how I look maybe? Ideally these would work synergistically. Any thoughts Steve?


                  • #12

                    Wonderful choice and requests you got there.. However, I can't resist stating that you are missing the core product line here.

                    What I can say from earlier post that you need something of a James Bond effect. but products are A314 (old), Api (if treated with better diffusion) can fulfill that need. I know you have extensively used both and was wondering is there something missing in such products that don't give you the expected results ?

                    Api with DHEA-S have worked much better for me in terms of attraction, respect, IOI and alpha status. my 2 cents

                    Cheers !!!!


                    • #13
                      I live in michigan and oils suck here to be honest. Old a314 is no longer made but API is great! It can be too stiff for young gals and some sets can be cold. I also dislike playing with singles, but API plus trione plus Dienone plus meo est plus a smudge of enone always served me well!


                      • #14
                        The sex mix, A2 and hit machine sound excellent, hopefully these and Impact get released soon! I think thundrs phase that will come out eventually would be considered a sex mix as well, cause lets face it hes a genius and stirring up some serious shit.


                        • #15
                          I'm interested in the sex mix and impact. I have core but have yet to give it a go.


                          • #16
                            I have another idea. A mix To make you appear more funny


                            • GHOST
                              GHOST commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Should be easy, high alpha-nol steered with something like p91, would be very clownish but people would definitely laugh at your jokes.

                          • #17
                            A mix that makes you appear to be better looking? This mixed with a confidence mix would probably create natural attraction in and of itself without a sexual mix. With one it should be deadly. I have a feeling Bliss would play a part in a mix to make you better looking because of its reset ability as pertains to expectation and viewpoints.


                            • #18
                              I second that, better looking + confidence is a killer mix lol


                              • #19
                                Product description reads: " Ever tell yourself, "life would be so much easier if I were just better looking and had confidence" ? If so, new life XS is the product for you. Guaranteed to make you confident in all aspects of life and up you looks equal too 10,000 with of plastic surgery!


                                • #20
                                  Originally posted by KIMBA View Post
                                  Product description reads: " Ever tell yourself, "life would be so much easier if I were just better looking and had confidence" ? If so, new life XS is the product for you. Guaranteed to make you confident in all aspects of life and up you looks equal too 10,000 with of plastic surgery!



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