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DHEAS aka Swagger juice!!

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  • DHEAS aka Swagger juice!!

    I've taken a little break from testing XSR33 so I can go back to it next week with a clean slate, Tested out 50mcg Dheas today covered with JPG. Self effects are butter smooth, gave me a really nice swagger and all together positive mood, went in to town clothes shopping and noticed that this stuff really hits the young women hard, lots of smiles and dreamy looks, it was a little concerning as some of these girls looked 15 or 16. One girl approx 18yo behind the counter appeared to be in awe of me and started following me round the store after I asked her if there was a jacket in a certain size out the back. So far I really like the self effects but once I've tested this more solo I'm going to add some none to see if I can raise the age range of women that are attracted.

  • #2
    if thats what was in pherlure that would explain a lot because women loved the scent and it would give me those effects and would literally drive some women wild haha
    Last edited by CJW255; 01-20-2014, 05:38 PM.


    • #3
      One word that describes the self effects of DHEAS Is chill , Iv been testing it at 25mcg and I think it is a good dosage, at this dose it feels quite social, kind of a cool guy effect, at 50mcg I get a IDGAF attitude and can't be bothered with much conversation but I do get some decent respect from both guys and girls, I think my sweet spot would probably be about the 35mcg range but my spray is in 25mcg so. I have a feeling this is going to mix really well with p74 just to give it some balls, also a smidge of P75 I think is going to slay the 18-25 yo women. Will report when I get a chance to test it.


      • #4
        Good observation Ghost !!

        I like DHEAS and stAnone a lot. I have an additional observation though - DHEAS solo at 45mcg, makes me sleepy by the evening. Other than that, it generates great IOIs from younger crowd. Most common ones are:
        Open lips,
        Mirroring of actions
        and dovey eyes (from younger ones)

        As for self effects, you've nailed it right - Swagger. Though I don't get so much of swagger effects, they are just close. Everybody around me is happy, elated and want to talk to me.. I have tried it with 7.5 mcg of P75 + 5 mcg of P83.. You must try it. (hint: 20-25 are great targets with this).

        Cheers !!


        • #5
          Hmm I was thinking of trying out DHEAS according to this find as well. What's the difference between DHEAS and DHEA in terms of effects? They seem really close

          P.S: I think this works wonders with A1 found in Cohesion or Crush. Just a thought!


          • #6
            From my limited testing with DHEA it felt quite warm and inviting, nice mood lift and quite buddy buddy with guys, a seriously powerful -none buffer. I believe it's main function in cohesion is to add a certain playfulness and to reduce the dreaded depression on guys, it also seems to counter act the lethargy that comes with heavy A1. I tested it a while ago though and it was from a different vendor, I plan on getting some DHEA in my next XS order so il do a proper comparison between the two when I get chance


            • Dignify
              Dignify commented
              Editing a comment
              Thanks bud! I'm thinking of going for it as well but waiting till I've used up all my current sprays as well if it's much of a difference

          • #7
            What a difference that little sulfate molecule makes. For swagger-like effects I like epiRONE, rone, anone. Your thoughts on DHEA are correct. Women seem more playful, flirty, and at times get disinhibited.


            • #8
              It's been a long time since I reported on this molecule but I've been using DHEA-S a whole lot lately and I feel like I've got a good handle on how it works.

              Self effects 20mcg (my sweet spot)

              Increased confidence 6/10
              As I previously reported it puts a slight cool guy swagger in my walk. It is mildly relaxing and gives me a greater urge to approach people and engage in conversation.

              Increased positive mood 4/10
              It definitely makes me feel happier but nothing over the top. I think this is due to the increased confidence more then anything else. There are better molecules if you're looking for a strong mood boost.

              Fluidity of communication 7/10
              It makes me much more articulate and eloquent when speaking with others. It also allows me to create a strong rapport with people quickly and effortlessly.

              Beautifying 6/10
              I feel like this does make you and others look more attractive and approachable at this dose but is not a patch on Androstetrione.

              Higher doses 30-50mcg

              The higher I go past 30mcg, the more aloof I become and the less interested I am in engaging people in conversation. At 40-50mcg I start to lose patience with people very quickly and it can make me slightly intolerant. However this is where I start to get a strong focusing effect on getting things done.

              To be continued....

              Effects on others 10-20mcg

              Increased respect and social status

              Makes people see you as a cool guy who is confident in his own skin, some one to look up to and listen to in group situations. At work there was a definite increase in people coming to me for advice so I think it makes you come across as very capable and knowledgeable which is similar to what I experience with Wolf


              Noticed consistent signs of attraction from younger women (below 25). Does not feel sexual, I think part of the appeal is you come of as a guy with his shit together but not overly mature and safe, one attracted woman commented twice that there was a certain mysteriousness about me which was intriguing to her.

              For me this is where I started to notice a kind of bonding effect like Bnol. Conversation in one on one settings begin to get deep and more philosophical but it takes time for this effect to build and does not begin as quickly as with Bnol and is not as consistent. This can also lead to people complaining about everything and bitching about others.


              In a group setting this leads to a strange atmosphere, where everyone is in a bit of a pissy mood. I've seen normally mild mannered people lose patience and get snappy but its not as bad as androstenone. I've also seen a few instances of the weaker members of the group becoming victim to banter that goes too far.


              I see this molecule as most useful in a steering capacity. It is a nice addition in small amounts to very social mixes to keep them grounded, the self effects at a low doses makes you feel chilled and relaxed which boosts confidence and can help with approaches. Past a certain point though the confident positive feeling becomes more of an aloof feeling and it can cancel out the effects of Alpha Androstenol. I only recall going over 50mcg a couple of times so I have not been able to test higher dosages enough to really draw any firm conclusions.

              Last edited by GHOST; 11-30-2018, 08:37 PM.


              • #9
                Originally posted 01/04/18

                Originally posted by Scottie2Hottie View Post

                Mood elevation, refreshing, energizing. DHEAS is also a known beautifying molecule, especially in higher doses. While it is not as apparent as -trione chemicals, it does tend to make everything brighter, more colorful, and more detailed. People will also perceive you to be younger and more attractive (and vice versa). It is extremely attractive to younger women as it is not intimidating, but still creates arousal. Very strong boost in social ability and being articulate with your manner of speech. This is a noted effect with several pheromone molecules, but DHEAS has a particularly strong impact on your communication skills and ability to communicate effectively. You will find it easier to put your thoughts into words.


                • #10
                  Originally posted by Scottie2Hottie View Post
                  Originally posted 01/04/18
                  Thank you for your input. Looks like you observed a lot of the same things I did back in 2014 in my original posts, mood elevation, being attractive to younger women and making you feel more social. It will be interesting to see if our evaluations of how it effects others are similar. I'll hopefully be posting my findings soon.


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