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Just put 2 sprays XS 141, self effects are as follows

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  • Just put 2 sprays XS 141, self effects are as follows

    Hey so just to clarify, is 141 a unisex, or is it a mens product? Also, is it meant for self-effects, or is it meant to effect others as well?

    I just put 2 sprays on. I am 24 years old. I feel a surge of some excitement, almost anxiety-like. But not bad anxiety as in fear. But excitement, anticipation excitement. Actually maybe some amount of fear, but more adventerous fun anticipation anxiety. I definitely feel butterflies in my chest and stomach, or that feeling of my heart dropping. Hope that helps, I'll test it out more.

    Also, is it too much info to tell me how many sprays is recommended for this? Is this one of those "1 spray does the job" or "2 sprays does the job" XS mones =p?

  • #2

    I just had a convo with my mom, and I explained some stuff to her about a class that I'm taking. Usually I'm a bit impatient, and maybe not open to her, but this time, I answered her questions about the class a lot more willingly and patiently with clear honest answers.


    • #3
      Hey tdctdc, nice report on self-effects and the situation regarding the conversation with your mom. I'll chip in on running tests for Steve's beta samples.

      Since it's a beta meant for testing, we don't really know if 1 spray is enough or if more is needed. Steve's beta samples are best used to just test at various levels of usage, not for actual "mainstream" use.

      So however many sprays you use, make sure to indicate that, along with
      - self effects
      - effects on others
      - time of day you ran the experiment
      - location
      - atmosphere of the environment (somber like at a funeral vs focused/serious like in a library vs party time like at a bar/party)

      Not everyone has reported on a beta yet so there may be situations where we really don't know what the sample Steve gives us will do, even when he tries to explain it. I wasn't sure if XS141 Happy was to make me feel happy mood-wise, or make the little man down there go hard happy. It wasn't until Steve described it as calm and happy that I could think back and realize some of the subtle mood changes that happened when I had tried on 1 spray.

      At this point, with only 1 trial run at 1 spray, I'm leaning towards Unisex. I didn't interact with anyone though so no word regarding effects on others.
      Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
      Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
      Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
      AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
      LAL: Nude Alpha
      Orange Font = Sample Bottles


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