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Interesting mix I cooked up and some anecdotal effects

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  • Interesting mix I cooked up and some anecdotal effects

    So I got some base stuff to play with. I've found an incredible response with a mix that is 3 parts Androstadienone (DIENONE A1), 2 parts Alpha-Androstenol (ANOL), 3 parts Androstenone (ENONE) , 2 parts Androsterone (RONE) and 4 parts Pregnenolone (NENO).

    What kind of effects? so me (Male) and the wifey (Female) have some kink stuff. Light bondage, toys whatever. Decent libido on both sides but usually just the time and planning etc to really get into the "fun box" makes it an uncommon part of things. Started wearing this (dpg base cut with an oil based roll on cologne), i'm not "doing" or "saying" anythingthing different. Day 1 "hmm?" , day 2? being asked to do kinky shit, wife is planning how to ditch the kids so we can have some time alone. Also on the emotional side , just way more vocal and positive about me. Sitting on my lap when I'm working, touching me as I go through the house.

    Closest thing I can compare it to would be "Sex Magic" but I think the pregnenelone might be giving it some "Cohesion" / trust vibes.

    Also of note, I had this originally mixed with the A1 at 1 part, the Enone at 1 part and the pregnenelone at 1 part. Noticeable, almost instant bad response, ended up in one of those fights where you can't wrap your head around why your in the dog house or what you actually did. Maybe at that ratio its just enough anol and rone to give off "asshole" vibes but not enough else coming through to continue toward lust / seduction or even geniality.

    So yeh, sample size just one but I thought it was fascinating.

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