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Do Pheromone products still work if people know you are using them?

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  • Do Pheromone products still work if people know you are using them?

    I've been wondering this for years. However, would most products still work if the people around you know about them? If someone knows you are using an Alpha/Status product would they still respect you? Or would they look at you as a loser for resorting to artificial products to gain respect?

    The same goes for sexual attraction products. Would the target still be into you or would they feel like they are manipulated or also think of you as a loser for using products like that?

    Does it also depend on the person?

    I don't think I want to be the one to find out but I'm sure someone on this message board has experimented on this for the sake of science. I did tell a friend of mine years ago about a314 when I use to use it, his response was understanding it was along the lines of "hey you got to do what you got to do"

  • #2
    I think it's best not to tell people you are using them unless you are very close with them and know they won't care. However, I am guessing from my own experience that even if someone knows you are wearing pheros they will still be affected - they will just be more aware that their feelings may be influenced rather than natural.

    For instance, I unintentionally phero-bomb myself pretty often lol. This is especially true with crushy-feeling pheros like Xist, or sexual pheros like PSEL. I can feel myself being affected as well. However, I'm aware it's the pheromones and not actually someone else's charm.

    One time I wore Taboo (which is for men) and found myself sexually desiring any hot women around me throughout the day despite being straight lmao. Obviously I knew I wasn't actually turning bisexual and it was the pheromone but the effects still worked on me nonetheless.
    I'm happy to say I now own all women's and unisex XS products on the site

    Molecules: B-nol, A-nol, xsp82, xsp86, xsp74, xsp96, xsp106, xsp107, xsr32, xsr46, DHEAS


    • #3
      I think most people will feel manipulated but kind of like how we feel after getting a bad deal off a used car salesman manipulated, their trust will erode. I run into something similar when I switch pheromones. I come off as all status or romance and that usually works for me but then I put on the sexual and they may be turned on but then they don't want to be around me. It doiesn't happen all the time but I have a lot of girls that suddenly without excuse steer away. Sometime I think they are suspicious. and a little suspicion turns to gossip.

      I didn't know taboo would make girls want girls. I have worn a lot of female pheromones and a couple times I picked up interest from guys I thought were straight. What does happen a lot when I wear the girls stuff is that I spot fashion like a woman. Nice shoes bag, wonder where she buys her clothes etc I just roll with it, its kinda funny and the girls like those kind of compliments better than something about being sexy etc. Social but not sexual, If I have gotten that vibe I wonder about their sexuality a bit but they are probably wondering about mine as well.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Muestereate View Post
        I think most people will feel manipulated but kind of like how we feel after getting a bad deal off a used car salesman manipulated, their trust will erode. I run into something similar when I switch pheromones. I come off as all status or romance and that usually works for me but then I put on the sexual and they may be turned on but then they don't want to be around me. It doiesn't happen all the time but I have a lot of girls that suddenly without excuse steer away. Sometime I think they are suspicious. and a little suspicion turns to gossip.

        I didn't know taboo would make girls want girls. I have worn a lot of female pheromones and a couple times I picked up interest from guys I thought were straight. What does happen a lot when I wear the girls stuff is that I spot fashion like a woman. Nice shoes bag, wonder where she buys her clothes etc I just roll with it, its kinda funny and the girls like those kind of compliments better than something about being sexy etc. Social but not sexual, If I have gotten that vibe I wonder about their sexuality a bit but they are probably wondering about mine as well.
        Maybe a better way to phrase it was that I was thinking about hot women the way a guy would as opposed to how I normally view them. Not sure I actually wanted to have sex with them per se but I saw them in a sexual way and had an energetic draw towards them I normally do not.

        That's interesting about your fashion sense changing with women's pheros LOL.
        I'm happy to say I now own all women's and unisex XS products on the site

        Molecules: B-nol, A-nol, xsp82, xsp86, xsp74, xsp96, xsp106, xsp107, xsr32, xsr46, DHEAS


        • #5
          My hubby knows im using them and still working
          At some point even if you tell,they will forget


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