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the testing struggle

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  • the testing struggle

    just wanted to share the struggle of testing and hoping to get a thread filled with helpful tips.

    it happens so often, especially while testing a new blend or a new dose, that i read too much into people's not overly receptive behavior.

    best example is last night. i had 3 sprays of M3x (very high none content) instead of my usual 2 and i went to a place where we were organizing a party.

    now those people i was working with, i know only briefly for a few months, they are mostly strong and quit aggressive women.
    our relationship is pretty rough more often then not.
    its a long story but basically i got a position in managing them in the student organization, even though i am kind of outsider.
    i technically belong to a different faculty lol, i got the position couse they werent any other candids.

    anyway, they were quit cold to me, which shouldnt be too much of a shock, but together with a bit of coldness from another friend or too i was starting to think about ODing and contemplating washing off a part of the app point.

    i forgot about the whole thing after an hour or so, had great time in a great party.
    everybody were happy and all those girls were thanking me for saving the day after a fuck up we had.
    (they did bust my balls most of the party for this fuck up though, which wasnt my fault).

    so eventually i would say, the blend worked quit well and i definitely did not OD.
    the friends that seemd a bit cold at first were super friendly just 20-30 minutes later in the next interaction we had.

    it was just a bunch of factors combined that had nothing to do with the pheromones i was wearing.

    i find myself getting this mind fuck quit often.
    its so hard since i am looking for reactions from other people and if i have several cold or weird interactions in a row its hard not to link it to the blend but many many times its really has nothing to do with it.
    once i think it might be the blend i get paranoid.
    just in the same way, a string of good interactions dosent necessarily means its the pheros, but thats much less of a mind fuck for obvious reasons.

    so what do you have to say about this testing thing?

  • #2

    When it comes to the people you already know the baseline of, you will know if a blend work or not. The thing here is that they know your baseline too, so if you suddenly switched it up, they could think you are up to something. And this is the reason I like to switch up the blends I use among my friends and to avoid certain blends when I am with certain friends.

    ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

    LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


    • #3
      thats true but even though you know the baseline, people moods change and they dont always act the same which could be more confusing.


      • #4
        Originally posted by hombre View Post
        thats true but even though you know the baseline, people moods change and they dont always act the same which could be more confusing.
        This is the price we pay for dealing with humans.

        ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

        LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


        • #5
          I mean, unless you're OD'ing badly or covering incorrectly, I doubt mones bear that much responsibility for negative interactions. Other factors weigh more heavily in a person's psyche.


          • #6
            Originally posted by nephil View Post
            I mean, unless you're OD'ing badly or covering incorrectly, I doubt mones bear that much responsibility for negative interactions. Other factors weigh more heavily in a person's psyche.
            which are exactly the two things i can get worried about when people acting weird.


            • #7
              Originally posted by hombre View Post

              which are exactly the two things i can get worried about when people acting weird.
              Yeah, I've noticed a small minority of people are REALLY sensitive to the smell no matter how much you cover. Particularly with enone and cops but also rones.


              • #8
                Originally posted by hombre View Post
                it was just a bunch of factors combined that had nothing to do with the pheromones i was wearing.
                Yes, a lot of factor from you and their state of mind (of the targets), perhaps first when you came to the room, they had something to bother in their mind (which we could not control). That's only one factor, it could be numerous variables affect people
                PXS: Taboo, Xist, Evolve, Cohesion, Ascend (oil), SOB, Glow, Celebrity, Crush, Love Boat, PSE
                PT: Aura of Amity, Alpha Androsterone, Treasureful Shine*
                APEX: Manimal 2
                * sample bottle


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