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Can Pheros have an affect similar to their hormone/drug property?

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  • Can Pheros have an affect similar to their hormone/drug property?

    [Androsterone is also known to be an inhibitory androstane neurosteroid,[5][6] acting as a positive allosteric modulator of the GABAA receptor,[7] and possesses anticonvulsanteffects.[8] The unnatural enantiomer of androsterone is more potent as a positive allosteric modulator of GABAA receptors and as an anticonvulsant than the natural form.[9]Androsterone's 3?-isomer is epiandrosterone, and its 5?-epimer is etiocholanolone. The 3?,5?-isomer is epietiocholanolone.]

    - Wikipedia

    So, the question is, can the pheromones themselves (via skin application) affect the body and mind's anticonvulsant properties and/or interfere with GABA functioning in the brain?

  • #2
    You would need mgs in a solvent that could be absorbed easily. Usually only a small percentage is absorbed, so probably not enough to make a difference.

    Here's an example of Androsterone (1mg per drop) in a solvent that absorbs nearly 100%.


    • #3
      the effects from pheros will usually be different to some extent, or have nothing to do with the effects of the same compound in the bloodstream.

      the reason is, and correct me if i am wring, that pheros act on receptors you have in the nose and not on the receptors inside the body.
      those might be and often are different receptors with different purpose.

      that being said, pheromones can have a major effect on hormones and nuerochemistry, including the GABA pathway.

      i am also pretty sure that androsterone specifically, can act as a GABA agonist for females.
      but that i say only from it being a know mood uplifter and relaxant for them, not from studys about it.


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