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AD Did It To Me This Time

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  • AD Did It To Me This Time

    Was contributing to a post on p83 and made the comment that I had never experience it do anything for me. I know what its supposed to do and I'd never seen those effects yet.

    The thread was deleted after someone contributed to it and I was sent an email. Tried to go to the thread through the email link and its gone.

    So there. I heard they did it to people and now they have done it to me.

    What are they intending to accomplish?

    All I did was offer an honest opinion and say I was going to continue testing until I figured it out.

    Makes me less likely to buy anything but the one product I can't find elsewhere.

    Open research and reporting, positive and negative, are essential to the advancement of pheromone studies.

  • #2
    Well at least they let you post... I couldn't even do that!


    • #3
      My negative post on mx353 is still there. Not sure what their methodology is but I'm only there for a314.


      • #4
        I had a lengthy post of revealing some molecules and comparing effects of known molecule and a few posts of mine vanished.


        • #5
          Kimba, could you reproduce those revelations on here or did you so on Pherotruth?


          • #6
            Neither. I was making my extrapolations from P's to named molecules and what molecules are close. I didnt ave the post and it was fairly AD specific.


            • #7
              I had same thing happen to me. Then everything I would post would need mod approval. Even in my own damn journal! Thats when I knew Androtics is bye bye for me


              • #8
                This^ I needed mod approval for the very first few times that I posted... I waited so long and nothing... So that's when I just said phuck this... Jumped on over here...


                • #9
                  i did respond someone on AD Forum he was asking about product that can get him out of "friend Zone" after two weeks no one responded him, so i mention to him Xist could be the solution for him as everybody say its reset button, they didn't publish my post, one week later go check if they approved my post til now they didn't publish it. so now i don't go even to check posts of others on pherotalk as it seems AD want to sell only their products and they don't care about your experience, now my main forums are Pherotruth and DiscoverXS...and as i see SteveO added Some Alternatives to Putative of AD hope to test some soon and looking forwad P96.
                  Pheromone: ACE, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Love Boat, Connections, A1, Bnol, Anol, Celebrity*,Barely Legal*,Thinker*,Crush*,XS144 (OUTSPOKEN)*.
                  Apex: Core, Imprint, CV3*.
                  LAL: Wolf, Primitive*, Aqua Vitae*
                  Androtics: Ammox2, TUTH, P75 2.5mcg 30ml FF22 | TO-GO:A314, Ammox1, TUTH, IO, IS, P130, P102.



                  • #10
                    Well, they're within their rights to forbid discussion about competing brands, their forum is to help promote their products. Of course, by not allowing discussion of other products, they alienate themselves from the rest of the phero community. Besides, forbidding discussion of certain products could imply that they don't want their members discussing products that probably work better than Androtic's. Just a theory.


                    • #11
                      Anything is possible and I think it is worth a try sending a message to one of the admins as to what happened. If nothing comes out of it then you can decide to ban them but at least try to see if it is.

                      I personally don't know why everyone just comes here because we are so incredibly awesome. Ty ty very much (Elvis voice) However, one has to be fair and treat others how they would like to be treated. I would want if there are any misunderstandings on the forum or the store in general that our clients/members contact us before making a decision to stay away


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