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Love Potion Perfumes and Alpha Dream...

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  • Love Potion Perfumes and Alpha Dream...

    I have acquired a ridiculous amount of Love Potion perfumes. R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S. I am aware of this "problem" and loving it I also have the entire women's and unisex line of AD products...and even one of the men's - for hubby ^_~

    I cut my pheromone teeth - so to speak - on LP and AD products. They list their molecules like Steve does, and it was my "need to know how this works" side that this appealed to...after all, if I don't know what's in something, how will I know what may or may not work for me from other companies? How will I know which blends suit me congruently and which ones just aren't for me? So a list of pheromones is the first thing I look for most often.

    Unfortunately, for the other companies, I got caught up in LP, lol. There are a bazillion perfumes that appeal to me there - even though their pheromones blends are more limited. But I have learned NOT to underestimate the POWER of scent and it's certainly become a handy tool for luring in a target to get a big shnoz full of pheromones...

    That being said, thank GOODNESS I have all of these perfumes because, Steve, your mones pack a punch! I have had the pleasure to go through my stash for complimentary scents that your products won't bleed through at some point, lol.

    Tease and Temptress are both bears to cover but a good floral or rich resiny musk does the trick...amber bases and honeys are complimentary too. Anything light or too soft - fahgettaboutit!LOL! Innocence isn't as bad, nor, oddly, is the DM spray and I've been having a great ol' time experimenting with DM oil!

    So, in writing this I kind of feel like I'm cheating on you Steve...or maybe I'm cheating on LP & AD with YOU? Really, I've barely "branched out" but I have to say that I am STILL blown away by the efficacy of Steve's products and I'm glad I stumbled onto XS. I still have some molecules to learn more about - what is pregnenolone brinigng to the table and understanding the effects of allo-thdoc better - but I'm looking forward to the adventure!

    You're never too old to learn NuTrix ^_~

  • #2
    Hi NuTrix!

    Are you directly mixing your LP with the XS blends or just using to cover?

    I just got some lovely scents from LP so I was wondering.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Ashley View Post
      Are you directly mixing your LP with the XS blends or just using to cover?
      Short answer? Yes, to both
      Long answer: I have experimented with LP and XS. Sometimes, after several hours, the XS products have "bleed through" depending on the molecules in the blend. XS fragrances Le Chocolat & Sweet Sensation are scrumptious imo! Just throwing that out there, and they cover flawlessly.
      Most of the time though, when I receive an unscented XS, I'll lightly scent the bottles with a neutral fragrance (LP Pure Sugar). Approximately 1 drop per ML depending on the size of the bottle, and this drastically cuts the "mone" smell when I spray them (like when you're in public and don't want to turn heads with ppl being all like WTH? ) Pure Sugar blends/layers nicely with other fragrances. Most of my LPs are oils, so I'll apply them first and then spray my XS over those app spots. Because I like the versatility to change things up, I only have 2 or 3 XS that I have actually fully scented the whole bottle, but you can certainly do that

      Hope this helps
      You're never too old to learn NuTrix ^_~


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