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    I have been reading a lot of user feedback/reviews, read some theories, conclusions on the decline of AD's products, including some of their flagship items. Which is why I've been searching for a product that can replace A314. Duplicate, if not improve, its effects, both on the wearer, and everyone alse around the wearer. I use it for work. I use it for projects and direct businesses. I still have less than a fourth of a rev.32 bottle. I do not want to buy from AD, as I haven't recovered from the immense disappointment I felt, after spending a lot of money on them, made a purchase last June 05. It is now August 12, and it's not here yet. And it is their negligence. It's their fault. My package missed the freight ride back to Manila, because they only started processing my order, a month after confirmed visa payment. Then they took almost a week for them to deliver my parcel to a California address, where a box was waiting for it, but it took sooo loooong!

    Anyway, any suggestions on products I could replace A314 with?

    Thanks for taking the time.. I anticipate interesting discoveries, and learnings from from your replies.

  • #2
    API is a decent replacement, it is nowhere near as harsh and unusable as the late A314 versions, however I would also consider Ascend. It has bags of status but people absolutely love you, I was finding with A314 that it was actually holding my career back because people viewed me as being too big for my boots or a know it all, I got lots of respect but people didn't really like me, once I started using Ascend I started getting alot more opportunities come my way, I was quickly promoted and I have had several pay rises, I was invited to go to social events with upper management, I can't give total credit to the product but it made working life so much easier. The only problem I have with it is, it does contain A1 and If I use it everyday it tends to build up and create problems for me later in the week, so I just wear 1 drop of the oil with a strong cover scent every other day at work.


    • #3
      Welcome to the other side Capricorn.

      I don't know, I think that A314 still have a place in a lot of ppl's lifes and to each his own. I am a girl so I haven't used A314, Ascend of Api and the guys will tell you more about their experiences.

      What I can tell you is that although Androtics has a lot of good products,Pheromone XS is one of a kind and can't be compared.

      Keep an open mind when purchasing and use our GOAL system for maximum results :

      As you learn more about pheromone xs and use our products, you will love this company for it's unique products and way of doing things.


      • Capricorn1959
        Capricorn1959 commented
        Editing a comment
        Hi KateD! I wasn't comparing. Not at all. I'm looking for something better, or different, or both. I'm here to experiment & learn. Thanks for making me feel welcome. Looking forward to your thoughts.

    • #4
      Have been using a314 for a year, but because of its strengh, i only wear it once a week max, as the respect wil last the rest of the week, but its a boring day the day that im wearing it. yes you can take charge people will follow but its boring and antisocial it makes people adviod you. I vote a314 for clubs over ascend. I Have been using ascend this week at work and it is way better than a314 for work. The only thing that i dont like is that its so high on mones im scared that if i use it in the weekday, even if i just use it 2/3 times in the week, it could cause build up on none/rone. and stuff my weekend mixes up. i usually wear p74 or betanol on fridays. so its happy friday at work and has no negative affects for build up for my nighttime application.


      • #5
        I've had A314 for more than a year, have gone through a full bottle of Ascend + 1/2 bottle of API. I've also got Hax C4 and True Alpha and have used up entire bottles of Wolf and Corporativo. I think they are all worthwhile Alpha products but there is something special for me about A314, a kind of upright fortitude to it, plus it has my favorite scent of all the Alpha products I've tried. I just bought another bottle of Ascend in the recent sale as part of the oil Ace Pack, but if I had to stick with one and only one product of this type it would be A314.
        Bad Wolf


        • #6
          Originally posted by GHOST View Post
          API is a decent replacement, it is nowhere near as harsh and unusable as the late A314 versions, however I would also consider Ascend. It has bags of status but people absolutely love you, I was finding with A314 that it was actually holding my career back because people viewed me as being too big for my boots or a know it all, I got lots of respect but people didn't really like me, once I started using Ascend I started getting alot more opportunities come my way, I was quickly promoted and I have had several pay rises, I was invited to go to social events with upper management, I can't give total credit to the product but it made working life so much easier. The only problem I have with it is, it does contain A1 and If I use it everyday it tends to build up and create problems for me later in the week, so I just wear 1 drop of the oil with a strong cover scent every other day at work.
          So what would you say are key differences between ascend and api


          • #7
            very clever name APi I got it right away as a math major hehe


            • idle
              idle commented
              Editing a comment
              glad you like it i was wondering when someone will comment on this directly

          • #8
            As a long time A314 user, I can say that I haven't found anything like it. I used to wear it everyday.

            When I first decided to move away from Androtics, because of constant disappointment, I wanted to find something like A314. I've tried Ascend and Api. They are not like A314, but they are good status products. Ascend I feel is the closest to A314, but frankly better. A314 just gave me an increadible alpha self effect, but it really didn't help me socially. It repelled people more than attracted. Ascend doesn't do that, but is still very alpha.

            When I wear Ascend + Bliss, I get pretty much the same self effects as A314. Ascend + Bliss + Xist is even better. Wear that combo, one spray each, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

            After being a diehard Androtics fanboy, I don't even wear any of their products anymore. XS just work better, and are way more effective!

            I hate the way Androtics does business and how dishonest they are. I doubt I'll buy anything from them anymore. Their products are just boring now. A lot of them are duds as well. I just can't believe their bs excuses anymore. They've screwed them selves basically.

            I hate their forum, I don't even go there anymore. You can not post anything critical on their forum. They will limit your account and you won't be able to post. Basically the forum won't load if you log in. You can only write positive stuff about their products. It's a waste of time.

            I'll stick with what works, and XS has made me very happy! XS products work amazing for me!


            • #9
              I'm currently waiting for Ascend to arrive and test it, as I was also looking for a replacement to A314. I tried API but I didn't catch any effects even at high doses (4~6 drops oil), it just seemed to be not working for me. I got the unscented version, and I remember reading somewhere that it was much less effective than the scented ones, but I like to use my own scents. Maybe there's some problem with the diffusion in the unscented one, I don't know because I haven't had the chance to test the scented ones.
              I'll try to report as soon as I can try Ascend.


              • #10
                There's also a ramped-up Ascend floating around...XS170 is it? Anticipating those reviews...


                • #11
                  I've heard some pretty negative stuff about a314 now, does anyone know whats going on with naturelle and royale versions? I got banned from pherotalk because of a post I linked to pherotruth! Not really interested in buying from them, but if they're trying to still scam people that's a shame and more people need to know.


                  • #12
                    Originally posted by thedean View Post
                    I've heard some pretty negative stuff about a314 now, does anyone know whats going on with naturelle and royale versions? I got banned from pherotalk because of a post I linked to pherotruth! Not really interested in buying from them, but if they're trying to still scam people that's a shame and more people need to know.
                    The latest batch, Naturelle & Royale doesn't seem to work. I've ordered the A314 oil and got Royale version. It does not work at all. I do not like the smell either. I did return it and got a refund in store credit form. So I don't know if it's a scam. I don't think I'll be buying from them anymore though. Too many problems with them.

                    XS product just work better for me. Yes Androtics products do generate "hits", but that is all they're doing for me it seems. I'd rather have real results that XS have given me. Everything is just more natural with XS. The way it should be!


                    • #13
                      Originally posted by thedean View Post
                      very clever name APi I got it right away as a math major hehe

                      www.pheromoneXS.comEuro Hub Now Available - www.EUphoricXS.eu
                      idle @ socials


                      • #14
                        hahaha let's see how many people can pick it up without being told the hints and googling! It's a replacement for a314..and its called API


                        • #15
                          Figured it out as a math major. I am totally lost here guys. What is he talking about?

                          Wha what does it mean?


                          • #16
                            API = A ? (the mathematical symbol of Pi) ? = 3.141592653589793.

                            Make sense now?


                            • #17
                              Ugh these blonde moments are so more attractive in the bedroom. Hmmmmppph


                              • #18
                                Originally posted by 2000GT View Post
                                API = A ? (the mathematical symbol of Pi) ? = 3.141592653589793.

                                Make sense now?
                                Yes I got it! Idle had a good laugh at me too.


                                • #19
                                  I can attest to this, A314 (ver. 18) was a high status monster. I found that at two drops max it was quite strong. It was great on new subjects, but caused issues around people that already knew me. The reason for that (which I didn't know then) was that I wasn't being congruent with the signature it was projecting of me, and that in return created conflict with those around. Instead, it caused people to s*it test me constantly. That's because of the high status given by A314, and the beta way of behavior on my part. Now, with new test subjects, it was great. I remember how high end women (8's, 9's and 10's) responded quite well to it. But again, I was not used to the hits from them, plus lack of congruence prevented me from taking full advantage of those situations. I stopped buying A314 because I started reading the results of those that were using the current watered down batches of it, and how it performed quite poorly, plus the shady way of business Androtics is conducting. Oh, and just like Ixist said, they did also limited my account on their forum, because of some criticism I posted.

                                  I've started using the Ascend oil with cops (unscented) and I have to say I like the way is smells. I usually put two drops on, 1 drop on each forearm, then rub them together, and then rub my forearms around my neck. Sometimes I cover it with a spray of cologne on each forearm, and sometimes I don't. I don't really find the scent of cops in Ascend offensive, but then I guess at two drops it is not that strong. I think once I tried three drops, but don't recall how everyone acted around me. I do not get the massive respect that A314 gave me, but I see how guys treat me with respect and a buddy-buddy vibe. Some go out of their way trying to qualify themselves, talking about the things they are doing in life and their achievements, they tell you all that not in a boastful manner, but like they need to gain your approval. At first I was not paying much attention to it, because I was looking for the A314 high status like hits, but then it started happening more and more, and I was like "why does he need to tell me all these things? Then it hit me that it was the Ascend I was wearing. I read once that copulins gets guys to act buddy buddy and also trying to get your approval, which is true, as I experienced this with Dirty Primitive as well. Some women do linger around you more than usual as well.

                                  With alpha signatures you have to play the part. It doesn't do much if you are introverted and just hang around in a corner by yourself. It definitely helps and makes a major difference to interact with people. I see that when I'm open to others and behave like an Alpha, I do get better responses (hits) from people around me. Better yet than to act, is to actually do your part in making that mindset part of your permanent self. For that I would like to thank as3 from pherotruth for sharing his (alpha mindset) material, I definitely see what a major difference it has made in me. I'm still a long way to go, but that's ok because I can see results already.

                                  Last edited by DssMaster; 10-02-2016, 11:20 AM.
                                  Androtics Direct: A314 v18 batch 2, Ammo, CTTM v2, IH, IO, IS, MX203, MX297, MX330, P74, P79, P83, TAA, TUTH
                                  Liquid Alchemy Labs: DP (sample), Primitive (sample) AV, Wolf, Nude (sample), NA (sample), Max-T-150
                                  LPMP: TLG
                                  Love Scent: NPA, SOE
                                  Alpha Dream: LIIK v1 & v2
                                  PheromoneXS: Xist, Ascend oil, Ascend oil -cops, ACE spray pack,
                                  Apex: Core (Fury), Chamber 36, Manimal 2


                                  • #20
                                    Originally posted by thedean View Post
                                    very clever name APi I got it right away as a math major hehe
                                    I got that right away too when I saw and read the product page for APi . Didn't say anything because I though it was obvious to most people, being that it is from the math level of my junior high school days ... I think it is a clever name for it too .
                                    Androtics Direct: A314 v18 batch 2, Ammo, CTTM v2, IH, IO, IS, MX203, MX297, MX330, P74, P79, P83, TAA, TUTH
                                    Liquid Alchemy Labs: DP (sample), Primitive (sample) AV, Wolf, Nude (sample), NA (sample), Max-T-150
                                    LPMP: TLG
                                    Love Scent: NPA, SOE
                                    Alpha Dream: LIIK v1 & v2
                                    PheromoneXS: Xist, Ascend oil, Ascend oil -cops, ACE spray pack,
                                    Apex: Core (Fury), Chamber 36, Manimal 2


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