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Combining Hoodoo magick with pheromones

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  • Combining Hoodoo magick with pheromones

    *GASP* A thread from masterfu678???

    Yes, it is me. I am back in the pheromone world, to be honest, I never left. I had mainly been on Pagodeiro and idontknow's co-owned forum. I had been doing most of my posting there. But unfortunately, their forum is now down, Pago told me a couple weeks ago on PT that EU internet laws prohibits any internet discussion of pheromones, you could get sued for just saying if a product works or not. (!!!!)

    But anyways, here is what my current status is regarding pheromones. I sold most of my collection that I accumulated from 2013 to 2017, the only product I kept are Holy Grail, Lady Killer, and SXD-9. But as you already guessed from the thread title, I am wearing more than pheromones. Currently I am also learning the magick belief system of Hoodoo. I brought some Hoodoo magick oils from a company called Lucky Mojo. I had been wearing both the magick oils and pheromones together out to the club, and I tell you, I had been having a lot of fun with it and have some very interesting reports.

    One thing I would like to add as those of you who are not aware of my thread and Pherotruth in general. I am only wearing what my own body responded the best to, if you have a favorite pheromone product, you are free to experiment with it. This is not like Garry's Voodoo as a product, which is all integrated together and you can't change any components to the product. Think of this experiment of mine of improving the idea behind Voodoo (product), but you can choose your own "witchy shit", your own pheromones, and your own cover scent.

    In case you are wondering, yes, you can even use your own favorite PXS products.

    In the next three posts I will copy and paste what I wrote on PT.
    Products I own:
    Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
    Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
    PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
    James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
    Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal

  • #2
    From Jan 7th, 2019

    Not too long ago I informed what Garry had told me in an email about Voodoo, some of you DMed me asking for clarification. Just to further clarify, Garry is honest when he said there are "love spells" on Voodoo. The only thing is that he used Hoodoo practitioners, not Voodoo practitioners. The two main difference is that Hoodoo is a magickal belief system that anyone with any religion belief can practice. In fact, a lot of Christians and Jewish people are Hoodoo practitioners. Hoodoo itself dates back to the early 1900s, a person that practices Hoodoo can be called a "rootworker" or a "root doctor", I personally don't know why they are called this, but maybe because they work with plants and dried herbs all day, which has "roots". Voodoo on the other hand, is a religion in Africa, a Voodoo believer can be a Hoodoo practitioner, but a Hoodoo practitioner might not be a Voodoo believer.

    Why do I know all this? Because I had been studying some Hoodoo myself and when Garry said that Voodoo's witchy shit is actually Hoodoo spells, it all made sense to me. Garry called the product Voodoo because most people don't know what Hoodoo is as it is an obscure tradition, but the concept of Voodoo had always been in pop culture such as TV shows, movies, and songs. If Garry does decided to be traditional, he could had called the product "Hoodoo", or "Love Spell" etc.

    With that said, this led me to do an experiment with my existing products. It is been a while since I posted here and chatted with you guys.

    I had settled on my go to pheromone signature, it is 1-2 spray(s) of Lady Killer and 1-2 spray(s) of Holy Grail, 1:1 ratio always, means if one is 1 spray, the other one is 1 spray, both side of my neck. In addition, I put some oil as scent on other areas of my face, but this oil is not any scented oil, they are magick infused Hoodoo oil I brought from the only traditional Hoodoo supplier called Lucky Mojo. Lucky Mojo is run by Catherine Yronwode, she has studied Hoodoo for 60+ years, and she also knows botany, she knows what each herbs supposed to look like. She is Jewish.

    Manufacturer and importer of traditional and folkloric magical, occult, and spiritual supplies based in the African American, Asian, and Latin American traditions.

    Back to the oil, the oil I brought is a 4oz rootworker oil that Lucky Mojo offers, when I ordered it, I specified what kind of blend I want this oil to have, the maximum limit is 4 blends. For you guys who want to do the experiment, first, select your pheromone product(s) of your choice, then when you order from Lucky Mojo for the oil, specify in the message area on the check out page the following blends:

    John the Conqueror
    Look me over

    John the Conqueror is for male only, if a female member want to try this experiment, replace John the Conqueror with Queen Elizabeth Orris Root. You can also read the thread and choose another blend from that thread, up to you.


    and yes, Lucky Mojo does have a forum. It is pretty strict, they don't allow you to start new topics, you have to post your question in the corresponding thread, and no derailing the thread, I already got 4 levels of warning because of that. But it is a treasure load of information.

    The shipping time of the oil depends. Lucky Mojo makes and prays their products, the quickest I received my order is about 2 weeks, they also don't give you any tracking numbers, but don't let this scare you from ordering, I had ordered from them 4 times already and I got all 4 orders, it just takes a while.

    Once you get the oil, carefully transfer them to a small pocket sized bottle of your choice. I transferred mine to a 10ml roller glass bottle, with a rose quartz as a roller ball (rose quartz is the crystal with love energy), and use the oil from the roller bottle instead of the 4oz bottle. Once this is set, apply the pheromone product of your choice, and then apply the oil with only in an upward motion, DO NOT apply downward. Reason being that you are "anointing" yourself with magick energy from the oil, upward motion means attracting something to you, and downward motion means sending or banishing something away. Our goal is to attract ladies, not send them away.

    I would apply the oil on my forehead or throat but that is completely up to you. There, now you turned everything you have into "Voodoo", but only when you have the oil on you. You can even use Voodoo, ask for no witchy shit, and use the oil from Lucky Mojo as the replacement. Or just use the oil alone with no pheromones. Another thing you guys can do is combine the pheromones and the oils together in a bottle like what you all had always been doing.

    One final tip: if you wanted to have more than 4 oils in a blend, you'll have to order them as single bottles or combine them in another 4 oz bottle and then blend them in a separate bottle of your choice, I have not tried more than 4 oils at once so you guys are on your own on this one. Lucky Mojo gives a basic description of what each of their product does and the picture also says a lot, use your best judgement.
    Products I own:
    Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
    Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
    PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
    James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
    Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


    • #3
      From Jan 18th, 2020, a little more than a year later

      Ok this thread had sunk long enough, time to bring it back up. I actually have reports of this experiment of mine, all in one night.

      A lot has changed since I started this thread, in addition to the mix I listed in the first post of this thread, I had two more, they are

      Influence https://www.luckymojo.com/influence.html
      Come To Me https://www.luckymojo.com/cometome.html
      Fire of Love https://www.luckymojo.com/fireoflove.html
      Love Me https://www.luckymojo.com/loveme.html

      Fire of Love
      Bewitching https://www.luckymojo.com/bewitching.html
      Kiss Me Now https://www.luckymojo.com/kissmenow.html

      So now my 10ml roller bottle is loaded with 8 different magickal Hoodoo formulas, you can fit a lot of magick in a tiny bottle lol. I don't put the mix with Kiss Me Now in the roller bottle, as sometimes I don't want the ladies to kiss me and initiate physical touch, but Kiss Me Now is the perfect formula for this purpose. and I add it separately.

      Also, here is Hoodoo practitioner's perspective on pheromones, it was these two responses that started this whole experiment, when I asked the question of "Can pheromone be combined with magick oils." I was only as skeptical as some of the members here, but now from my experiences last night, and extensive testing and observations, I can say that I had gotten the results I am seeking, and declare the experiment a success. Also it is now safe to say that "Voodoo" the pheromone product is rendered obsolete.

      http://forum.luckymojo.com/post390575.ht...es#p390575 (from Catherine herself, the owner of Lucky Mojo, she actually gave a pretty good explanation and indirectly answered some of the post above in this thread, pheromones and magick was never truly separate, they only are on a belief level.)

      Ok, enough about the magickal oil, now let's hear my experiences eh?

      Pheromone wise, I am still doing Holy Grail + Lady Killer, but now I am also adding SXD-9 into the mix, as I predict that SXD-9 will fit the HG+LK signature quite nicely. However, the bottle of SXD-9 I am using is from 2013, when SXD-9 was first released and Garry still haven't figured a way out to improve the gel's diffusion. I used it almost daily back 2016 and early 2017 but I stopped using it when I started the Holy Grail + Lady Killer combo. So now I started using it again 3 years later, which makes this bottle of SXD-9 7 years old now, but I can say that it still works, some really long shelf life there. The gel near the pump had dried out and I suspect the pheromones had evaporated a bit, so the hits I got was a weakened version of what it could truly be like, but this will be fixed as I start using the bottle again and the pumps becomes watery.

      Application: it is a bit complicated but not that much. I applied the magickal oils first on both side my neck, in an upward motion like I said in the beginning of this thread. Then I dabbed some of the Kiss Me Now on top of the oil I previously applied. After I finished with the oil application, I spray Lady Killer on one side of my neck and Holy Grail on the other side. Then I spray my 1 million cologne on both side of my neck. So now both Lady Killer and Holy Grail is sandwiched between the magickal oils and the cover scent. (Note on the magickal oil, there is mostly a heavy hint of rose and herbal smell, that is because rose petals are used in almost all love spells, along with sandal wood, angelica, etc.) I leave the throat area of my neck clean from anything oil related for SXD-9, this is because Garry told me back in 2013-ish that he did not add any scent to the gel for the reason that oils will screw up the gel big time, making it not working well or not working at all. 1 pump of partially dried SXD-9, but with some rubbing, it covered the throat area of my neck nicely.

      Self effects, initially I got a bit dizzy, but after a while, the positive mood kicked in and I was ready to party. This was around 8:30 pm

      Environment: night club, also, a tip about SXD-9, if you want to make diffusion better, getting your body warmed up is one way to do it, in a night club this translates to dancing, work up a light sweat, and let those tiny molecule fly!!

      Initially, I was quite reserved about dancing, this had always been the case for me, as watching people dance is enough for me. But at some point, I suddenly had this "I just wanted to dance and have fun and I don't give a fuck about what other people thinks." attitude, and I walked up to the dance floor and start dancing to the beat of the music. Immediately, this started the first hit on some of the guys near me. They were all like "Yeeeaaa", all buddy buddy and stuff, one guy just can't stop giving me high five and my palm hurts.

      After I danced a while, I decided to take a break and sat alone at a table, you know, just minding my own business. Pheromones (and the magickal oils) did not approve, they pulled three younger looking females to me, they were sitting at a table behind me. One is a blonde caucasian, one is a brunette caucasian, and the other one is indian. The blonde asked me if it is okay to sit at my table, I said yes, the blonde and brunette told me their name but I can't hear it very clearly due to music, we chatted for a bit, then blonde lady asked why I am not dancing, I tried telling her that I was taking a break but she quickly left my table at this point, but told me "I better see you on the dance floor" before she left the table, I did go back to the dance floor after this, and I saw them dance, but they did not see me. This is a pretty quick hit, but I'll take it.

      While I was dancing, I was near two other ladies, one is blonde and one is dark haired. I did not intentionally trying to dance with them, just danced by myself and having fun. When those two finished and left the dance floor, they actually came back and told me that they "appreciate of me dancing with them", I can't hear what they said clearly because of the music, but I can only attribute to all the stuff I am wearing on my neck, this is a "ladies go out of their way" hit, also pretty quick.

      The next one is a blatant sexual hit, like "HOLY SHIT it went sexual" hit. I can attribute this to both the pheromones and the magickal oil as well. I continued to dance by myself, this was about 11pm, at this point the dance floor was packed with people. Suddenly I felt a butt feeling up on my penis area, I was like "oh hello, what is happening?" I looked down and a lady was doing the grinding dance with me, you know, the dance move that mimic sex in the doggy position. the lady has black hair, caucasian, and she appeared out of nowhere. Normally, guys have to ask different ladies at the club to dance with them, and I had seen this with my eyes, the ladies put up their "bitch shield" and shut the guys down as quickly as they can, in a very cold blooded manner, and it is not very common for ladies to initiate dance first, which I learned from my research online, if a lady does this, it is usually when she likes a particular guy. So yes, this lady that is up in my dick with her ass was the result of the concoction on my neck. This is actually my first time of getting this kind of stuff, so I didn't know what to do, I know it now, I have to put my hands on the lady's waist and dance with her, but at the time I was clueless. The lady did this for a bit, then seems to talked to her friend for a bit, I saw her friend laugh, and the lady looked at me, seemed a little embarrassed. But this didn't stop the lady, she actually became even bolder with her moves. She put her around around my shoulders and pulled me in really close and started doing the slow grinding dance with me face to face, our body was so close that I can feel her boobs pressing against my chest. Later the lady eventually let me go and went to dance with other guys. Now after some research online, I definitely knew better of what to do, makes me wonder, if I know what to do at the time, what could had ended up happening?

      After that, it is more guys hits, more respect and buddy buddy from the surrounding guys. Later some guys and girls formed a dance circle including me, and we just danced the night away, the guys in the circle also told me things like "let your body free flow", or "put your hands up", "do this dance move" etc. So it is like they are teaching me how to dance.

      The last hit was another black haired caucasian lady, she was all smiles, and focused only on me, she let me grab her hand and spin her around, we had a good time. She is not as blatant as the lady who give me the grinding treatment, but she did do something that caught me off guard. During the closing time of the bar, this lady saw me again, while she was saying her goodbyes, she slapped my butt cheeks really hard but playfully, and walked out. Lol, my first time getting my butt slapped by a lady, it was exhilarating.

      That concludes this report. You can see a trend by now, all of these happened with me only dancing by myself and minding my own business, I did not initiate any conversation on my part. The combined power of pheromones and magickal oil will give you that attraction power and allure that will at least get you to have fun with some ladies, if not getting laid.

      One last note though, DO NOT sleep with this concoction on, I read on the Lucky Mojo's forum that Kiss Me Now and most of the love oil formulas will attract succubus (lady demons) to have sex with you while you are sleeping, while they appear as attractive human ladies in your dreams, you must wash the oil off. Unless you want to try what it is like to have sex with a demonic lady-ish being in your sleep, I do not recommend leaving the oil on overnight and sleep with it. The only time I see this acceptable to do is when you want to continue to affect the lady(ies) you scored while you two are sleeping together, as washing off the oils will cancel its effects immediately, unless you have something else that will keep her interested, such as imprinting you made while the magickal oil or pheromones was still in effect.

      Go here to read the magickal side of this story
      Products I own:
      Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
      Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
      PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
      James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
      Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


      • #4
        From Feb 03, 2020

        More stuff worthy of a report

        I had been doing the Holy Grail, Ladykiller, SXD-9, and Hoodoo oils combo for a few weeks now. Apparently I am now "The Legend" at the night club (HG's rockstar vibe)

        Last Friday, I was still doing the dance by myself thing, not actually trying to initiate any conversations. This was at beginning of the night, not a lot of people on the dance floor, and eventually it was just me and this other older and chubby blonde lady probably in her late 40s. She was with her friends and she was dancing for her friends to see, probably also a bit drunk. She noticed me and immediately expressed flirty behavior toward me, like wanting to wear my glasses, want to get close to me, want me to take off my shirt (I didn't comply, not in front of like 50 other people watching, alone in a private room, sure). Later when me and her were the only two people on the dance floor, she just decided to throw herself behind me and grabbed my hand trying to manipulate the way I dance. Everyone watching opened their mouth in surprise. If you are wondering, no I am not embarrassed, deep down, I was enjoying this whole ordeal, the concoction I am wearing on my neck is doing exactly what I want it do, can't get any better than that lol.

        Later me and this lady also grinded, which shocked the audience even further, the dance went on quite a while. The lady also introduced herself, again, didn't hear clearly what she said due to music, but she did mention that she has a husband. So a married woman basically threw herself and flirted with a random asian dude on the dance floor, while her friends watched. Bravo, just bravo. The lady later said her "I love you"s and left the club with her friends.

        A similar thing also happened the next day.

        I danced straight for about 5 hours, I was tired, so I sat down and took a break, watched everyone else dancing. Then I noticed a lady danced with what seemed like her boyfriend in front of me, I didn't pay them much attention, just watched everyone enjoying themselves. Then I noticed the couple that I mentioned above stopped dancing, and the boyfriend whispered something in her lady's ear. Then it happened, the lady came up to me and asked me to dance, I accepted and we danced, same thing, grinding, hugging, she grabbed my hand and put them around her etc. She told me her name, I told her mine, we hugged intimately and she said her "I love you"s and left the club with her boyfriend.

        So apparently, the concoction I am wearing on my neck can create enough respect from guys to make them happily wanting to share their girlfriend with me, at least to dance.

        I only saw this phenomenon in salsa social dance events, because that is exactly what it is, a social dance event, everyone is dancing with other people to socialize and making friends, but latin dances have a certain way to properly execute each dance moves, so it is really about the form and skills of your dance rather than the relationship status of a person.

        This does not apply to night clubs, because I usually see couples going to clubs together, but for drinking and dancing with each other only. No sharing themselves with other people, and the guy are usually being very protective of their girlfriend. But if we come back to my experience, all that had changed, there was no aggression or protectiveness from the guys even though Holy Grail has the Alpha vibe to it, plus the massive respect I got.

        In addition, this signature seems to let me make friends very easily. It was like anyone who got into my proximity are immediately drawn into me and wants to be my friend. Last Wednesday when I was at a different bar, a lady previously had no interest for me (even being my friend, completely ignoring me), suddenly opened her arms, hugged me, and now considered me as her buddy. Literally a "zero to hero" hit.

        I know this report primarily focused on the pheromones, but I think that the magick oils enhanced the pheromones as well. For example, Kiss Me Now is a magick formula that is specifically designed for intimate physical contact, including sex, except that there is no strings attached when using it alone, but I mixed it with at least 8 other different magick formulas to enhance my own masculinity, induce love feelings, influence and bewitch my presence on everyone's mind, and getting attention. There is a lot more than just no string attached hugging and kissing.

        One last note, it also seems that there is a very strong imprint effect. Much like the actual Voodoo product. I had seen people who I haven't seen for at least a month since the first meeting coming up saying hi to me and chatting me up like old friends. Most of them are probably drunk when they first met me, but it seems like they remember me regardless.
        Products I own:
        Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
        Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
        PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
        James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
        Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


        • #5

          ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

          LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


          • #6
            thank you very much for your posts and detailed analysis. you have discovered the new gold mine I have been looking for.


            • #7
              Originally posted by cbrn View Post
              thank you very much for your posts and detailed analysis. you have discovered the new gold mine I have been looking for.
              You are welcome!! Good things come when you go into the unexplored territory. Of course, pheromone wise, you don't have to use Holy Grail, Lady Killer, or SXD-9, use what your body responds to best.

              Last Friday, same thing on my neck. I had seen a "alpha superiority" hit.

              A blonde girl got on the the dance floor near me. I noticed later she is staring at me, I waved and said hi, that was all it take for her to become all giggly and friendly toward me. We introduced to each other. Later her two friends came along. One of them is a short brunette, I can hear from her voice that she is drunk, at this point, I say the blonde girl had already been affected, she introduced the short brunette girl to me, and we both helped the brunette to sit on the stage where the club's band plays. Me and the blonde girl had to lift her up since she is so short. Later, another guy nearby got impatient and jumped in front of me trying to dance with the brunette girl. What happens next was one of those jaw dropping moments. The blonde girl got angry and straight up told the other guy "NO!! Get out!! You are not welcome here!!" Then blonde girl turned to me with a big smile, said "You are good." Seems like the blonde girl are trying to set me up with the brunette, and she would normally have a bitch shield if I hadn't worn anything on my neck.

              After that, the brunette told me in a drunk slow voice, "You are in charge of me now", and she grabbed my hand, and told me to lead the way to the bar for her to get water. After that, all three of them left.

              I hope to see them again in the future, lot of regulars in this club, I wanna see the imprint effect on them and see of I can push this into the sexual territory. I feel that I am very close to that point.
              Products I own:
              Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
              Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
              PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
              James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
              Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


              • #8
                awesome! I just ordered a few things from them a couple days ago. all I got was a receipt and no way to track the order. was this the case with you?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cbrn View Post
                  awesome! I just ordered a few things from them a couple days ago. all I got was a receipt and no way to track the order. was this the case with you?
                  There is a tracking number, but they don't give it to you for some reason. Just wait, in my experience, when it is here, I have that gut feeling that it is coming, then the mail man drops the package at your door the same day or a day later after you had that gut feeling.

                  The fastest I got my order was two weeks, the slowest was a month and half. Reason being that Lucky Mojo hand makes their product, and they are actually pretty popular among the spiritual magick community, so they have to fulfill a LOT of orders everyday. Just wait, it will get to you.

                  So anytime you use the product, let's say oil. You have to state a petition as it had already happened. For me, I repeat to myself things like "all the ladies I meet looks at me, talk to me, and be my friend" as I was applying the oil upward. You have to tell the products what to do with your intentions.
                  Products I own:
                  Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                  Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                  PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                  James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                  Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                  • #10
                    hmmm... kinda sounds like good old fashioned wicca


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by cbrn View Post
                      hmmm... kinda sounds like good old fashioned wicca
                      Wicca burrowed a lot of stuff from Hoodoo (much older)
                      Products I own:
                      Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                      Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                      PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                      James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                      Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                      • #12
                        yes, far more complex. the whole thing of imagining and telling reminds me of a wiccan spell. this sounds a little less complex but still on the same level. as you are likely pointing out. very interesting too. now I realize that is sometimes the case with voodoo. you have to make it work to a certain extent to get the full benefits.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cbrn View Post
                          yes, far more complex. the whole thing of imagining and telling reminds me of a wiccan spell. this sounds a little less complex but still on the same level. as you are likely pointing out. very interesting too. now I realize that is sometimes the case with voodoo. you have to make it work to a certain extent to get the full benefits.
                          Both falls into the folk magick category, as that user on the Lucky Mojo forum pointed out (included in the first few posts), magick can only be proven by science in the realm of quantum physics, which can potentially morph your surrounding reality, make things happen that are not supposed to happen originally. Such as love spells.

                          She was spot on with her explanation of the magick pheromone combination.
                          Products I own:
                          Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                          Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                          PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                          James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                          Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                          • #14
                            masterfu678 have you tested any of these oils on their own?

                            Do you test them like mones?

                            can you "overdose?" How do you know the correct dosing?

                            there are so many questions and very little information that I can see about this.

                            why did you choose the mix you chose? Are that many necessary? Did it not work as well with just the original 4?
                            XIST s(+ aventus o), cohesion s, exotica s, barely legal s, taboo s, ascend spray, SOB o, Limitless s, Thinker s. Innocence s, API, Flirt, P96, TLG, alpha maschio, the hookup (vanilla), BW (scent), swoon, NA, A1, Cops,

                            Tom Ford tobacco vanille, oud wood, Prada Luna Rossa Carbon, Chanel bleu, allure Homme sport (+extreme), Blanche &gino Gino Storia, Versace oud noir, Eros, creed aventus, Bvlgari Man in Black , Wood Essence, D&G the one, light blue, 1million, YSLArmani Acqua Di Gio, code, emporio, clinique happy. Spice Bomb original, extreme, night vision. Jo Malone WoodSage&SeaSalt, Dior Homme Sport Burberry Sport, Mont Blanc Legend, Legend Spirit. Al Haramain Neroli Canvas. Guerlain Heritage


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by RelateSite View Post
                              masterfu678 have you tested any of these oils on their own?

                              Do you test them like mones?

                              can you "overdose?" How do you know the correct dosing?

                              there are so many questions and very little information that I can see about this.

                              why did you choose the mix you chose? Are that many necessary? Did it not work as well with just the original 4?
                              Good questions, easy answers.

                              No, you don't need to test them by themselves, and definitely do not need to treat them like mones. Heck, you can freaking dump an entire bottle of the oil on your hand and rub your entire body with it. But that would be wasteful and you might want to save the oils for later use.

                              The reason why you don't have to worry about dosing is the fact that the oils can also be used to anoint a candle you use when you cast spells, that is the more traditional use of the oils, wearing them like cologne is one of the many ways to use them, it is more like wearing the spiritual magick energy on you rather than physical and visible science like the mones, you could also say this is a glamour spell to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Typically, a couple drops will do nicely, if you really want to dose the oils. I do the same thing with the incense and sachet powder version of these formulas (mixing them together), but that is story for a totally different forum.

                              Here is a video by Madame Pamita, where she demonstrates the many different kinds of Lucky Mojo oils and how to use them.

                              There is actually not a limit on how much different kind of oil you can mix together, heck, I could mix the entire line of love formulas Lucky Mojo offers if I want to, but, I chose to mix these together to go with the pheromones. So some of the magick formulas might not go well, or the pheromones might already covers it.

                              Hope that answered your questions.
                              Products I own:
                              Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                              Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                              PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                              James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                              Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                              • #16
                                Just some more reports and future plans

                                Future plans first, I'm thinking about buying Voodoo again. I had a bottle of it, but I never had the interest in using it, so I sold it to RTboss, but I had been reading reports here and on PT, and I think I might give it another chance, getting it in roller bottle scented, and paired with "witchy shit". Even though I am finding success with what I am writing about here in this thread. I want to push the experiment to the max of adding Voodoo and Overdose into the combo, however, I am not officially considering Voodoo and Overdose as the 4th and 5th product in the combo as I am only microdosing them. Overdose will be from the sample bottles I will get in my next purchase of Voodoo. half to one pump from the sample bottle, and 1-2 inch of Voodoo in roller bottle. This is to give the combo a slight alpha kick once Holy Grail and Lady Killer stops working. Maybe I will buy Overdose again but I am still microdosing it (quarter pump in the full bottle)

                                Also, I am planning to smoke my new Voodoo bottle with Lucky Mojo's incense. I have all the love formula mentioned in this thread in powdered incense form. I mixed them in a separate bottle and I can dump some on my incense burner plate and light it. Smoking an item with incense is another traditional way of magick work. People usually smoke their room with a blessing formula (Van Van, Blessing, and/or Protection) to keep out bad spirits and protect themselves from them, but they also smoke their money with a few gambling formula before they go to a casino to help with their luck at gambling. Same thing with love formulas, for spells that involves a specific target, people would get their target's personal concern (handwriting, photos, hair, personal belonging etc) and smoke it with the incense. Smoking something is done by holding your item over the smoke, but not too close to the burning incense, obviously.

                                By doing this, I will be double blessing the Voodoo to maximize the magick component surrounding this product, on top of the "witchy shit", but also with Lucky Mojo product's magick.

                                If you are gonna do this, make sure to keep the room ventilated, and turn off your smoke alarm. Unless it is a room or house blessing ritual, I do not recommend prolonged inhaling of the smoke, because while the magick is there, it is still smoke, after all, normal fire safety applies.

                                On to the reports of the pheromone side

                                I realized that the blonde girl I mentioned in my very first report, where she sat at my table while I was alone, and the blonde girl in the report where she told a guy to "fuck off", is the same girl!! I saw her a third time, it was on Valentine's Day. I spotted her on the other side of the dance floor, I walked over near her, and right when I am in front of her face, she saw me, and instantly she had this BIG smile on her face, I can sense the genuine happiness in her. She immediately grabbed my hand and we started dancing. She was also with the same friends she had while we first met. One of her friends saw me and her are dancing, the friend was surprised, and gave the blonde girl a middle finger. The blonde girl didn't give a shit, she danced with me until the song is over. At this point, her friends left, I'm thinking her friend maybe got jealous or something, blonde girl told me she will be back to chase after her friend. Unfortunately, I never saw the blonde girl again that day, or any day after that. I'm still waiting to see her for a fourth time, I wonder what will happen on our fourth meeting?

                                It is also interesting to note that this blonde girl had been on my mind the most lately. Reverse imprint do exist with this combo it seems.

                                Last night, another crazy hit happened with a different blonde girl, same thing, I was dancing near her, purposely pretending not to notice her. But after a while, this blonde girl started dancing with me, right in front of her boyfriend. He boyfriend was like (O_O). I kept my calm, let the lady finish her dance, and let them go. Later I saw them again, but the other guy in the group stood in my way, seemingly trying to block the blonde girl from trying to dance with me again.

                                With all this being said, I had noticed that most of my female hits were with blonde girls. The only ones that are not blondes are my salsa teacher (black hair caucasian), and very few latinos. For the latinos, it was more of a friendly vibe than anything else, not overly attractive, and for my salsa teacher, she is only possibly attracted, even if she is attracted, I am not expecting much, as she is already married. The only possible attraction talk was her asking me if I am going to be at the dance next week (wanting to see me again), and giving me smiles when I waves goodbyes to her, but that could be anything.

                                But let's talk about the blonde girls, they shows signs of attraction within minutes of being in my magick charged mone cloud. I had a bride to be blonde girl dancing behind me grabbing my hand while still dancing with the other guy, I had blonde girls asking me to dance, of course we have the blonde girl I mentioned in my first report, and the one that danced with me in front of her boyfriend. Also a blonde cougar walked up to me after I lingered around her for a while and left, but she got scared away after I coughed a bit. (I was sick for a while)

                                I guess blondes do have more fun? Or maybe something in my mone cloud that seriously attractive to them.
                                Products I own:
                                Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                                Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                                PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                                James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                                Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


                                • #17
                                  well I got my shipment about a week ago. I have been using my own mix of attraction, fast luck, come to me, kiss me now and bewitching oil. Ive been using it in place of my normal voodoo with one spray of SOB and two sprays of ascend(my regular mone combo for the last few months). all I can say is WOW!


                                  • masterfu678
                                    masterfu678 commented
                                    Editing a comment
                                    Good combo. Fast luck is the luck in a hurry oil. People also use it for casinos and playing slots. Do report your experiences if you want.

                                • #18
                                  Yes... please explain WOW. !
                                  are you just using the oils (in upward motion?) or are you doing the whole incense thing too?
                                  XIST s(+ aventus o), cohesion s, exotica s, barely legal s, taboo s, ascend spray, SOB o, Limitless s, Thinker s. Innocence s, API, Flirt, P96, TLG, alpha maschio, the hookup (vanilla), BW (scent), swoon, NA, A1, Cops,

                                  Tom Ford tobacco vanille, oud wood, Prada Luna Rossa Carbon, Chanel bleu, allure Homme sport (+extreme), Blanche &gino Gino Storia, Versace oud noir, Eros, creed aventus, Bvlgari Man in Black , Wood Essence, D&G the one, light blue, 1million, YSLArmani Acqua Di Gio, code, emporio, clinique happy. Spice Bomb original, extreme, night vision. Jo Malone WoodSage&SeaSalt, Dior Homme Sport Burberry Sport, Mont Blanc Legend, Legend Spirit. Al Haramain Neroli Canvas. Guerlain Heritage


                                  • #19
                                    Also correct me if I'm wrong but it seems a lot cheaper to buy the oils separately than in a mix?
                                    XIST s(+ aventus o), cohesion s, exotica s, barely legal s, taboo s, ascend spray, SOB o, Limitless s, Thinker s. Innocence s, API, Flirt, P96, TLG, alpha maschio, the hookup (vanilla), BW (scent), swoon, NA, A1, Cops,

                                    Tom Ford tobacco vanille, oud wood, Prada Luna Rossa Carbon, Chanel bleu, allure Homme sport (+extreme), Blanche &gino Gino Storia, Versace oud noir, Eros, creed aventus, Bvlgari Man in Black , Wood Essence, D&G the one, light blue, 1million, YSLArmani Acqua Di Gio, code, emporio, clinique happy. Spice Bomb original, extreme, night vision. Jo Malone WoodSage&SeaSalt, Dior Homme Sport Burberry Sport, Mont Blanc Legend, Legend Spirit. Al Haramain Neroli Canvas. Guerlain Heritage


                                    • #20
                                      Originally posted by RelateSite View Post
                                      Also correct me if I'm wrong but it seems a lot cheaper to buy the oils separately than in a mix?
                                      Yes, it is a lot cheaper to buy the oil separately. But single bottled oils are very small. The mixed oils are in 4oz bottles. That is a LOT of oil. If you have the right mixture, could last you a long time
                                      Products I own:
                                      Alpha Dream: Glace, L2K v1
                                      Liquid Alchemy Labs: Overdose, SXD-9, Wolf scented, AV Unscented, Bad Wolf, Max T150, Asian for Asian(Samples: AV scented, Hypnotica, Primitive, Dirty Primitive, Possess)
                                      PheromoneXS: CohesionXS, ExoticaXS, XS129(PSE Beta) (Samples: AscendXS, EvolveXS, TabooXS, Xist, CelebirtyXS, Approach Confidence)
                                      James V Kohl: Scent of Eros
                                      Journal: https://discoverxs.com/forum/mens-jo...erfu-s-journal


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