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I'm a happy camper....again

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  • I'm a happy camper....again

    I'm a happy camper again.

    I got to the office and saw the familiar USPS box on my desk, checked it our and had to stifle a holler of joy after seeing that it came from SteveO. The box was partly opened (probably by Customs for inspection) but the bag inside was sealed and untampered. I was pleasantly surprised as the goods came in 9 days after dispatch by USPS, instead of the 3 weeks that it usually takes to arrive in my city.

    Inside the package was another mark of Steve's generosity. There was a note inside informing me that he was donating a generous amount from his sales for those who were hit by the recent super typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. I agree with him as we all must pull together and help those in need, be it in the US, Europe, Asia or Africa.

    Inspecting the package, I was surprised again. I ordered my nth bottle of Evolve, and found out that Steve (again) put in some other grand stuff like full bottles of XiSt, Love Boat and Taboo (all filled to the brim) and pop rocks as gifts. Thanks very much Steve.

    There was the usual "sweating" in the plastic bag, but I just wiped the bottles down with some wet tissues and had them air dried on top of my desk.

    Great customer service as usual!

  • #2
    Steve always give great customs service. I have never received freebies to the tune of multiple full bottles, but I would imagine it must have made your day.


    • #3
      It did bud. Made a great day for me indeed! Well, everyone knows that Steve is very generous. This isn't the first time for me to receive full bottles as a gift. He has done that a few times before.


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