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Shout Out to Steve O!

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  • Shout Out to Steve O!

    Steve O, I wanted to say you've accomplished some great things!

    My first mone was Primal and I used it back in 2003. It was just straight 5mg of enone. It had the copulins scent and I don't even remember what effects it had. Looking back maybe it did, but at the time I was a novice.

    Eventually through research, I found AD and I started using A314 from you and Michael Harris. I'm guessing it was about 2005. I would call and you always gave an honest consultation and really became the primary reason I stuck with AD for 10 years. I loved that original A314, Ammo, IO, and even Shine. I've used those interchangeably and consistently for 10 years and have accomplished unbelieveable things personally and professionally.

    I moved from NYC to Los Angeles 2 years ago. And just last month January 2015, I sprayed my last spray of AMMO and had nothing for about 6 weeks. It's not that I use mones everyday since 2003, but I always had some when necessary. In those 6 weeks I went to alot of functions and had alot of scenarios where looking back I wish I had them at my disposal. Not that I couldn't of, just didn't.

    That break helped me to realize how to use them more effectively and how to observe the effects. There was a time where whenever I go to a club just spray on AMMO and go. Ammo worked for itself, but I became less observant due to me just using it like a designer cologne. Now, I'm able to be more observant and specific when choosing the right molecules for the desired effect.

    It was actually your name popping up in threads that led me to XS this month. Because of you, I came to pheromonexs to research and experiment. You're a modest guy, but you are the one who made AD big. And now with your expertise, you're able to make the same products we love , but better. Faster, Stronger, Longer, Purer, and definitely more affordable.

    The reason why I said You've accomplished great things is because you have grown personally(everyone has great things to say about Steve O), professionally(CEO your own brand which is worldwide and helping people to accomplish their goals), and still humble enough to be honest, down to earth, and extremely accessible.

    Steve, I know I may be singing to the choir, but you've made quite an impact! World-wide..

    Thanks Alot

  • #2
    Steve O rocks! I found the site too, after seeing some references in posts on other discussion sites. His reputation precedes him, and I am enjoying the products!
    Just expanded my collection.... XiSt, Cohesion, Bliss, and Evolve. Trying out the massage oils too. Also have samples of Ascend, Thinker, and Connections.


    • #3
      Thank you for the kind words, but I never had anything to do with any blend at Androtics, other than ones I personally created and submitted to the MX system such as ICM. A314 is Michael Harris brainchild and has absolutely nothing to do with me.

      So while the vote of confidence is appreciated, every XS blend is a blend of its own not associated with Androtics in any way. My personal and now company philosophy is very simple: offer only the products we personally use.

      As for the world-wide impact, well again thanks, but the real credit goes to the individual willing to take the first step and make the changes. A tool is only a tool unless the person who is using that tool puts in all the effort and work. XS only offers a tool and in this communities hands it has shown all that it is capable of. The real impact is made by everyone here using these to make that impact.

      Thank you again for the very kind words

      Steve O

      This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

      A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

      discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

      Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
      Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


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