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This store can change your life

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  • This store can change your life

    I've been meaning to write about this for a while now. I discovered pheromone products around mid 2013, and after playing with some lesser products I found my way first to a store that largely caters to women, and more recently to the wonderful XS. I am in love with both of these places, and feel no need to look further afield. The first place has helped me to see what mones are capable of in congruence with behaviour, but as someone who feels things very deeply and projects that energy very strongly, I also learnt that how I feel about myself and others is ultimately the most important thing. There were ups and downs in my experiences depending on my state of mind.

    Then in mid 2014 I stumbled upon this place. It's hard to clearly articulate the difference it has made to me, except to say that these products have actually initiated a process of transformation within myself that goes beyond the impressive "faery glamour" effect they may produce in any given moment. Sometimes the changes have felt like subtle energetic shifts. At other times they have burnt through me like witchfire in the blood, allowing me to begin reinventing myself like a phoenix reborn from its ashes.

    They are powerful, and will help you to become the person you desire to be, if you allow them. I needed to discover this place so much. I had reached a point at which my fear of my own self, and others, often paralysed me. Now I finally feel like I can begin to move and breathe more freely than before. So thank you a thousand times from the bottom of my heart Steve, and all those who make this place a reality. What you do here is more important than you may ever know.

  • #2
    A thoughtful post!
    Bad Wolf


    • #3
      Wow! No,thank you Morgaine. Your thread truly touched my heart and I am sure it will do the same for the other members of the XS team as well. I recently sent fan mail to Idle and it made him so happy to wake up to him, he asked me to keep it coming. You guys are not aware of how much we love helping and making this world a better place.

      Threads like these give us the motivation we need to move on.

      No man is an island,we all need each other we need you and everyone in this community just as much as you need us. Sending the power of a thousand lightning bolts of love your way.


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