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Weird USPS thing

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  • Weird USPS thing

    Heya peeps!

    My amazingly amazing order is being shipped to me right now and I'm going bonkers every day checking up USPS tacking lol . Though, there appears to be something really really weird going on there; For five consecutive days, the last status keeps being updated which is messed up and is making me worry as to what is going on in there. For example 5 days ago it says the item departed this facility on December 7 at 6 PM for example, the next day it updates to say the item has departed from the same facility on December 8 at let's say 7 AM etc etc till today I just received yet another update on my email saying the Item has departed from the same facility on December 12 at 11:40 AM. What the? I really hope they didn't mess up and lose my package or something and I can't contact them as I don't live in the US to provide a state etc etc

  • #2
    My last XS order had an inexplicable reroute that caused it to arrive three days late.

    I also made a recent order of Laid Paste that went from Texas to Maryland before coming to me in the upper midwest. It ended up being several days late, too.
    Bad Wolf


    • #3
      3 days is okay! But 7 days is a lot lol. The weird part is that the time is only updated not the location which is really confusing as to what's wrong to it. I'm okay with it rerouting or something but at least for them to say where the package is at not saying that it departed and they keep updating the time every day. If you were to think about it logically, it would seem like they made 7 different identical shipments that keep shipping everyday oO get my point?


      • #4
        Woot, the order is back on track! It reached Jamaica . You know? You guys might think I'm crazy but, one of my favorite order experiences is tracking where the package is . Dunno if anyone has that too, but I love this stage (Shipping) with the package jumping from place to place and me checking online every now and then where it is


        • #5
          I'm afraid I'm only happy to see the tracking say delivered to my post box. My last order went out Lightening FAST as usual saying Monday delivery. I was so happy all day at work knowing when I got home the package would be there. [My post arrives around 2:00] Got home got the mail...NO PACKAGE! UGGGGHHHH!!! Check the tracking your package arrived late but WILL be delievered TODAY, I was refreshing that tracking page all afternoon. Then AHHH all of a sudden it showed delivered to my KEY box around 6:30 PM! YEAH! I ran to the postbox went into my postbox to get the key to open the key box [Big Pheromone Package order ] And NO KEY in my box!!! UGGGHHHHH!!!! Again! How could the postman not put the key in my box??? I was ready to smash the box open! I was on the phone so Fast to the post office of course closed at that hour. Sent an email.. Nothing I could do except STEAM! When all of a sudden there was a knock at the door! The postman had put the Key in the WRONG box and my neighbour had the key and my package! And they had kindly brought it over! I breathed a huge sigh and thanked them endlessly [It was a new postman by the way] It was a CHRISTMAS Miracle! Do you think I have a pheromone problem??? I have to say I only got this testy in the past while waiting for "other things" to be delivered!


          • Dignify
            Dignify commented
            Editing a comment
            Lol, guess Santa does XiSt. (Pun intended)

          • XSteveO
            XSteveO commented
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            AWESOME how things work themselves out

        • #6
          Woot!!! The doorbell just rang now and after opening, there was the mail guy delivering the products!! I opened them like a 3 year old that got his X-mas present lmao! Thank you so much Steve and thank you for the little present

          BTW, the shipment on the site still says arrived at USPS facility in Jamaica O_o... Lmao... also,for 27 days the free shipping is actually pretty fast... I thought it would be taking about 3 months for it to get here. I wanna thank you guys for adding the free shipping option that I've never seen anywhere though cuz I'd rather squeeze in a product than waste it on transportation costs.

          Can't wait to start messing with the products, but first! Gotta wait till the vacation is over so the real thing madness


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