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  • Temptress

    Ok so I've been reading around and like many I'm intimidated by temptress. I didn't order it but I plan to. I heard tease is awesome which I ordered so I'm super excited to test that out. I saw on pherotruth someone suggesting to try both. Has anyone done this? In my head I was comparing temptress to Instant Sexiness A but I've been told there isn't any comparisons between products. Has anyone mixed the two or maybe used a little of temptress under the nose for self effects and then tease for the public? Or....( sorry) used temptress and then lightened up with some socials so you didn't scare anyone away? I want the confidence selfies as it's something I'm currently working on. However, I understand getting positive hits from others does increase your confidence. Ladies, you know as a woman when your confident in yourself and feeling it, you can do anything! Who knows I might get my confidence from some of the unisexy ( love that name lol) products since they seem to uplift the mood. Let me know your experiences ladies and I'll keep catching up on the journals.

  • #2
    Best advice I can give, is to try it out. Don't let the name intimidate you. Obviously I've never used it but I'm curious to see how it works since we don't have too much as far as reports on it. You can always ask for a sample with your next order if you're still on the fence about it. Good way to try it out without putting down the cash on it.


    • #3
      I totally agree with 2000GT, try it out, that is the only way you are going to know for sure. Steve actually suggested Temptress to me when I wanted to purchase mones for a friend of mine. She is a business women who is very hard to read. She is strong but in her approach she is always very diplomatic and isn't afraid to use tears to get her own way. She expressed her difficulty in sometimes getting the respect she needed from her staff and being afraid of confrontation felt they were taking advantage of her.

      I relayed that information to Steve and he advised Temptress. Yes, it did do the trick.

      I haven't used it at work because of the nature of my work. I haven't used it with the hubby because I don't want to come across as too strong.

      I have however used it around women who were very Alpha , bossy in nature and always wanted to intimidate and boss me around because my features make me look childish and I don't like to be dominant with people. Bossy women can smell fear and softness a mile away.

      Pheromones is nothing to be fearful of because they are not magic potions. You are not gonna turn into a mouse or turn someone into a frog if they are use correctly. The worst that could happen is you have no effect at all or you may experience negativity from those around. That is only for the time frame you are using it. I mean we all know whether or not we use pheromones we gonna experience shitty treatment and behavior from others. When you think about it , not so scary.

      Any product you are tempted to use but just a bit doubtful about, I suggest requesting it as a freebie and trying it out anyway.


      • #4
        Good advice. I plan on trying it for sure. I guess I wanted to know the best combos with it. When I get my package today (yay), I'll hopefully be doing alot more testing and less questions on the forum. I'm just eager. I 100% agree with you all though, I need to test it on myself first. Thanks for being patient with my questions.


        • KateD
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