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Body language + pheromones?

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  • Body language + pheromones?

    If you have a better body language... ( more feminine, less anxious, more social ) will this help the pheromones do a better job?
    Can a bad body language ruinen the effect of phermones?

  • #2
    Yes. Definitely.I can't speak for the ladies, however I assume there are similarities. If for instance you wear something that projects as alpha, but you're slouching, crossing your arms a lot, not making eye contact, or acting nervous etc. can create sort of a confusion. Basically, if you wear a sexual blend, be sexual (appropriately). If you're wearing a social, be social. There was a time not too long ago when I was drenching myself in cohesion. I got some great effects when I did some simple mirroring. Cohesion is for comfort so I made myself appear familiar. I am excited to hear from the ladies on this topic.


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply.
      I think I will get some Cohesion in the future.
      I am already trying to improve by changing my body language...
      is there anything in particular that could improve my self confidence?
      something that would have a great effect on myself?


      • #4
        Im no expert, and honestly only somewhat knowledgeable about the intricacies of body language, however body language is sometimes like mones. "Less is more". If you make your movements more precise, you make yourself seem precise as well, which will project as confidence, which at some point turns inward. It takes a while to nail down and it does not mean moving at snail's pace. On a side note, I've found that foot direction plays a great role in controlling conversation.


        • #5
          I actually meant what pheromones I should use, but thank you for your advice anyways.
          ( I heared if you want to make a guy kiss you you should look at his lips, I am totally going to try this soon. )


          • #6
            To your initial question, yes and no.

            I've gotten some great self effects from pheromones that have caused me to be, or want to be, more social so on those occasions I've struck up conversations where I might have otherwise just stayed quiet.

            The flip side is that more often, being congruent has been phenomenal in my interactions. When I wear Temptress, I behave like an alpha female goddess, and when I do, people seem to follow suit - which I quite like....So yes, body language and being congruent with the blend you wear will be hugely beneficial There is TONS of stuff online/youtube etc that you can find out a little more about body language for a quick crash course if you care to....most of it you're already doing by instinct lol

            To your 2nd question - which blends - depends on what you want. A fun, flirty social is definitely TeaseXS. FlirtXS has been lots of fun too. Desire Me PlusXS is simple, but effective. Read up on the reviews and see what you think Good luck!

            You're never too old to learn NuTrix ^_~


            • #7
              Body language definitely helps or hinders pheromone usage. Body language is very much influenced by (and can also in turn influence) your mental attitude towards yourself, others and the situation you are presently in. If you feel like crap for whatever reason, it's harder to make a happy, flirty social mone signature work for you, for example. I've noticed this myself- I am quite socially anxious, overly sensitive and self-conscious a lot of the time. This side of me comes out most when I'm interacting with others, so I have to try to move myself into a mental space where I'm feeling more open and upbeat before socialising in order to convey the right impression through body language, the way I speak to others, etc. Often I have to fake it quite a bit, because even if you're largely just pretending to start with, you can slowly inhabit that role more fully.

              Here's the thing: if your behaviour (not just body language) doesn't connect at all with the pheromone signature you're putting out then it can create a state of cognitive dissonance, both within yourself and others. This is when results can become disappointing or unpredictable. Try to partially match your energy to the energy of the pheromone blend you're wearing, and the mones will do the rest.

              Blends that sometimes help me feel more upbeat or confident include: Tease, Flirt, Vibe, Fantasy. Try wearing them out, see how they make you feel, and how that influences your interactions with others. Best of luck.


              • #8
                I'm going to put more in my journal about this, but I definitely think body language plays a part. I've been pmsing, and Being shy sometimes I could come off as a bitch from my body language. The pheromones still did something and my pms definitely hasn't been as bad, but I think if I wasn't pmsing and I wanted to be around people more, my results would be even better. I can't wait to experiment more the next coming weeks!


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