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Is there a black friday or cyber monday sale?

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  • Is there a black friday or cyber monday sale?

    Can someone tell if there is a black friday or cyber monday sale? really interested in buying some stuff. Appreciate your reply

  • #2
    In case you haven't read any of the blog posts, PXS' former facility had the roof ripped off it due to a storm (I suppose storm really doesn't describe it). SteveO and crew have re-located and I'm unsure how much of their stock was undamaged and how much they have to re-create to replenish stock. While we all hope they can continue the tradition of a holiday special it's understandable that considering the damaged they sustained they may not have sufficient stock or supplies to do so.

    I suppose we'll all find out together.
    My Journal: Fever's Follies

    My stash: Moved to the first post of my journal as it no longer fits in my forum signature.


    • #3
      Thank you so much for the info Johnny Fever, yeah me too, hoping to find out soon and order some stuff


      • #4
        Last I looked most of the sexual were sold out. I would doubt there will be a sale unless the inventory is full. Why would you have a sale if you can't keep up with demand yet ya know? Also, Lifetime discounts were suspended. I would expect after inventory is full, that and the return of discounts would signal some sort of return to normal business operations. They picked up two employees but onboarding new employees takes time too. While it can be good to throw new employees to the lions, Steve's pretty meticulous, and lions and newbies equals mistakes. There's probably other things on their milestone lists behind the scenes but those are two things I am keeping a personal eye on from this side of the fence.


        • #5
          Me too Muestereate patiently waiting 😊


          • #6
            Unfortunately, we can't have a sale this year. We are working as fast as possible to get products back in stock, but it's taking longer than we anticipated. I will be making an official post about this once we have some more things figured out!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hayley View Post
              Unfortunately, we can't have a sale this year. We are working as fast as possible to get products back in stock, but it's taking longer than we anticipated. I will be making an official post about this once we have some more things figured out!
              Thank you, and looking forward for it


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hayley View Post
                Unfortunately, we can't have a sale this year. We are working as fast as possible to get products back in stock, but it's taking longer than we anticipated. I will be making an official post about this once we have some more things figured out!
                Thanks, babe.

                ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

                LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


                Ad down
