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  • Hi there...

    Hello, I'm an 18 year old pheromone user who has been lurking around the pherotruth and pherotalk forums without accounts and been using the xs products, a little bit of everything, for a year now. I usually prefer to stay quiet and hidden online, but I found the community to be welcoming and I guess I could learn much from the forums.

  • #2
    Welcome aboard! I think it's a little badge of honour we can wear that people who, like you, don't tend to sign up to forums are willing to join us here in a more-than-reading way. Hope you can learn lots of useful stuff in your time here!


    • #3
      hey ascendxs welcome to the forum. I am also a lurker too but i figured it's about time to get in on the action. The people on here are very friendly so you in good hands. I am glad you joined and i hope you share your testing experiences with us . It looks like you also love ascend too. Please register for steve's newsletter, you'll be glad you did


      • #4
        Welcome AscendXS, another 18 year old... Now I don't feel so...young!


        • #5
          Hello there

          welcome to our humble but true community.

          please forget your past behavior (staying hidden).

          Join us and share everything that's on your mind

          www.pheromoneXS.comEuro Hub Now Available - www.EUphoricXS.eu
          idle @ socials


          • #6
            And yes, just like Idle said, you need to start posting. It's also a great way to learn more, if that's what you're after


            • #7
              Welcome to the forum! Yes, everyone else is right. Please do join in the discussions. You can learn some by lurking, but you can learn so much more by asking questions tailored to your own specifics. Plus you may bring info to the table that the rest of us can learn from. There's always more to learn. Enjoy your stay!


              • #8
                This is great! I have seen posts from quite a few lurkers already who prefer to just read and that thrills me. Even if you do decide to mostly remain silent I'm cool with that too. I just feel honored you decided to join the forum here and start posting after everywhere else. I really want to create a community dedicated to research and development of pheromones. Sure there will be some marketing aspects, but I'll be up front about that. I just hope we can all work together to discover all the ins and outs of the very cool exotic molecules I've been collecting for quite some time.

                I had a great conversation today with a person who asked me why my mones work so much better than anything else they tried. I believe it has a lot to do with actually using the mones myself for years. Understanding the intricacies of the molecules gives us an advantage. Its not just about using the most known stuff to throw a blend together, its about understanding the differences and all the gaps in the mone sequences. By filling in those gaps I'm able to create blends to hit hard, steady and without abreactions. I just don't believe in using the tiniest amount of mones and charging super high prices. Results should be in your face, not subtle. I work to achieve that goal and feel by sharing in these experiences we can all accomplish great things.

                Steve O

                This is my passion and my goal: to change the world, 1 person at a time, by empowering them with knowledge, know-how and the products that give them the ability to live their dreams.

                A dream or vision is only a pretty picture without the passion and willingness to get your ass kicked chasing after it.

                discoverXS is our adventure story! Thank you for being a part of it

                Pheromone Questions? (I like to answer the phones)
                Pheromone Answer Line: +1(901)-328-6433


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